Ok, you're probably wondering "What the heck is this?!", well, I'll tell you. As if you didn't expect
me to ;).
Recently I started experimented with my drawing format and ended up with what I have here. When I
presented these images to Raph/Emer and HLM...they both agreed that these pics ended up looking sorta
like Tarot Cards.
So, keep in mind that these do NOT take up the same names that Tarot cards do, and if some of these have
names that are similar, it doesn't mean that they have the same meaning. Tho, I may put the official
tarot card names with them eventually--but not as of yet *G*. I guess to put it in a simpler fashion you
could almost call them Clow Cards...but not really... ANYHOO! On a side note, I would like you to note that
HLM, Donatello, Leo, Diana, Raph, RicaChica, Raven, and Spork n' Sporkette's cards have stories with them.
Mo' wrote those out of boredom a bit ago and has now said that she wants to write stories for each of
the cards--so stay tuned! It may take a bit--but well worth the wait!

Elemental Cards

The Elements Card Diana
Diana Manashevitz. The sword bound to her soul also represents the five main elements. Red for Fire
, Blue for Water, Orange for Earth, Green for Wind, and Purple for Spirit. With the added ability
to communicate telepathically with her sword, Diana can prove to be a difficult enemy but a
wise friend.

The Wind Card Tabby
Tabitha Curric. She achieved the Wind card due to her cat-skills of swiftness and strength. That and
I felt like drawing her in a pose that shows her almost being reborn or recycled as wind is.
It represents the struggles in her life that she has overcome and that are yet to come.

The Water Card Rae
Raven Mondai. After her struggles in Atlantis (no, not the Disney version) she became heightened to
water travel and the culture that dwells beneath the sea. Atlantis was also a pivitol point in her life
where she lost one part to gain another and overcame painful change.

The Fire Card PG
Phoenix Gal. The goddess of the Psyche and guardian of the astral plane. As a goddess, like fire,
she can take any shape and can cause great good or great distruction. Whichever side you
deem to take of her can be costly or advantage.

The Spirit Card Leo
Leonardo. Mind, body, and spirit are all factors that fall into this TMNT's lifestyle. With an
authoritive figure to keep up, Leo is the wisest of his four brothers when it comes to the astral
plane and oneness.

The Shadow Card Obs'
General Obsidian or Kurokami Obsidian. Daughter of Sailor Pluto and the God of War, Ares, this
general controls the element of death and silence--her powers coming in shadow. This fifth,
and youngest general is is capable of destroying the universe easily, so be wise to keep her as an

The Storm Card Jae
General Jadeite or Arashikami Jadeite. This quiet yet intellegent general is the second youngest of
the five. Be wise to watch him if you are ever posted against him for he will be the most observant...
and the last to strike will be the most fatal.

The Ice Card Mal'
General Malachite or Koorikami Malachite. Calm yet one of the most dangerous of the five generals.
Malachite is one to be watched and his love for Zoicite is not to be tampered with. That and his
power over ice is a mighty weapon.

The Star Card Dam'n
Damien Lee. Son from the future, born of Eloise Lee (HLM, only this one is from another timeline...)
and Nephrite. He's inherited the claws and mutations of his mother...but the ability to speak to the
stars from his father. With such a combonation, this elemental card is a formidable match.

Time Cards

The Past Card Kame
Kameko Curric. Though many things have changed in her life, most of the major life-threatening or
life-altering changes happened in her past when she lived in San Francisco. From the discovery of
her brother Klork to the first and deadly meeting of her father, Kame's life is highly built apon her past.

The Future Card 'Gelo, Val & Nis
Angelo Curric, Vala Curric & Nissa Curric. All three born in the future--each coming back at seperate
times. Angelo first to warn his father of approaching danger, Nissa by fluke to find her brother,
and then Vala whence she was released by her captor.

The Night Card Mo'
Happy Little Moron. Due to her ever-changing appearance, HLM is forced to stay hidden until the black
of night arrives. The night also symbolizes a time of rest and thought on things that happened
during daytime. Her rough life-style and out-of-the-norm looks can cause much to think about or dwell on,
don't you think?

The Ressurection Card El'
Eloise Lee. This HLM is not only from the future but from a completely different dimension
all together. She is the deceased mother of Damien Lee, who was brought back to life only to hunt
down and kill Paul, Damien's father. Unfortunately, Eloise's life will also end when Paul's does.

Weapon Cards

The Sword Card Alyssa
Alyssa. From her skill with the sword, Alyssa uses this weapon as her mode of defense.

