The Water Card

Raven Mondai

Written by Emilie May
Art by Erica Branum


She gazes down into the water she stands in, the ends of her cascading ebony hair dancing gracefully on the surface, the sea-green dress’s satin laced hem flowing along with the gentle current.

Tell me…where am I? What has happened?

The ripples tell her nothing, simply reflecting the sunlight dyed pink through the pink blossoms adorning the surrounding trees. The overly long sleeve slips back to free her fingers to make a magical beckoning gesture as she lifts her left hand, brows slightly knit.

Where are the others?

Ghosts of images appear on the glasslike surface of the water. Visions of strange mountains and a patchwork of dead sections of land mixed with virile areas of vegetation. Specks move along the strange landscape, each unique in its own special way. A delicate brow arches at the number of them. She finds her gaze drawn to those snow peaks dotted with boulders.

What is the significance of those peaks?

The image scatters into star fragments. The glittering pieces swirl, eventually forming into the outline of two bipedal child-turtles holding hands, one walking towards her, the other away, both holding staffs in their free hands. The image then fades into an image of the mountains again.

How did all this happen?

The image scatters and the water turns dark. Her lips turn down at the corners as she gazes into the inky surface, trying to make sense of this new divination. The water lightens again, rosy sunshine glimmering from the ripples. A sigh whispers from her lips.

“Find anything?”

Sober blue eyes rise from the surface of the water to meet mischievous emerald eyes. “No.”

“Nothing at all?” The androgynous blond asks, brows furrowed, floating five feet off the water surface, legs crossed primly.

“Well,” the elegant woman seems to glide from the water onto dry land. “We must go to the mountains, Zoisite.”

Zoi floats down next to her, arching a brow, cape draping over delicate shoulders. “Why?”

Raven shrugs, jewel on her necklace glimmering in the gentle light, resting upon her chest. “We simply do. There is something we must find.”


Again, she shrugs a little as she begins the long trek across the planes. “We shall know when we find it.”

Zoisite shrugs. “Whatever you say…”

Raven smirks slightly as she leads the way towards the mountains, blue eyes sober, pensive, silently apprehensive of the long journey ahead.


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