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Remote Repair Support

Remote Services Support

Welcome to our Remote Services Support page. Here we can provide you remote support from the comfort of your own home.

The beauty of remote support is that we can work on your PC without the need of you to pack up your computer and bring it to our facility. All we ask is that you keep all personal items from view that you do not wish us to see, etc., as this reduces our liability.

We recommend to use the software program TeamViewer as it is very easy to setup and use for remote support assistance.

Please click on the following link in order to download the latest version of TeamViewer.


After downloading this program, please fill out the following form in order to provide us with a desired time and date for when you would like us to perform a remote service call.

First name:

Last name:

Telephone number:

Email address:

Desired date:

Desired time:

Description of problem:
When you click on submit this page should ask for confirmation and refresh this page.