The Spirit Card


Written by Emilie May
Art by Erica Branum

Silence. Stillness. Let go of the outside world and all answers will come. Silence the mind and the spirit will share its knowledge.

He sits among the mists, the warm morning sun showering rays on his back an excellent grounding force. Eventually, the cold breeze whipping the bandana tails and empty sound of stillness is gone from him as he hushes his conscious mind. His body sits motionless and silent as his essence, his very being, leaves the physical vessel, connected by a slender, shimmering thread of silvery energy.

He lifts him Self high into the sky to gaze down at the strange land he�s found himself in. As he suspected, the auras and energies of the place are just as strange as the physical surroundings. He disregards this information until he can ponder upon it more later, and searches for his friends and family. His brothers seem to shine like beckons because of the powerful bond they share. Raphael�s fiery essence is accompanied by the strangely diverse aura of Diana, and through her, he can find TN�s royal, alien energies up the mountain a bit farther than his physical body. Don�s calm intelligence is joined by the dark sense of death that tenaciously clings to Obsidian. The awesomely powerful flames of Phoenix Gal, and the contrastingly cold energies of Malachite join the cheerful orange flame that Mike embodies. They�re all headed in his direction, but are still a great distance away. Expanding his awareness, he catches vague glances of the others, scattered all of the strange land. Three in particular are making their way towards him at a breakneck speed, another making its way towards his body at a slower pace.

Shingami, securely holding Klork under his arms while he grips at hers, zooms right past Leo�s astral self, as HLM, holding Klork�s staff, suddenly backwings and holds herself steady, brightly glowing eyes widening as she looks at him.

�Leo?!� she utters incredulously.

He nods, signaling to her to land as Shing circles back with Klork, faces inquisitive.

�What, Mo�?� the blue clad, black haired, man asks, his catlike hearing having picked up HLM�s voice over the wind.

�I found Leo, bro.� She looks to Shing. �Let�s land, sis�he�s right below us.�

Leo slowly coaxes himself out of the meditation as the mists are blown back when the two winged women land on either side of him. HLM hands Klork his spork staff before they turn to face the turtle. He stands.

�Leo? Do you have any idea what�s going on?� Shing asks, her long braid disappearing into the mists roiling at their feet.

He shakes his head, bandana tails fluttering in the slight breeze created by the women adjusting their wings against their backs.

�Have you seen any of the others, then?� Klork inquires, arching a brow and leaning on his staff.

�Hai,� he answers. �The rest are coming this way. In fact,� he continues as a red haired woman with a blue streak flowing through the soft locks emerges from the mists, �Emerald Isle is right behind you, HLM.�

The green-on-black eyed woman blinks a little and jumps slightly when she finds Emer almost right on top of her. �Ack! Hi!� She exclaims, giving the slightly dumbfounded woman a hug.

Emer hugs back before pulling away and turning to the rest, clear green eyes curious. �Is this a private party?�

Klork smirks. �The more the merrier.�

Shing rolls her eyes and turns back to Leo, resting the unbladed end of her naganata on the ground. �Do you know who�s closest?�

�TN is. She�s up the mountain a little way.�

Shing nods. �Anyone else?�

�Everyone else is pretty far away, but I could tell that she and Diana, who�s with Raph, are in telepathic contact. When we get to her, we�ll be in contact with my brother and Diana.�

During this exchange, Klork and HLM had filled Emer on about what was going on.

�I take it we�re going to join TN, then,� the Irish woman speaks up.

Leo nods as HLM grins lopsidedly and comments, �Makes sense to me.�

The fivesom starts their hike up the mountain, each tired and worried in their own rights, none of them wanting to show it. Leo turns inward, finding hard earned peace and tranquility there. He taps into that energy, and wills himself and the others to remain calm. He forces himself to believe everything will be fine in the end.


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