Season Five Episodes

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Military Terms

Military Ranks


Aired 1999-2000.

Main Characters:

Lt. Commander/Commander Harmon "Harm" Rabb, Jr.
Lieutenant Colonel Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie
Lieutenant Bud Roberts
Admiral A.J. Chedwiggen(the Judge Advocate General)
Lieutenant(J.G.) Harriet Simms-Roberts
Lieutenent Commander Mic Brumby
Lieutenant Loren Singer
Other Recurring Characters
Warning: There may be spoilers in the following descriptions, although I have tried to avoid them.


5.1 King of the Greenie Board(Part 1 of 2)
Guest Stars

Immediately after Harm's departure from JAG, he finds himself onboard a carrier competing against hotshot pilots. When one of the pilots goes too far to prove himself, Harm must defuse an international incident. Mac, newly promoted to Lt. Colonel, prosecutes a Marine weapons expert accused of reckless endangerment. (A Greenie Board is pilot lingo)

5.2 Rules of Engagement(Part 2 of 2)
Guest Stars

When the pilot who created an international incident is prosecuted, he picks Harm as his defense lawyer, even though Harm protests that he has left JAG. Mac and Bud prosecute, causing even more tension.

5.3 True Callings
Guest Stars

Watching the court-martial of a Petty Officer who was only trying to defend a pregnant woman, Harm wants to take over from the blundering JAG officer currently defending. Even after performing an incredible maneuver and earning his father's old call sign, he still isn't satisfied with flying. Gunnery Sergeant Victor Galindez is introduced in this episode.

5.4 The Return
Guest Stars

When Harm returns to JAG, he isn't exactly greeted with open arms. Although not officially being reprimanded, he is assigned to a seemingly no-win case defending the SecNav's son, who disobeyed his captain's orders while at sea.

5.5 Front and Center
Guest Stars

Attempting to prosecute a rapist, Harm and Bud find themselves stymied by an unwilling witness, who goes AWOL in order to avoid testimony. Meanwhile, Mac and Mic face off over another tough witness, an elderly police dog.

5.6 Psychic Warrior
Guest Stars

A member of a Psychic Ops test group commits suicide during one of the tests. Harm is chosen to defend the admiral in charge of the project who is accused of manslaughter. Mac prosecutes, convinced that psychic visions are impossible until something odd happens...

5.7 Rogue
Guest Stars

An old friend of Harm's is chosen to simulate a terror attack with Bud accompanying him. However, the attack soon becomes all too real. Harm has to scramble to keep Bud alive, while Harriet isn't even allowed to know all the details of her husband's top-secret peril. Lieutenant Loren Singer has her first appearence in this episode.

5.8 The Colonel's Wife
Guest Stars

A wife of the colonel in charge of stopping drug sales in Panama is accused of smuggling drugs herself. Harm and Mac are sent in undercover to quietly take care of it, but they soon begin to wonder about the colonel himself.

5.9 Contemptuous Words
Guest Stars

An anonymous letter that is critical of the President is sent to a newspaper by someone who claims to be a member of the military. When the letter is traced back to Harm's computer, he finds himself about to be court-martialed. Mac has to help with a case of the fiancee of a dead man and the woman he was still married to. The fiancee wants to have the man's child; the wife wants to stop her. Harm is promoted to full commander.

5.10 Mishap
Guest Stars

Harm's former RIO, Lieutenant Elizabeth "Skates" Hawkes, is accused of negligence and misconduct after a Tomcat crashes. Harm is assigned as her attorney and tries to defend her any way he can.

5.11 Ghosts of Christmas Past
Guest Stars

When Harm goes to pay his respects to his father at the wall, he meets a woman who knew his father. She was a member of the CSO and she begins to spin the tale of his fathers last few days...

5.12 Into the Breech
Guest Stars

Harm is made the star of a recruitment video at the same time he and Mac mentor teens at a Navy prep school. They open up a 10-year-old case where 29 people were killed in an explosion, one of whom was given responsiblity for the explosion later. But, as the real witnesses come in, their testimony seems to disagree. This is Renee Peterson's first appearence.

