My experience in India
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I  came to India in 1995 to study Tibetan Buddhism. My intention was to stay in Dharamsala for 2 years. I thought that it would be enagh time to study Buddhism. When the two years have passed I knew that even a whole life time would not be enouph for studying and practicing this philosophy. So I stayed 5 years...
Buddha Shakyamuni
The main temple in Buddhagaya
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Buddha shakyamuni with his two disciples. This is a thangka painting by a famousTibetan painter.
Thangkas are religous paintings, painted on canvas and sawen on silk brocade. 
pure heart
A view of Dahramsala from Norbulingka
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Buddha atained enlightment in this place, about 2500 years ago. This stupa was built next to the tree under which he set. The tree is still very green. Every year thousands of people come here. It is a very powerfull place. I love doing my pracices here.
Dharamsala is located on the first line of the Himalaya mountains. The next mountains are snow covored all year round. This is the seat of H.H. the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government in exile. There are about 5000 exiled Tibetans living in this beautiful place. It is a good place for foreighners to study Tibetan Buddhism.
A farmer working his rice fields near Dharamsala
me in Norbulingka next to Locho's beautiful Thangka
The  Indians living in Dharamsala, mainly living from agricalture. During monsoons they grow rice. It is beautifull to look at the rice paddies during sunset.
Norbulingka. A view from my balcony.
The decoration on the roof of Norbulingka
When I came to Dharamsala I was invited to work in Norbulingka as a jewelry designer. The Tibetan government invited all the great masters of traditional Tibetan art, to work here and teach the next generation. It was also built as H.H. the Dalai Lama's summer palace, but he never stayed here. This is a real palace. When you enter it you feel like you are dreaming. It has a beautiful garden with streams going through it and many special birds.
My Tibetan parents. Pala and Amala.
A river near Norbulingka. A Hindu shrine at it's top
My first house though, was a traditional Indian house. With fire woods and no water. I had to shower in this river every day. Looks romantic, but totally inconvinient. I lasted only one month in that house. When I first arrived to Norbulingka these Tibetan Kampas adupted me. They called me Pomo ser ki metok (Golden flower child) and acted as my parents. We used to eat lunch together every day. Always in the garden.
Me with H.H. the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala
Family from Arunachal Pradesh in the Kalachakra
Every one can meet H.H. the dalai Lama. When he shakes your hand he looks straight into your eyes and he is  with you.
Buddha's first student was a little boy how used to take buffalos to graze near the river in Buddhagaya.I took this photo during my 6 month stay in Root Institute in Buddhagaya.
In the background you can see the giant Japanese Buddha.
A Buddhist family from Arunachal Pradesh, who came for the Kalachakra teachings, given By H.H. the Dalai Lama.
Elephants in a "garage". Rajastan
When my parents came to visit, we went to Rajastan. We took a s-l-o-w elephent ride. I love elephants, and there are many of them in India.
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