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The USS Texas is a Defiant class starship of the United Federation of Planets

Compact by design, The Texas has just four decks. A detachable pod at the front of the ship contains the main sensor, a navigational deflector, and a last resort matter-antimatter warhead.

Onboard, the Texas is far less comfortable than standard Starfleet vessels. Crew members are not normally given their own quarters - the standard cabins are designed to accommodate between two and six people. The only communal area is the mess hall on deck 2, though the ship does have a small wardroom where the captain holds meetings with the staff.
Main Engineering
Shuttle Bay
Warp Nacelle
Warp Nacelle
Sublight Impulse Engines
Sensor/Deflector Array
Sickbay and Crew Quarters
Image from "Starship Creator 2"
Defiant Information provided by "Memory Alpha"
Warp Nacelle
Impulse Engines
Shuttle Bay
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