The Amulet Card TN
TurtleNinja. An alien from another world, TN uses her amulet in many emergencies. Providing
magic and protection, this amulet can lead astray any forseen enemies.

The Spork Card Rose
Roseangelo Curric. Through this Sporkitsu Knight's emense training in Sporkitsu, Rose has come
to be one with her weapon, the electro spork. Using this as her main defense, Rose can overcome any
obsticles that come in her way.

The Can Opener Card RicaChica
Rica Lee. This runaway isn't skilled in anything in particular, but she carries around her feather-weight
sword. Little do many know that she doesn't know how to use it--all they need do is look at it and be
intimidated! (At least that's what she's going for...and if that fails, at least she can box...)

The Nerfilator Card Leah
Leah-nardo. This fearless yumper won't hesitate in pulling out her weapons. He theory has come down
to this trusty weapon that will startle enemies, yet not hurt her in the process. Clutzyness is
a Yumper's worst enemy, thus Leah put her swords aside and picked up the foam power of the Nerfilator!

Power Cards

The Banshee Card Emer
Emerald Isle. Before losing her powers, Emer was that of Deryni, Shaper and Banshee. The yin-yang
stands for her shaper powers--even though she is a peace sign shaper she held the power of the yang.
Her Irish decent, however, is what mostly brings forth her Banshee yell. Be wary if she ever regains
her powers.

The Electricity Card Klork
Klork Curric. A Sporkitsu Master, Klork has trained thuroughly in the arts of Sporkitsu. On top of
several other tactics he has learned in his training, Klork has found that he is bonded with the powers
of electricity and can use them to obtain his ultimate defense.

The Intellegence Card Don
Donatello. The brains of the four TMNT, Don uses his mind as his greatest power to overcome the
bumps that lie in the road. For anybody knows that the power of the mind is the most powerful and
intimidating of all.

The Meteor Card Neph
General Nephrite or Hoshikami Nephrite. This General's power resides in the heavens, controlling
the stars and the meteors that fall from them. This confident and clever General has the strongest
link with his power, so he makes a great opponant in a fight.

The Flower Card Zoi/Zoe
General Zoicite or Kazekami Zoisite. Don't be fooled by the name of the card, this general is not to
messed with! A piercing laugh and darting green eyes are commonly associated with this general...the
only question many have is...is Zoi a male...or female???

Lifestyle Cards

The Death Card Shin
Shingami Yuy. Armed with her Scythe, Shingami is an angel of the night. She carries with her many
weapons and many powers but is very significantly the guardian of death. The ankh shows her religious
side as she lives in a worn-down church in Manhattan.

The Wealth Card Thera
Thera Shikiba-Nihon. From her great amount of land in Japan to the riches that have been passed down
to her for generations, Thera fits this card well. Her family grows around her through Klork and Kameko,
adoptive or not. Thera's lifestyle is wealthy not only in money but in love and friendship as well.

The Loyalty Card Av'
Avriel Karo. This cat's loyalty towards Tabby is his most powerful attribute, making him a trustworthy
ally. Be wary, however, if you are no ally of Tabby's, most asuredly you are no ally of his.

The Shinobi Card Venus
Venus De Milo or Mei Pei Chi. The fifth and forgotten female turtle from her home land of China.
Instead of using her physical strength to aid her, Venus uses her mental powers, living the life
of a Shinobi...whom are known for their spiritual strength.

The Life Card Wing
Wing Yuy. Shingami's twin brother and thus complete opposite in not only sex, but in powers as well.
This card is very bright compared to many to reflect on the variaties in life itself.

Emotional Cards

The Anger Card Raph
Raphael. Inner battles has led this TMNT to be known as "The Dark One". He has singled himself
out and away from his brothers several times to fight with himself mostly, but often taking his angry
persuits out on others that pull the wrong deed at the wrong place and time before him.

The Laughter Card Mikey
Michaelangelo. The light-hearted TMNT is the wisest in the ways of persuasion. His humor
helps keep he and his brothers connected spiritually in laughter and in smiles. Mikey can be
known as the true backbone of the TMNT...and all he has to do is laugh.

The Tolerance Card Splint'
Splinter. All I can say is that he raised the TMNT--nuff' said.

Tarot Cards Made By Others

The Mascot Card Spork & S'kette
By Dora Mouse
Spork & Sporkette. The travelling mascots of #TMNT & TMNT-L, distant cousins yet out for the same
purpose ... to reach the fans of the TMNT.

Framed Cards

Emerald Isle
Happy Little Moron
Shinigami Yuy

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