Last Updated January  23, 2000  9:32  am mst
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ikko bamboo
IKKO's  Joke Book  ikko bamboo
                You Know You've Been in the Martial Arts Too Long When you.........................
                - say to the salesmen in the store, "Nice pants, but I don't think I can kick in
                - can't walk by anyone in your school without casually exchanging a flurry of
                   mock strikes and kicks.
                - find yourself practicing bo staff techniques in miniature with your pencil
                   during dull meetings.
                - have the urge to bow everytime you leave or enter a room.
                - are introduced to someone and you bow to greet them.
                - find yourself practicing stances while standing in lines
                - bow going into and out of the bathroom
                - open and close doors with spinning kicks
                - buy shoes either because they're particularly flexible or have steel toes
                - when you want to say "I'm sorry" and involuntarily bow.
                - you go to the shoe store to try on shoes. Instead of walking or jogging
                  around the store, you practice pivoting, sweeps, stances and kicks.
                - You check to see if the shoe has a sufficiently hard striking surface and
                   whether it protects the toes well
                - Now when every time you pass a wall you start to wonder:'Is that
                  structural or drywall?' THEN you know you've gone overboard.
                - When you hit your head on a low doorway or ceiling and kick it in anger
                   and _damage_ it.
                - "What was I doing in my office when I was spinning around and flailing
                    my arms and legs?   Ahhhhhmmmmmmm....."
                - when you're practicing your arm blocks while driving down the highway,
                  notice someone in another car staring at you, and suddenly turn your block
                  into vigorously fanning away an imaginary fly.
                - when you use various strikes to turn lights off and on; (this includes your
                  feet folks)
                - don your clothing with kicks, thrusts, and punches
                - find yourself  idly doing iaido and kenjitsu moves with the plastic knives
                   at the fast food place
                - haven't gotten over the phase of seeing everybody walking around with a
                  blanket of little red cross-hairs on all their vital spots
                - leap to your feet and shriek with indignation while watching "Kung Fu",
                  "Walker, Texas Ranger", and "Highlander" at home
                - deliberately go to see martial arts movies in the theater so you can leap to
                   your feet and shriek with indignation during the movie, out in the parking
                   lot, and with all your friends the next time you're at  class
                - try to backfist the correct floor button on the inside of the elevator, based
                   on your memory of the button's location, before you get in far enough to
                   see it
                - notice you never stand with your arms crossed or your hands in your pockets
                - tend to keep at least one flavour of martial arts weapon close at hand by your
                   bed when you sleep
                - have at least one fantasy where you are a martial arts hero and end the fight
                   by saying someting so cool that you make Arnold Shwarzenegger and Clint
                   Eastwood look like nervous chatterboxes
                - have begun to master the reflex to commit a very messy homicide when,
                  directly after someone finds out you practice martial arts, they immediately
                  ask "Are you a Black Belt??"
                - I used to accidentally call one of my favorite professors 'sensei' with fair
                   regularity, and I don't think I'll ever stop saying 'hai!' instead of 'yes!'.
                - When you don't use any tools while splitting firewood.
                - Whenever you see some wood or concrete, even things like stools or tables,
                  and get excited while you picture just how you would go about breaking it.
                  Then you get funny looks as you feel it and give it a look of hard concentration,
                  then maybe measure off a few times.
                - and lastly, you don't even care if (and they probably are) the other patrons
                   are looking at you funny. (That's the big clue)

                Q:   How many Kenpo Instructors does it take to screw in a lightbulb ???
                A:   Ten.    One to actually change it and 9 to stand around shaking
                      their heads saying..."that's not how Mr. Parker showed me to do it!"

                Q:   How many 10th Degrees does it take to screw in a lightbulb ???
                A:   Nome.    That's a job for the 9th Degrees.

                 YOU'RE NOT A KENPO MONK

                A man is driving down the road and breaks down near
                a Kenpo Monastery. He goes to the monastery, knocks
                on the door, and says,

                "My car broke down. Do you think I could stay the

                The monks graciously accept him, feed him dinner, even
                fix his car. As the man tries to fall asleep, he hears a
                strange sound. The next morning, he asks the monks
                what the sound was, but they say,

                "We can't tell you. You're not a Kenpo Monk."

