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The bridge layout of the Defiant was compact, but nonetheless accommodated the familiar engineering, tactical, science, Conn, and Ops stations.

The main Bridge acted as the nerve centre of the vessel, and the entire module was sunken into a much larger Deck 1 than on most Federation starships to provide added protection during combat situations. Access to the bridge was provided by two doorways at the back, located on both port and starboard sides. Just forward of the starboard entryway was the location of the ship's dedication plaque, as well as an auxilary computer access panel.

The port side of the bridge housed the Engineering and Tactical I stations, while the starboard side featured the Science and Tactical II consoles. Because of its nearly exclusive role as a combat vessel, stations aboard Defiant class vessels were designed with speed in mind.
Lift to Transporter Room
Con Station
Display Screen of Ships External View
Command Chair
Operations and Communications
Lift to Sickbay
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