The Anger Card


Written by Emilie May
Art by Erica Branum

He sticks his hands in the pockets of his trench coat as he trudges down the sidewalk, keeping his fedora low over his eyes.

Damn him. What the hell makes him think he can rule over our lives? Damn Leo and damn his lectures.

His eyes smoulder as he watches the streets from under the rim of his hat. Grumbling to himself, he steps into Central Park, hoping to find a few heads to bash. Unfortunately, it seems pretty dead, the night being cold and damp. The miserable weather matches his miserable mood perfectly.

Huh�guess the punks can�t take the cold.

He kicks at the pebbles in his path, aching for a fight. Something�anything�to rid himself of the burning anger. It may fuel him, but he doesn�t like it all the time. This is one of those times.

Damn, it�s cold�

"If I go back, though,� he grumbles to himself, �I�ll get lecture 99 from Mr. Perfect himself �bout stormin� off.� He growls softly and angrily kicks a beer can. �Jerk.�

He shivers as the wind shifts and the feeling of immense suspense sweeps over him. The tension of the environment thickens the air, pulling his nerves into taught strands of steel.

Feels like there�s gonna be a storm or�

His eyes narrow as his face twists in a snarl. He draws his sais and looks back over his shoulder, his body snapping into a battle stance.

�a fight.

He flips a sai in his left hand so the prongs stab up into the red, darkening sky. Senses extend, tasting the world of threat, the maddening knowledge block fanning the flames of anger.

�What the hell�s goin� on?� he growls as the mists roll in.

Something big and dark rushes through the mist, now so thick there�s no way to see anything through it, at him. He clenches his jaw and leaps back, thrusting at the thing with his sai.

�Come out and fight like a man, ya coward!�

Nothing. He bares his teeth again in frustration and lashes into the thinning mist. Dark eyes widen in surprise at what�s revieled. No longer are there paths and benches through the park. These things are replaced with a barren winter landscape, his coat replaced with a hooded cloak.

�Wha��what happened?!� He asks the coldly empty air. He turns and bolts back the way he came, not even needing the landmarks to make his way home.

Instead of the sewer vent they go through to get to the lair, he finds a large empty vace.

�No,� he whispers.

Where is everyone?!

He looks madly around, worried for his family.

I never shoulda left�!

He screams in rage, pounding the rough stone walls with powerful fists. He continues for a few moments before stopping and wandering out of the cave, a lost look on his face. His eyes look to the mountains in the distance. They pull at him, insistantly beconing him closer, sucking in his attention.

What I got to lose? Mebbe the others are there�

With that thought, he pulls the hood up against the cold. Narrowing his eyes with determination, he begins the long journey to the distant mountains.


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