
5 dots
Attack dribble
Chill drill
Dribble, touch and spin
Kamakazi dribble
Post pass with dribble





5 dots

1) Players and pylons set up as shown

1. Players at both ends leave at the same time on coaches whistle and follow pattern as shown.
2. Once 1 and 4 have gone around the second pylon the next players in line respectively follow.

- Only dribble with right hand, only dribble with left hand, crossover at pylons, reverse at pylons etc...


- keep their heads up
- great drill for tryouts, you get a lot of kids moving at once and the coaches can sit back and evaluate.

Based on a drill by Dan Trepanier (ed. Jes).


Attack dribble

1) Offence 1, 2, 3 dribble at Offence 4, 5, 6 (who also are dribbling)

When the two groups meet they execute one of the following
a) X over dribble   e) Spin
b) On side   f) Between the legs
c) Behind the back   g) Combination dribble
d) Hesitation   h) Exchange balls

When meeting in the middle they act as if the other player with the ball is a defence player.

1 ,2, 3 will continue and finish with a jump shot or lay up (coaches' choice)

4, 5, 6 after completing turn and attack 1, 2,3



1) A full court dribble drill to practice 'backing up'

Player 1 and 2 start with a speed dribble towards a pylon (or defender).

When they arive at the pylon the dribble is low and fast (power dribble). They make two dribbles backwards and go sideways. When they arrive at the second pylon a speed dribble to the next pylon begins.

At the third pylon the backup starts again

2) The next two players start when the first have crossed the middle line.

After player 1 and 2 have 'backuped' again they make a short sideway driblle and go hard to the basket to make there lay-up.

Make sure the players see the court when dribbling.
For the flow of the movement while going side ways crossovers can be handy.

Use the left hand
Use two balls to improve ball handling



1) Every player needs a ball.

Pairs line up across the court (in both directions)

Each person then dribbles directly at the person opposite them, executing a crossover
dribble, as close to the other person as
possible,  Each pair must dribble with the
same hand.  Initially I nominate that hand, but
later in the dribble I make the players
communicate to each other.

You can alter the dribble move executed in
the middle.  Others that work well are
- Hesitation (on side) dribble
- Between legs dribble
- Reverse Pivot

For extra difficulty, add a pair dribbling
across the diaganol.


Chill drill

1) If your players can master this drill -- they will be unstoppable.

As you begin this drill, keep in mind that Rome wasn't built in a day -- start slowly and increase your speed with practice. Once the players can perform this drill consistently at top speed, with both hands, nobody will be able to take the ball away from them.

2) 1. Player executes an inside-out move. To do this, he dribbles twice on the line directly in front of him. On the third dribble, he takes the ball across his body and bounces it to the left of the line in front of his left foot. Then he explodes past an imaginary defender by pushing off his left foot and pushing the ball in front of him back on the line, trying to cover as much ground as possible. Player must keep his knees bent and keep his body on the line, moving only the ball. He should end at position (1). Note that the ball remains in player's right hand during this step.

2. Player repeats above step.

3) 3. Player comes to a quick jump stop where the sideline and half court line intersect (3). He executes a reverse or spin dribble, keeping his left foot on the ground and making sure to reach (hook) with his right leg in order to beat the defender. Player pulls the ball as he gets the imaginary defender on his back, and then switches the ball to his left hand and dribbles quickly to the next position.

4) 4. At position (4), player should pull the ball back beside his left knee as he executes two low, quick retreat dribbles until he reaches position (5). This retreat step helps create space against a trap or double team.

5) 5. At position (5), player executes a quick, low crossover dribble, switching the ball to his right hand.

6) 6. Player takes two dribbles and comes to a quick jump stop at (6). He executes a half-a-spin move, which is the counter move to the reverse or spin dribble. He does this by pivoting 180 degrees on his left foot and pulling the ball until it is directly in front of his right foot. Then he bounces the ball with force in front of his right foot when his back is to the defender. Next he explodes out by pivoting on his left foot.

7) 7. Player plants his right foot where the sideline and half court line intersect (7) and executes a behind-the-back dribble from his right hand to his left hand, trying to cover as much ground as possible by pushing off his right foot toward the next position.

8) 8. Player then executes a stutter-step to freeze the defender and makes a quick, low crossover, (or between the legs), switching the ball from his left hand to his right hand. Player then makes on hard dribble to the basket for a lay-up with his right hand.

Points of Emphasis:
1. As the player pulls the ball in step 3, he must be careful not to palm it. He should keep his hand on top of the ball.
2. Every move is made with the intention of beating and going by the defender.
3. The drill should also be performed beginning on the left side of the court, starting with the ball in the left hand, so that moves can be perfected with either hand.


Dribble, touch and spin

1) Player 1 dribbles towards the chair in the middle of the key and touches it with their non-dribbling hand.
Player 1 then makes a spin or other dribble dribble move and shoots the ball.

In the diagram, player 1 should dribble with their right hand (hand furthest away from the basketl).

Change sides.



1) This drill practise the hesitation dribble

Use the extended free throw lines as extra markings on the court.

The first four players start their dribble until the first extended free throw line

2) At the extended free throw line the players make 2 or 3 dribbles on the spot.

3) After making the dribbles on the spot the first four players dribble (fast) to the middle line,

4) At the middle line they make again 2-3 dribbles on the spot.

5) When the first group passes the middle line the second group start.

6) At both extended free throw lines the groups make 2-3 dribbles on the spot.

After the first group reaches the baseline it waits until the second group has arrived before starting again to go the other way.

The coach can use whistle to let that the players know when to start moving again after dribbling on the spot, this keeps the drill in order.


Kamakazi dribble

1) Offence 1 and 2 are limited by split line

X 1-4 and X 5 - 8 are limited by split line and court dividers

Offence must try to get past each defence player using different ball techniques, when they reach the last defender on their side they go 1 v 1 to score.

Defence is not allowed to trap or cross into next defenders area. They may steal the ball, but must give it back.

To rotate all defenders move up one, making the previous offence the last new defence


Post pass with dribble

1) 1 dribbles around a series of cones.

when they reach last object they pass to post

2 ctaches ball on jump stop and returns pass to dribbler

2 will stay in for x number of passes before swapping out



1) A simple but fast drill for high speed dribbling.

Player 1 and 4 start to dribble at the same time chasing each other. around the pilons on the court.

2) When player 1 and 4 reach the other side of the court they hand off the ball to 5 and 2 who will then start the chase.

You can continue this drill until one of the players  has been passed or until a predescribed amount of laps.

You should also mention a zone in which the player can hand off pass the ball to another player.

After dribbling with the right hand change to the left hand.


Created with Basketball Playbook from Jes-Soft

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