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The nacelle is that outboard structure on starships which house the warp coils, that create a subspace displacement field, which warp the space around the vessel allowing it to "ride" into subspace, to provide the ability to travel faster than the speed of light. (ENT: "Cold Front")

The warp coils are fed by plasma conduits from the vessel's warp core reactor assembly. Nacelles are usually separated from the main structure of the ship because of the necessary continuum distortion which can take place around them, when at optimal levels, could be deleterious to the safety of ship and crew. On Federation starships, nacelles are usually grouped in pairs only for maximum efficiency, and separated from the ship by large pylons, and usually house a Bussard ramscoop at the fore end for the purpose of collecting hydrogen fuel to replenish the engines.
Federation Warp Nacelle
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