Season Four Episodes

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Character Biographies

Military Terms

Military Ranks


Aired 1998-1999.

Main Characters:

Lt. Commander Harmon "Harm" Rabb, Jr.
Major Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie
Lieutenant(J.G.) Bud Roberts
Admiral A.J. Chedwiggen(the Judge Advocate General)
Ensign/Lieutenant(J.G.) Harriet Simms
Lieutenent Commander Mic Brumby
Other Recurring Characters

Warning: There may be spoilers in the following descriptions, although I have tried to avoid them.

4.1 Gypsy Eyes(Part 2 of 2)
Guest Stars

Shot down, Harm and Mac still try to finish their mission. Chegwidden, meanwhile, goes to Russia to try to find them.

4.2 Embassy
Guest Stars

A top Sudanese professor is kidnapped, so Webb recruits Harm and Mac to save the professor and defuse the explosive situation. Also, Bud begins to suspect that Harriet has more than just the flu...

4.3 Innocence
Guest Stars

An American Ensign in Japan is accused of raping a minor, causing outrage in Japan. Harm, Mac, and Bud are sent to try to control the situation and figure out what happened, a mission that quickly becomes more and more complicated.

4.4 Going After Francesca
Guest Stars

After Admiral Chegwidden goes to Italy to visit his daughter, Francesca, she is kidnapped. Chegwidden, Harm, and Mac have to find out who kidnapped her and try to rescue her.

4.5 The Martin Baker Fan Club
Guest Stars

When Roscoe Martin(see King of the Fleas) is accused of aiding the suicide of a fellow psychiatric patient, he goes to Harm for help in beating the accusation and exposing inhumane practices at the psychiatric institute. (the Martin Baker Fan Club is piloting slang)

4.6 Act of Terror
Guest Stars

After a Marine guard, Corporal Berry, kills an accused terrorist he is guarding, Harm ends up defending and Mac prosecuting. But Harm begins to think that something odd is going on after the Corporal fires him and hires a civilian lawyer...

4.7 Angels 30
Guest Stars

An aviator, Commander Rice, doesn't fire on an Iraqi airplane threatening his wingman, but instead he clips the plane, causing his own plane to be seriously damaged. Rice claims that a voice commanded him not to fire, but Harm, as his defense council, can't seem to find anything to back up his claims.

4.8 Mr Rabb Goes to Washington(1 of 2)
Guest Stars

Congresswoman Bobbi Latham calls in Harm to investigate reports of Marines using chemical warfare on fellow Americans during the Gulf War. Also, an old "friend" of Mac's, Christopher Ragle, turns up and an Australian exchange officer, Lieutenant Commander Mic Brumby, joins the JAG team.

4.9 People vs. Mac(2 of 2)
Guest Stars

When Mac's "friend" Ragle turns up dead and everything points to Mac and Lieutenant Commander John Farrow, she and Farrow are placed on trial. Harm is Mac's defense council while Mic Brumby defends Farrow. However, Harm gets more and more confused as Mic seems to be sabotaging Mac's case.

4.10 The Black Jet
Guest Stars

When Harm's friend, Lieutenant Commander Jack Keeter goes down over Iran, Keeter is placed on trial by the Iranians. Harm and Mac come in to defend him, but the situation becomes much more entangled than a simple defense.

4.11 JAGgle Bells
Guest Stars

(One of JAG's Christmas Episodes) The JAG team is incredibly busy over Christmas. Harm has to deal with Lieutenant Commander Jordan Parker's drunk driving charge. Mac has to deal with her "little sister" Chloe Madison's claims that her stepfather is abusing her and with Bud's news that he may have found Chloe's real father. Admiral Chegwidden's flight is snowed out and so he is stuck in Washington, D.C., unable to visit his family.

4.12 Dungaree Justice
Guest Stars

Harm and Mac investigate a beating of a barkeeper, at a popular Navy hangout, who was apparently beaten by three sailors. Also(in a continuation of the saga started in Mr. Rabb Goes to Washington), Mac faces an Article 32 hearing on charges of perjury and fraternization.

4.13 War Stories
Guest Stars

Three NATO observers are killed before they can be rescued, and the officer in charge of the rescue, Commander Riniscki, is charge with disobeying orders and involuntary manslaughter. Mac and Bud, who is defending his first case, are the defense council while Mic prosecutes. Harm is left in charge of the office, while the Admiral has an interesting time on his vacation.

4.14 Webb of Lies
Guest Stars

Webb's burned body is found, causing Harm and Mac to try to find his killer and figure out what happened.

4.15 Rivers' Run
Guest Stars

When, on a training mission, a Navy SEAL, Lieutenant Curtis Rivers, is fired at, he returns fire and kills the shooter, a 14-year-old boy. Harm and Mac investigate but find their efforts frustrated at every turn. But, when Lieutenant Rivers is captured by a local seperatist group, Harm and Mac have worse troubles than just a stalled investigation. (Harriet is promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade)

4.16 Silent Service
Guest Stars

Stuck together in a submarine and already sniping at each other, Harm and Mac have to get over themselves and find out what is going on.

4.17 Nobody's Child
Guest Stars

The body of an unidentified girl is found on a Naval Base; the girl has been badly abused, neglected, and beaten. Harm tries to discover her identity and her killer with the help of Lieutenant Commander Teresa Coulter. He finds a name--Annie.

4.18 Shakedown
Guest Stars

A carrier is experiencing extremely odd technical difficulties, so Harm and Mac are sent to investigate. Back home, the Admiral has to help a former SEAL come to terms with leukemia.

4.19 The Adversaries
Guest Stars

Bud gets his first real case: his father, a retired Master Chief called "Big Bud", is accused of fraud and asks Bud to defend him. Bud grows nervous, though, when he realizes that he will have to go up against Harm. (Bud is promoted to full Lieutenant)

4.20 Second Sight
Guest Stars

Harm decides to undergo risky surgery that could allow him to fly at night again. Meanwhile, Mac receives word that her abusive father is dying and she must decide what to do.

4.21 Wilderness of Mirrors
Guest Stars

Harm, having visions of his father and even talking to him on the phone, begins to wonder if he has a mental illness. His girlfriend, psychologist Lieutenant Commander Jordan Parker, tries to help him.

4.22 Soul Searching
Guest Stars

Webb and Chegwidden go to Italy to rescue a CIA agent they both are indebted to. Harm's prized Corvette, which was his father's, is stolen.

4.23 Yeah, Baby
Guest Stars

Harm considers becoming a naval aviator again, a move not approved of by Mac, the Admiral, or his girlfriend, Jordan. Also, Harriet goes into labor.

4.24 Goodbyes
Guest Stars

Just as Harm decides he is going to become an aviator again, the murderer of Annie(see Nobody's Child) goes after Annie's twin, Dar-Lin.

Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 5, Season 6, Season 7, Season 8, Season 9

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