The Canopener Card

Rica Lee

Written by Emilie May
Art by Erica Branum

She wanders along the barren landscape, the cloud-streaked sky serving as a backdrop for her journey. Holding her light but deadly sword under her right arm, she looks down at the strange stone cradled in her left hand. It�s red and polished, the faintest bit of magical energy sparkling golden deep within. When she faces different direction, the energy glows brighter.

Wonder if this thing has anything to do with whatever happened to bring us all here�

Shivering slightly at the breeze on her stomach, exposed by the four piece green gown, the skirt cascading down to the dull green-brown earth, the flared sleeves starting at her elbows and sliding down around her wrists, her biceps exposed as well, and lined with black satin, she looks up at her walking companions.

�Huh�?� she utters, having missed the question.

�What�re you looking at, Chica? You�ve come close to walking into several boulders doing that, y�know,� the young woman clad in the long, light blue gown lined with satin asks, brown eyes sparkling with curiosity behind her glasses, breeze ruffling her shoulder-length brown hair.

�Oh! It�s a�uh�thingie.� Rica shrugs with a lopsided grin.

Damien chuckles with Leah, brushing auburn bangs out of his eyes, only to have them flop back in place, clad in a tight red shirt, red gi-style pants and black boots, clothing lined with the same satin of the other two. �What sort of �thingie�?�

�A pretty thingie!�

Leah-Nardo smirks, taking the stone from her to look at. �Love the terminology�Hey, it is pretty!� She holds the stone up, letting the diffused light of the sun shine through the dancing energy within.

Rica blinks as the swirling energies organize themselves into a vague outline of two small figures holding hands.

What the�looks like two kids or something�

�What�s going on�?� Damien ponders as he slips his arms around Rica�s middle, being careful to avoid the wicked sword. He tries to get an energy reading off of the stone as his green on black eyes glow brightly.

Rica smirks a little, leaning back into him. �I thought YOU�D be able to tell US that.�

Damien shakes his head. �Iie�I�I can�t get a reading off of it, and the stars don�t seem to know anything about it.�


Rica frowns a little, taking the stone back, turning slightly in his arms as she looks at it, watching the golden energy deep within get brighter when she faces the strange mountains they�re in the foothills of. �Hn�wonder why it does that��

Leah leans over to look. �Maybe it�s tracking something?�

Damien nods a little. �But what?�

�maybe to something that�ll help us get back home�or at least explain what happened to get us here�or change us�or tell us where the others are�or�whatever�

Rica shrugs, gently breaking from Damien�s grip to start for the mountains again. �Let�s find out then, shall we?�

Damien and Leah share a glance before shrugging and following after.

If anything, at least we�re in for an adventure�


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