                The man is disappointed but thanks them anyway and
                goes about his merry way.
                Some years later, the same man breaks down in front of
                the same Kenpo Monastery. The monks accept him,
                feed him, even fix his car. That night, he hears the same
                strange noise that he had  heard years earlier. The next
                morning, he asks what it is, but the monks reply,

                "We can't tell you. You're not a Kenpo Monk."

                The man says, "All right, all right. I'm dying to know.
                If the only way I can find out what that sound was is to
                become a Kenpo Monk, how do I become a monk?

                "The monks reply, "You must travel the earth and tell
                us how many blades of grass there are, the exact
                number of sand pebbles on all the beaches and exactly
                which way is the correct way to perform the 154 Base
                Self Defense Techniques of Kenpo that SGM Parker
                left us with.  When you find these answers, you will
                become a Kenpo Monk."

                The man sets about his task. Forty-five years later, he
                returns and knocks on the door of the monastery. He
                says, "I  have traveled the earth and have found what
                you have asked for. There are 145,236,284,232 blades
                of  grass,  231,281,219,999,129,382 sand pebbles
                on the earth, There are 456,789,987,765,478,234,793
                different ways to execute the 154 Self Defense Techniques".

                The monks reply, "Congratulations. You are now a Kenpo

                We shall now show you the way to the sound."

                The monks lead the man to a wooden door, where the
                Head Kenpo Monk says,
                "The sound is right behind that door."
                The man reaches for the knob, but the door is locked.
                He says, "Real funny. may I have the key?" The
                monks give him the key, and he opens the door. Behind
                the wooden door is another door made of stone. The
                man demands the key to the stone door. The monks give
                him the key, and he opens it, only to find a door made of
                ruby. He demands another key from the monks, who
                provide it. Behind that door is another door, this one
                made of sapphire. So it went until the man had gone
                through doors of emerald, silver, topaz, amethyst...

                Finally, the monks say, "This is the last key to the last
                door." The man is relieved to no end. He unlocks the
                door, turns the knob, and behind that door he is amazed
                to find the source of that strange sound.
                Scroll Down
                 Bu,t I can't tell you what it is, because YOU'RE not a
                 Kenpo Monk.

                The Kenpo Shadow
                Al Tracy dies and to his surprise goes to heaven-
                the first thing he does is grab an Angel and ask:
                "Is Ed Parker here too?"
                The Angel goes "why, no he's not" --
                Al's so happy cause he can finally exist without the
                shadow of Ed Parker looming over him- so he's
                wandering along in the clouds whistling a tune when
                suddenly he hears all this whiz bang popping going on
                -he races over to the sounds and sees on a cloud near
                by, this big guy jumping and flashing the most awesome
                Kenpo techniques he's ever witnessed- his heart sinks
                and he looks over at an angel and says:
                "damn, they told me that Ed Parker wasn't here!"
                the angel looks over at the big guy and says..............
                "Oh that ain't Ed Parker- that's God... he just thinks
                he's Ed Parker"   -- Richard Steele

                Top Ten Signs you're in a McDojo:
               10. You instructor has a Grandmasters Certificate. In Crayon.
                  9. The Senior Assistant Instructor is a 4 year old black belt.
                  8. The sign in the window says the school trains in more than
                      10 martial arts.
                  7. It's a Korean art. {grin}
                  6. Your instructor tries to sell you Amway products.
                  5. While examining the schools tournament trophies, you find
                      3 for spelling bees and 2 for dance competitions.
                  4. Reading the contract for the school is considered a kata (and
                      a long one at that).
                  3. No one sweats.
                  2. While at a tournament, your opponent finds out who your
                      teacher is and high-fives his teacher.
                  1. When paying for your belt examinations, the instructor asks:
                      "Do you want fries with that?"

                The Top 13 Signs You've Joined the Wrong Martial Arts School:
                13. Your dojo's symbol is a bullseye target.
                12. First demonstration consists of falling to the floor, curling
                      into the fetal position, and whimpering pitifully.
                11. Frequent pauses while instructor tearfully stops to right his
                      spilled pocket protector.
                10. The "gis" are used hospital gowns, and the "throwing stars"
                       are just slices of old cheese.
                  9. The homework is always just to watch a Jackie Chan movie.
                  8. The techniques are only effective if your attacker is one of
                      the Three Stooges.
                  7. Instructor's low fees enhanced by take from one-on-one "pop
                      quizzes" in dark alleys.
                  6. Ghandi has a restraining order against your instructor.
                  5. Local muggers gather in the parking lot waiting for class to end.
                  4. Current students bark out on cue the phrase "Insurance does
                      not exist in this dojo!"
                  3. You take yourself to the mat 4 out of 5 times simply trying
                      to tie your belt on.
                  2. Sensei's "ancient Chinese secret" required notifying the
                      neighbors when he moved in.
                And the Number 1 Sign You've Joined the Wrong Martial Arts School...
                  1. Did Confucius ever really say he was "going to open up a
                      # 10 can of whoop-ass" on someone?

