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These are stills from the "Take me to Your Leader" video...one of my faves. I luv Brandon's expression when he's looking at the building!! It's a hilarious video and you should make sure you watch it!!! Click here for the video.
This is my fave pic of Brandon! I luv his expression!
I luv when Brandon sings, I hope I'll get to see them live at least once!
I want to get this tattooed on my lower back or my shoulder!! Isn't it awesome...I saw a drawing of it by Brandon (this is a modified one by him) and I luved it! I just found out recently he got it, on his right arm on the under-side of his wrist! It's just the triangle with the ends part, I want the 3 "leaf-like" things as well on mine though.
Sorry these are so small, but that's why there are two! They're both of Brandon. If you can't tell, in the first one Brandon seems to be Superman and in the second, he's kissing his doll...yes, he's strange!
Dirk's awesome. I wonder why he picked Dirk over Alex...
Aww! He's laughing! That makes me sooo happy! Not that he's usually sad...I need help...
O god! Who would've ever thought a priest would look so hot? This is Brandon at the Halloween show (2002) in Irvine, CA. Mike was a Swiss boy, Kilmore was a character from "Fat Albert", Jose was a Hooters girl, and Dirk was a ghost and the red M&M (although, I haven't seen pics of that). Visit Otherworldly (I don't know how long they'll be up for though) for more pics or here.
You know, Brandon can be so hot, or just plain scary!
I think someone needs a hug! I've gotta get more pics of the other guys...
Hahahaha! O god, this picture just kills me! I luv it! Check out the rest of the boys here! Hold on to your chair or you'll be on the floor in no time!
I'm not a teeny, but isn't Brandon just incredibly hot?! Someone at my school put this pic on a ceiling tile on a dark blue background with a white "Incubus"...I think I know who now...
Brandon loves sharks and can't miss Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. I wish they had Africa Week.
There's nothing more to say, Kilmore's awesome!
Yup, I figured it was about time I got a picture of one of the guys other than Mike or Brandon, so here's Jose! What a cutey!
This is Mike playing his awesome ko-kyu (or pipa, I've heard him call it two diferent things...), given to him by Steve Vai. Well, he borrowed it and never gave it back...We're watching you Mike! This is at the mansion for the Oct. 31 show! I wish I was there...Click here for more!
Mike is the coolest! I was teaching myself the guitar so I could play like him, then I realized I can't....
Isn't Mikey cute? Aww!
Everything about Brandon singing is wonderful...his voice, they way his arms move around, the way he shakes his head in between verses...it's all wonderful! And I haven't even seen them live!
Sure, Brandon's hot, but I think he should keep to the music! (Aren't his pants low!?)
Sorry guys! I couldn't resist!!! Email me if you have sexy (or not, whatever)  pics of the other guys, cuz I need those!!
Ohhh, Brandon!! I have way too much time on my hands!!
Brandon drew this for an auction that would help support old rockstars that fell ill and couldn't pay the medical costs. How nice!! Merry Christmas everyone!
It's your own fault! You didn't email me pics of the other guys!!!
Now don't you jsut want to pinch little Brandon's cheek? How incredibly adorable!
All I can really say is "Finally! Not Brandon!" Although, I might add, this is a very hansome picture of Dirk!!
Here's Kilmore, flexing his musical muscles. Not bad at all I say!
You may not recognize this guy from the lack of pictures (grrr!) of him on this site, but if you're not smart and couldn't figure it out, it's Jose!
Here's Dirk swinging his club (haha) outside the Morning View mansion. Did you know they golfed with playmates once? Maybe more times too...
I think Jose should have skipped the corrective eye surgery and stuck with the glasses. He looks so hot! Not that he doesn't now, it's just two different looks I guess!
A very cute picture of Mikey.
Nice hat Mike! Haha, how adorable!
I want this t-shirt. I'd give it to my friend Tracey because she's been talking a lot about karma lately. I hope Brandon decides to grow his dreads back one day, cuz he is HOT with them!!! Plus, doesn't he look so happy : )
The first picture of Ben alone on this site! Thanks to IncubusView...check them out, they have lots more!
I found this at Incubus Otherworldly and I thought it was great!
Here's Mike on the Morning View Tour wearing his awesome guitar-hawaiin shirt!
Here's Brandon at Lollapalooza!
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