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Forward leads - leads drill 1
Forward leads - leads drill 2
Forward leads - leads drill 3
Forward leads - leads drill 4
Forward leads - leads drill 5
Pass screen away
Screen and cut
Screen and cut2





Forward leads - leads drill 1

1) Players line up as in the diagram, all balls at the baseline lines.  

Each player does a series of 5 forward leads:
1) V-Cut Slash-and-Seal
2) V-Cut 10-Fingers-Under-the-Basket
3) Triangle Cut
4) Triangle into Flare Cut from the elbow
5) Back Cut

2) Cut #1 -  Slash-and-Seal
3 passes the ball to 1 using a baseball pass  (in-bounding practise).
3 moves into the key, pivots on outside foot and bring inside foot and arm over.  Inside arm "slashes" over the top of opponents arm, inside foot steps across to "seal" opponent.
3 then cuts hard to the free-throw line extended for return pass from 1.
3 then catches the ball using his target hand, pivots to square-up to the basket and executes a shot-fake.

3) Coaching points for 3
Medium speed into the key, full-speed cut to the ball (change-of-direction = change-of-pace)
Give outside hand as target hand.
Catch, Square-Up and Shot-Fake (CSUSF) off the inside foot first.  After the players have mastered pivoting on the inside foot, introduce the outside foot as pivot.

Coaching points for 1
On every pass from 3:
- 1 executes a Replace-Yourself Cut (go away, come back).
- 1 does a CSUSF
On every pass to 3:
- pass with the outside hand (one-hand push pass)
- pass to 3's target hand (away from the defense)

4) N.B. about inside/outside foot
Inside foot relates to the foot closest to the center/split line (shown as line down the middle of the court) AFTER the post-up slash-and-seal move and AT THE MOMENT THE BALL IS CAUGHT on the perimeter.   On the perimeter, using the inside foot as a pivot foot once you've squared-up to the basket (now the foot closest to the baseline), will enable you to do on-side dribble moves into the middle.

N.B. about shot-fakes
We like to tell our players that a shot-fake is just a shot that is not taken.  Here are three key points for a well executed shot-fake:
1) Bring the ball up to your forehead.
2) Look AT THE BASKET from under the ball.
3) Keep your knees bent.  Only the upper-body moves.  We keep the lower body in a ready position to drive past the defender if he "takes the fake".


Forward leads - leads drill 2

1) Cut #2 - V-Cut 10-Fingers-Under-The-Basket

After the Catch, Square-Up and Shot-Fake (CSUSF) from the previous sequence, 3 passes back to 1. The pass back to 1 is with the outside hand (one-hand push pass).  
3 moves into the key and puts both hands up (10 fingers) as a catch fake directly under the basket.
3 then cuts hard (again, change-of-direction=change-of-pace) back out to the wing position (free-throw line extended to the 3 point line) where he receives a pass back from 1.  He does CSUSF.

After 1 passes to 3, 1 executes a Replace-Yourself cut.


Forward leads - leads drill 3

1) Cut #3 - Triangle Cut

After the Catch, Square-Up and Shot-Fake (CSUSF) from the previous sequence,
3 passes back to 1 and cuts to the low-block, leads to elbow, then out to the wing again where he receives a pass back from 1.  He does CSUSF.

When 3 passes to 1, 1 should have just completed a Replace-Yourself cut and CSUSF.
After 1 passes to 3, 1 executes a Replace-Yourself cut.

Coaching Points for 3

When squaring-up on the inside foot (See NB of sequence #1) with a triangle cut, use a reverse pivot RIPPING the ball through past the defender to the hip, knocking the defenders hands away with your "ripping" elbow.


Forward leads - leads drill 4

1) Cut #4 - Flare Cut from Elbow

After the Catch, Square-Up and Shot-Fake (CSUSF) from the previous sequence, 3 passes back to 1 and cuts to the low-block, leads to elbow then back-peddles (flares) towards the short-corner where he receives a pass back from 1.  He catches the ball in the air and comes down already squared-up on two feet and does a shot-fake.

When 3 passes to 1, 1 should have just completed a Replace-Yourself cut and CSUSF.
After 1 passes to 3, 1 executes a Replace-Yourself cut.
1's pass can be a two-handed overhead pass.

2) Coaching Points for 3
When running backwards or back-peddling, have your knees bent and have your head over the center over your body for balance.
Use, "You're in the air, ball's in the air!" or
"Catch the all in the air!" as a catch-cry.
Land on two feet, balanced and low.


Forward leads - leads drill 5

1) Cut #5 - Back cut

After the Catch, Square-Up and Shot-Fake (CSUSF) from the previous sequence, 3 passes back to 1 and cuts directly to the wing.  3 must get both feet over the three-point line.  Then 3 must do a catch fake to encourage the defence to over extend toward the ball, and then cut hard back to the basket for the lay-up pass from 1.
5 then passes to 1 and starts his series of 5 cuts.
You can work out your own rotation system.  I generally leave 1 and 2 in place for two or three goes, and then let them call somebody else up to the guard spot.

2) Coaching Points for 3
The key as to when to back cut is when the defense is over the 3-point line.
Offense must get both feet over the 3-point line before back cutting.

Coaching Points for 1
Use a pass fake when you want your receiver to back-cut to further encourage the defense to over extend toward the ball.