             Martial Arts Dictionary

                A martial art which allows you to defeat your enemy without hurting him. Unless
                of course his does not know how to ukemi in which case he has his wrist broken in
                about 20 places. See also Aikido: Origami with people

                Percussion class with people as the drums

                "Harness of the hand." A Filpino martial art, also known as eskrima and kali, centering
                around stick, blade and empty hand combat. Mispronanciation of the art guarantees a
                quick taste.

                A stick.

                A stick that looks like a sword.

                A religious doctrine and a marketing tool to populate asia with statues of
                short fat bald men.

                A biophysical energy generated through breathing techniques, which in defying the
                laws of physics and the basic scientific common sense, allows the user to develop
                super human strength.

                A term used in the Japanese martial arts for anyone who has achieved the rank of
                at least first-degree black belt.

                The sound uttered when the wearer of a Dan realizes that they will now get hit
                harder and more frequently during training.

                "The place of the way." A training hall or gymnasium. Very similar to a B & D parlor
                but without the mistress.

                A skirt sometimes worn in the Martial Arts but we don't really like to talk about it.

                "Way of the sword." The modern art of drawing the samurai sword from its scabbard.
               A rather interesting art developed around the principle of "look how big mine is".

                "Gentle way." A Japanese art where grown men roll around cuddling each other
                without apparently doing any damage. These men are often closet Hakama wearers.

                A lot like judo except that these boys like to inflict slightly more damage. Tend to
                get very angry when accused of being Hakama wearers and often are heard saying
                "You gotta a big mouth" See also ->People who fold your laundry for you----while
                you are still wearing it.

                "Empty hand" or "China hand." The primary purpose of this art is the destruction of
                wood and other natural products. Most Karate styles have a placing on Green Peace's
                most wanted list. This art will be outlawed by most countries by the turn of the
                century. Karate people enjoy pain, this is shown by their habit of fighting with their
                fists on their hips.

                A series of prearranged maneuvers practiced in many of the Oriental martial arts in
                order to avoid free sparring or anything else that may involve pain.

                A sharp metal stick.

                A strange and unusual past-time involving hitting each other with sticks and making
                in-human sounds. Could be a cult ??

                Kuk Sool Won:
                A combination of Kata, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Zen, Jujitsu and Master definitions
                but of course the tapes for Kuk Sool Won are much more expensive.

                Kung fu:
                A generic term for a majority of the Chinese martial arts. Many of these arts involve
                the emulation of animals. Many students of Pray Mantis spend years attempting to
                obtain the other 4 legs while students of Monkey Kung-fu tend to find themselves
                being carted off by men in white lab coats.

                A title bestowed on a martial artist who has attained advanced rank after long years
                of study or has started his own style after achieving kyu grades in at least 4 arts, or
                has completed the "Become a Master by Video" course available for only 19.95 per

                A stick with a sharp bit on the end.

                A rather confused individual who likes sneaking around at night in his pajamas.

                The art of being confused and sneaking around in your pajamas

                Bashing each other senseless in the hope that nobody realizes that you don't
                know any kata or techniques.

                Tae kwon do:
                An unusual martial art that relies on its followers to have the flexibility of a
                professional ballet dancer.
                Tai chi chuan:
                Another unusual art that promises ultimate power from moving very slowly for
                many years. The drawback being that by the time you develop the ultimate power
                you are close to death anyway.

                "Straw mat." A mat usually measuring three by six feet and three inches thick (with
                bound straw inside.) Original purpose to prevent blood stains on the wooden floor.

                Three sectional staff:
                 Three sticks linked together. Duh...

                The discipline of enlightenment related to the Buddhist doctrine that emphasizes
                meditation, discipline, and the direct transmission of teachings from master to
                student. Mostly taught by rather old and confused monks who have had one too
                many rocks fall on their heads during waterfall meditation. Works best when sitting
                in a cave facing a wall for 10 years or so. 

ikko bamboo
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