The Elements Card

Diana Manashevitz

Written by Emilie May
Art by Erica Branum

Exhaustion pulls at her. She longs to find a place to just lie down and sleep. Sheer determination pushes her on, however. She must find her friends, friends so close; they�ve become more like family. Pausing, she rests her right hand on the hilt of her sword, the tip cutting into the earth. She closes her eyes, the heat of the sun adding to the burden of feeling on her back, and extends her senses, probing for any information.

Klork�TN�Mike�Kame�Jae�anyone�where are you?

Getting nothing, she opens her eyes, their green matching that of her dress, and gazes tiredly into the distance, caressing the mist rolling in with her left hand. She stands there, face weary, eyes determined. Since she suddenly found herself in this strange landscape of paradoxes, wearing the beautiful off-the-shoulder gown last night, alone and cold, her sword her only companion, she�s been wandering, led by her instincts.

Great gods�what is this place?

Sighing, she takes up her transformed sword, now more like a western double bladed weapon, brutal in its deadliness, less like the sleek katana-like sword she�s so used to, and rests the flat of it against her shoulder. The sheath disappeared with the transformation. As she trudges towards the mountains that rise mysteriously out of the otherwise flat landscape, the jewels studding the dress sparkle and the black satin lining gleams in the bright sunlight.

Her intense eyes scan the landscape as she moves. There is heavy snow coating the terra in some places, while in others, the earth is hard, barren, and in yet others, there�s lush vegetation of a kind she�s never seen before. Her stomach growls its discontent, reminding her that she�s not eaten for entirely too long.

I wonder if there�s some kind of animal I can hunt and eat�I don�t trust those plants not to be poisonous�

Suddenly, she freezes in her tracks, feeling someone or something tickling the back of her mind. Exhaustion flees from the path of the adrenalin flooding her bloodstream. She swings the sword into a ready position and turns slowly, gazing blindly into the thick mists, feeling eyes upon her.

Who is it?� She projects to who�s probing her.

Diana?� A voice comes through, faintly.

No, that�s me. Who are you?


TN! Where are you?

I�m in some mountains. Do you have any idea what happened? Are you alright?

I have no idea what happened, and besides being exhausted, I�m fine. Have you found anyone else?

No, you?

Iie�let�s keep this connection open, though, and let each other know if we find anyone else. I�m working my way towards the mountains.

Good idea. Take care.

You t�

She cuts herself off when something rushes out at her from the mists. She blocks the sai coming at her throat with her sword. The figure presses close and she finds herself staring into angry reptilian eyes. She arches a brow.


One moment, please�

�Raphael? Did I do something to offend?�

�Nah, just thought you were someone else.� Smirking, he steps back, sheathing his sai. �Nice dress.�

�Heh�thanks� Have you found anyone else?�

At his headshake, she nods and telepaths to TN, �Found Raphael. He hasn�t found anyone else, and we�re on our way.

Ok. I�ll be waiting.

She looks to Raph, feeling the weariness return.

�I�ve been in telepathic contact with TN since shortly before you attacked me.�

�Heh, where is she?�

�The mountains.�

�She know what�s goin� on?�


�Damn. We headin� that way?�


�Let�s go then?�

She grins a little at him. �I thought you�d never ask.�

Together, they plod towards the mountains again. As they walk, Diana notes the feeling of something besides fatigue starting to well up from deep within. Hope.


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