5.13 Life or Death
Guest Stars

Mac is assigned to the defense of a Marine who killed three other Marines. He now wants life in prison instead of the death penalty. Mic is assigned to the prosecution but is recalled to Australia, leaving Harm to take over the prosecution.

5.14 Cabin Pressure
Guest Stars

A crewmember is viciously murdered on a Navy ship, and Harm interviews the prime suspect who keeps proclaiming his innocence, although he seems prone to violent outbursts. Suddenly, the ship begins to take on water and Harm is trapped with him.

5.15 Boomerang(Part 1 of 2)
Guest Stars

Episode 100. Harm goes to Australia to help Brumby with a strange case: a US Naval officer reappears almost 30 years after he was supposedly murdered by an Australian sailor. Harm tries to defend him against charges of murder and desertion, while Brumby viciously prosecutes. When Mac joins them, Brumby makes her choose: Mic or Harm.

5.16 Boomerang(Part 2 of 2)
Guest Stars

The tension between Harm and Mic escalates and poor Bud is caught the middle of one of their out-of-court fights. Harm, Bud, and their client are shocked when a supposedly friendly witness turns against them, and they must scramble to recover.

5.17 People vs. Gunny
Guest Stars

Gunny Galindez is prosecuted rather publically after he and a friend roughed up a man outside a gay bar. Meanwhile,Tiner is the main witness against him, and the JAG office begins to wonder whether Tiner is gay.

5.18 The Bridge of Kang So Ri
Guest Stars

During the Vietnam War, under orders to let no one cross a bridge, an American corporal may have killed innocents. Harm and Mac head to Vietnam to investigate these accusations, along with a documentary film crew led by Renee. But, their plans are suddenly altered when their plane is hijacked.

5.19 Promises
Guest Stars

Harm and Mac face off on opposite sides of the court when a seaman is accused of desertion and other similar misdemeanors. She claims that she left because her recruiter lied about what her duties would be. Admiral Chegwidden attempts to rescue an old friends career after it is threatened by the side-effects of Viagra.

5.20 Drop Zone
Guest Stars

Mac attempts to prosecute against a SEAL dropmaster accused of negligent homicide, but has to give the prosecuting to Harm when she sees information forbidden to the prosecution. Meanwhile, Bud and the new, ambitious Lieutenant Singer are the defense. After being removed from the prosecution, Mac heads out to Australia to spend some time with Mic.

5.21 The Witches of Gulport
Guest Stars

A Chief Petty Officer, who is the Chief Wiccan of a coven, is accused of raping a seawoman, who joined the coven, by using a Wiccan spell. The JAG office tries to investigate the issue thoroughly, sending Mac undercover and sending Harm and Bud to publically probe the accusations.

5.22 Overdue and Presumed Lost
Guest Stars

Admiral Chegwidden tries to keep a WW2 submarine, which disappeared in 1941 from being raised to the surface. Meanwhile, Mac prosecutes and Bud defends an obese petty officer who is threatened with discharge for not losing weight. Harm is assigned to budget duty.

5.23 Real Deal SEAL
Guest Stars

A Navy SEAL physically and verbally attacks a political candidate at a fund-raiser. Harm defends the SEAL, who starts making things even worse. Admiral Chegwidden is offered the job of Justice in the US District Court.

5.24 Body Talk
Guest Stars

The friendship between Lt. Commander Teresa Coulter and Harm is threatened when Harm defends her father against the charge of murdering his wife -- her mother. Chegwidden is asked to help a dying friend get a burial space next to her parents in Arlington Cemetary.

5.25 Surface Warfare
Guest Stars

During a joint exercise between the Marine Corps and Navy, there is a live fire mistake that comes close to killing 15 Marines. Bud's brother, Mikey, appears responsible. Eager to help his brother, Bud begins to investigate, along with Mac and Harm. Also, Mic suddenly returns to the US, resigning his commission, to be with Mac, the woman he loves.

Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 6, Season 7, Season 8, Season 9

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