Compiled by:
Curtis Perry
Australian Capital Territory
ITCP Network Coach



1) Two rows 1 bal per row (1 & 2)

On command chest pass 1 to 2, till the middle.

3 dribbles between the pylons zig -zag.

2) When 1 & 2 reach the middle.

1 goes for a speed lay-up and get back on the side-line.

3) 3 gives a pass to a fixed pass giver (coach), and gets the ball back to make a lay-up without a dribble.

4) Rotation:
3 becomes 2,
2 becomes 1 and
1 becomes 3



1) A variation on Funda1

Give and go between 1 & 2, when 1 reaches the middle he makes a slow dribble changing to a quick and ends with a left lay-up.

3 he makes different moves until the middle line
( behind the back, between the legs, reverse,...)

2) 3 passes to the coach and gets back the ball.

He makes a jump stop; shoots follow his shot takes the rebound if missed and makes the basket.



1) Pass, in & out, taking the screen en take a shot.

Coach has the ball.

On signal: in & out get a pass from the coach pass it back and take the screen.

2) 1 comes of the screen and receives the ball from the coach.

3) Player pivots to the basket and takes a set or jump shot, rebound has to be scored.

Shot fake and dribble, lay-up left or right handed.


Pass screen away

1) Drill Practices
- Pass & Screen Away
- Cutting & timing the pass
- Using the screen on a cut to the basket
- Lay-up, Rebound and outlet pass

- Passes should be caught as players end their cut with a two-footed quick stop.
- Players should face the basket and be a shot threat (Shot fakes can be added for the 3 and 4 spots)
- The Ball should not touch the floor during this drill (push-up penalties for anyone who dribbles the ball) Exception 4 may use a bounce pass, Coach decides. (I dislike the bounce pass inside the key)

Players set up as shown.
1 passes to 3, 3 makes a cut to catch the ball in the high post area.
After passing 1 sets a screen.

2) 3 quickly takes the ball overhead and passes to 4 on the weak side, 4 makes a cut to receive the ball.

On the 3 to 4 pass 2 is moving towards the screen set by 1 (setting up his defensive man).

3 slides away from his pass towards the cone at free throw line extended.

3) 2 cuts hard off the screen (practice either side) to the basket. Important point: 2's cut must be timed so that 4 has a chance to catch the ball and face the basket (in a game situation 4 may have a 1 on 1 or shot opportunity)

4 passes to 2 for the lay-up and follows to rebound the ball.
3 runs around the cone and finishes where 4 was.
The screener rolls to the basket but backs out as the pass goes to 2.

4) The 4 to 2 pass is timed so that no dribble is required and 2 shoots the lay-up.
After shooting 2 sprints to the top of the key to become the new high post.
4 follows his pass to rebound the ball

5) 1 goes to the cutter position where 2 started.

2 goes to the high post area where 3 started.

6) 4 Rebounds the ball and makes an outlet pass to 5 who has stepped onto court. And the drill begins again.
1 has gone to the cutter position where 2 started.
2 has moved to the high post area where 3 started.
3 has moved around the cone to 4's starting point.
After making the outlet pass 4 joins the end of the line out of court.

7) Drill Variations
1) 4 takes a jump shot, 2 Rebounds and makes the outlet pass. (4 joins line out of court and 2 still goes to high post)

2) 4 passes to 1 rolling to the basket, 1 shoots. (1 goes to cutter, 2 to high post, 4 rebounds and makes the outlet pass before joining line out of court)

3) 4 passes to 1 rolling to the basket, 1 passes the ball back out to 3 who shoots the 3 point shot (1 goes to cutter, 2 to high post, 4 rebounds and makes the outlet pass before joining line out of court, 3 stays in position)

4) Place defenders on 2 and 4 spot, allow 4 choice of shot, drive or feed pass to 1 or 2, Coach decides intensity of defense.
Suggestion: X2 allows himself to be screened and X4 plays hard defense. X2 can give help after being blocked out by screener on the roll to the basket.



1) Setup
2 defenders (1,2),
2 shooters (1,2) and
2 rebounders (3,4).

Defender passes the ball to a shooter.

2) Defender closes out on Shooter in good defensive position between Shooter and the basket.

3) Rebounder sets a pick for Shooter.

4) When setting the pick, Rebounder must establish a good base and be certain not to throw hips out or otherwise foul Defender.

Shooter drives to the basket.

5) Shooter rubs shoulders with Rebounder as he runs defender into the pick.

6) Shooter explodes to the basket with the ball for a lay up.

Simultaneously, Rebounder turns with good position and boxes out Defender.

7) On the box out, Rebounder must lock Defender in back of him, keeping Defender on his hip as Shooter drives to the basket.

After the shot goes up, Rebounder secures the ball.

8) Rebounder passes the ball to the next Defender in the line and gets into Defender line.

Defender gets in the Shooter line and Shooter gets in the Rebounder line and the next series of players executes the drill.


Screen and cut

1) Player 1 basket cuts.

Player 4 screens player 1.

Player 1 comes off the screen to receive a pass off player 5, while the screener (player 4) now opens up to the basket and receives a pass off player 2.


Screen and cut2

1) Player 1 basket cuts.

Player 4 screens player 1.

Player 1 comes off the screen to receive a pass off player 5, while the screener (player 4) now opens up to the basket and receives a pass off player 2.


Created with Basketball Playbook from Jes-Soft

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