The Night Card

Happy Little Moron

Written by Emilie May
Art by Erica Branum

Stars sparkle in the cold night sky as a dry wind dances over the rock strewn earth. The lone woman sitting on one of the boulders unsheathes dual claws from her left wrist. She looks at them briefly and sighs, flaring her black feathered wings behind her to let the wind ruffle the feathers. She leans back, resting the weapon-clad hand on the rock behind her as green-pupiled ebony eyes fix on something in the distance.

She wonders why everything has to be so difficult; why things change always for the worse, never the better. She feels as if she is a magnet for trouble and those she loves always end up being hurt. It tears her apart inside. Another dry wind springs up, playing with her red-streaked black hair and the long skirt of the red dress she wears, ornamented with shiney black ribbon.


She looks up at the familiar voice, face still sad. A young man, hip length black hair free and clad in blue clothing laced with the same shiney black material as her dress, is emerging from the darkness, blue eyes concerned.

"Hey, Bro," she answers softly as she moves over to make room for him.

He rests his Spork Staff next to him as he looks over at her bared claws.

"More fighting?" he asks with an arched brow.

"Huh?" She looks down at the claws before sheathing them, "Oh, heh. No, I was just thinking..."

"What about?"

She bites her lip, one fang peeking out a little.

"Just life, I guess...wondering why life has to be so hard for us. I mean, you with your family problems, Diana with that sword of hers, Emer with losing her powers, me with this stupid mutation that'll never stabelize and then all the trouble that's drawn to us. Why always us? We're not bad people...we all want normal lives. Why can't we just have them?"

She sighs and looks to the stars.

"I just don't get it."

He looks at her before looking up to the stars too, shivering slightly at the cold wind brushing their hair and clothing back.

"Y'know, I've wondered about all of that, too, sis. I think we all have. There are probably no answers to those questions, but that doesn't really matter. All that counts is that we all have each other. No one can make it through what we have to alone without going a little crazy..."

She nods a little, mulling this over in silence for a few moments.

"You've got a point, bro," she comments at last.

"Of course I do," he replies with a wink and grin.

She chuckles and pauses briefly to look over at him.

"Hey, wanna go for a flight, bro? The city is real pretty at night from above." She grins at him.

"Sure, as long as you don't drop me," he answers with a smirk.

"Aw, you know I'd never do that! Anyway, we've gotta stick together, right?"

She stands with a smile and extends a hand to him. He takes her hand and stands.

"Let's fly then."

"Ok," she goes around behind him and grips him under his arms, "Please put your seat into it's full up-right position and enjoy your flight with Moron Airlines."

He chuckles as she thrusts her wings powerfully and lifts them into the air. Together, brother and sister of the spirit soar on the winds to join the stars, adding their own unique light to the night sky.


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