about me
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My name is Irit. I was born in beautiful Kibbutz Nir-Oz, in the South of Israel. All the people here are like my big family. I love them. It is wonderful to grow up on the kibbutz. I feel privileged. I had a great childhood and a creative way of growing up.
Soon after my 2 years army service (compulsory in Israel) I left Israel for a long journey in the world. I traveled a lot, searching for good people and for the meaning of life.
   My travels took me to the Middle East, Europe, South  America, Scandinavia and Asia. When I needed money I went to New York and fell in love with the city. I stayed there 4 years. In New York I set up my own company and started doing jewelry designs. But I got tired of the chase after money and fame, and so decided to travel to Asia.
   In Asia I discovered a new world. A world of spiritual aproach. Where people judge you by your kindness, not by how stylish you are. I decided to move to the East. I knew that I have a lot to learn from these people.
bulk prices
me, listening to H.H. the Dalai Lama.
pure heart collection
I settled down in Tokyo for the next 3 years, again, working on my own jewelry. This time selling mainly to private customers. In the beginning I had a hard time, because I neither knew Japanese nor their way of thinking. But soon I learned both things and really loved it. I love the Japanese people. And do not forget their excellent food. Until today, I normally cook Japanese food.
    During that time I developed more and more interest in Buddhism. It started from a visit to the Johkang. The main holy temple in Lahsa, Tibet.
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Photo by John Mcdougal.
Compared to the beauty and the profundity of Buddhism, this worldly life seemed empty. I did not feel right about  the chase after modernisation and the destruction of the world. I just came to a point where studying Buddhism was the most important thing for me. More than anything else in the world. So I went to Dharamsala, a very famous place to study Tibetan Buddhism.
I stayed in Dharamsala 5 years. About my experiences there
press here.
    In September 1999 I left India and went to Israel. I helped in forming a Buddhist organization called Lotus of Compassion, which is now called
The Dharma Friends. I also taught Buddhist philosophy in my kibbutz. It is overwhelming how much interest and good feelings this whole project generated.
   In the end I realized that politics is not for me and moved to Brazil, another favorite places in our wonderful world.  I stayed there for 2 years, in which time my daughter Lotus was born, a great joy for me.
   In 2002 I returned to Israel and am now teaching Buddhism in Ein Habsor (where I live), Omer and Tel Aviv. I have a new collection of jewelry, called "Pure Heart", mainly in gold. I also started taking groups to the places I love: India, Japan, Myenmar etc.
  what will the future hold? It is hard to know. I always say that life is fuIl of surprises.

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