Q: What is the purpose of this site?

Answer : To provide people with a web site that is able to provide them enough information about things which they want.

Q: How you get an idea to make site?

Answer: It was a project of HTML and javascripting for which i have to work on some web site, so i decided to work on a site which can be more helpful for any one. Mr. Naeem Khaliq, who is my teacher really helped me a lot in completing this project in a very short period of time.

Q: How many difficulties did you faced in completing this site?

Answer: I will say that, if i completely list all the difficulties while making this site, then there will be a need for some other person to write these, because i am already tired of writing and writing.So, i am not going to write any thing more.

Q: How do you feel now, when you have completed this site?

Answer: I am just sooooooooooooo much glad.

To ask any more question just email me at: [email protected]


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