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Incline Ramp Company
Stoughton, MA 02072
Copyright 2002

"Quality Comes First"
Incline FAQ's
Since you name is Incline, do you still make decline ramp???
Yes, our name is just Incline Ramp Co. because its a catchy name. But yes we do make both Inclining an declining ramps.

Why should I order from you guys when I could be ordering from other MAJOR companies???
Incline Ramps is a local ramp company dedicating our time in making your ramps as best you can but sell you the least we can. Think of us as Wal-mart Ramps.

Can I work for you, I would really like too, and how do I get a job???
No, Incline is a small buisness. But if it came to a point we needed help we will post a sign up on the web HELP WANTED.

I am a Motocross rider I would like to know if you could be a ramp strong enough for a dirt bike???
Incline can make MotoX ramps, yet there not built like the X-Games, and not like our other ramps. Hense, they'll be a bit more expensive.

How come you guys DONT deliver your ramps??? How are we supposed to get them???
Again we are a local ramp company, were not looking to go world wide just yet. But hopefully it will become that. So when you order a ramp and it is built, you come down and pick it up. Except for the Fun Box, Fly Box, and Mini Pipe.We will deliver and set up. For a delivery & Setup charge.

Do you guys use Skate-Lite???
No, we use only masonite and 1/4" plywood.

What do I use for outdoor ramps???
Masonite can be used outdoors yet has to be protected from any type of persiptation. (Rain Snow Sleet Sprinklers ect) We recommend using 1/4" plywood outdoors, yet it still has to be covered.
Contact us for any other questions.
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