Special Science Class

   Special Program for the Arts

   School of the Future

   Regular Class

   Special Program for Sports

   Evening Opportunity Class

   Alternative Learning System


        The INHS Evening Opportunity Class is a four-year curriculum program that caters to students who are intellectually capable but economically deprived. Classes start at 4:30 PM and end at 9:02 PM daily � Monday to Friday. Saturday classes are held from 7:00 AM to 12:00 NOON � 1:00 PM to 6:00PM for MAPEH, TLE and Values Education. The schedule was specifically tailored to answer the needs of its clients who are working students.


The EOC is envisioned to be an institute for change to students who are financially deprived by providing them basic education to promote their fullest potential as a human being.


To deliver basic education to financially deprived students by providing a class schedule which starts at 4:40 PM and ends at 9:02 PM, so that they become functionally literate.


1. Provide quality education to students to make them competitive individuals
2. Involve students to the school and community activities to enhance their skills and talents
3. Encourage working students to finish high school and make them part of the mainstream

Copyright © 2017 Iloilo National High School By Lino C. Sajonia. All rights reserved.