iLLNOiSE is a synth based "group" hailing from the Washington D.C. area. iLLNOiSE was formed in the spring of 2001 by founding members Tommy Jones and Peter King (ex members of the Longfellows formerly known as JiM). Soon after, Peter realized how insane this was and pursued more substantial interests in emo-pop-punk music. iLLNOiSE moved on to release the "Codname: Buttrok" EP and the "Cool Juice" EP. iLLNOiSE did no shows. In the summer of 2001 iLLNOiSE released the "maybe next september" EP. iLLNOiSE still did no shows. This was the last release for some time since the last member of iLLNOiSE, Tommy, thought this might not be so cool anymore. As the years past, iLLNOiSE built up a cult following of select individuals. Currently, iLLNOiSE is in the process of creating their first LP and also releasing the first EP's in one LP. The current "band" lineup is Tommy Jones on vocals, DJX on synth and a few other unconscious electronic devices. iLLNOiSE pledges to rock as hard as one can on a synthesizer.
iLLNOiSE critical aclaim:

"...simply orgasmic!" - Tommy Jones

"...that bass sounds like a rubber band." -Rob Lewis

"...haven't we heard this song already?" - Brent Flichbaugh

"...really, I don't understand how people like this get record deals." - Matthew Odell

"...uhhh...great...yeah." - Ed Tetreault, Master of the Recording Universe

"...there's somthing about your voice, I don't know, I just can't stand listening to it." - Val

"...why is your band called Illinoise?" - Everybody

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