Dracula on Broadway

Indeed,Dracula was on Broadway. That was the way Bela Lugosi became so famous.It is very strange and very diffrent from the movie. Yet, it was interesting. I gave the script a read. Dracula isn't in it too much. Heres some pictures and the Script for each act.


Act 1-Prolouge

"MAGIC WICKED NIGHT" (Company) - Lucy finds herself in a graveyard being attacked by eerie shadows, the graveyard transitions to an engagement party for Mina and Jonathan held in the ballroom at Hillingham- the luxurious estate of Miss Lucy Westenra - Mina's best friend since childhood. Lucy wakes to find herself in the arms of Dr Seward. (The graveyard apparently was just a horrible daydream.) Beautifully attired dancing party guests provide a background to introduce the principle characters. The wicked chant of the party guests foretells the terrible and strange events to follow.

Scene 1 - Ballroom at Hillingham:




Isn't it grand dancing to strains of fabulous strings

Silk sweeping silhouettes of crystalline candlelight

Fantastically elegant, bombastically delicate

How grand!

Isn't it grand chatting awash in words of the day

Deliciously clever wit in razor-sharp repartee

Phantasmic, narcotic

So savage, exotic

How grand

Dance, mask, breath, blood

What lies beneath such a lovely facade?

Such a magic, wicked night

Ravaging, with just a slight

Madness in the palest light

Savages, silhouettes, silver piercing eyes on fire

Ravishing, a wicked plight

Barest teeth and purest fright

Such a writhing, rushing sight

Tantalize, treacherous

Tasting all the flavors of night.


Why Miss Murray, I don't believe I've seen you giving

lessons in grammar wearing that particular ensemble.


Oh Jack, I love the chance to play the peacock for an evening. Lucy insists that

a school mistress indulge in the splendor of society at least once before becoming

a solicitors wife. Did you know Lucy had this gown sent all the way from Paris?


Very fancy. Very ostentatious. Unlike your fiance.

Jonathan seems to have chosen a less elegant fowl.


Stop analyzing, doctor! Come, dance with me.


Fine, isn't it fine

Watching the world whirl round to the waltz

Strangers from foreign lands of intrigue and secret plans

Exciting, enticing, paying what price in the game?


Dance, mask, breath, blood

What lies beneath such a lovely facade?

[Mina and Jack have parted as they dance. Mina is alone; Jonathan makes his way to her]


Here's to the happy couple. What were their names?


You look lovely. I suppose it would be inappropriate for me to ask you to marry me.


Well, you could always ask.


Would you marry me, Mina?


You know I would, if it weren't for the fact that my friends have spent so much on

this wonderful engagement party, and that my fiancee would probably kill you.


One wouldn't want to cross him. He's quite dangerous, I'm sure, as

men of passion always are. And he must love you very much.

[They kiss, then start to dance.]

COMPANY (women)

Sweet, isn't it sweet

Caught up in love's enchanted embrace

The vision of paradise, white lace and wedding rice

Purest intentions,


domestic conventions,


how sweet!

[Mina is back with Jack].


Lucy is acting strangely. Have you determined the cause -


I shouldn't be discussing it.


You know I deeply I care for Lucy. I feel so helpless, watching her weaken day to day.


Mina, I know you are concerned, as are we all. We shall find a cure for this, whatever it is, I promise you. For now, put it out of your mind. This is after all, your engagement party.

[Lightning flashes, Jack dances with Mina].


Dance, mask, breath, blood

Dance, mask, breath, blood

Dance, mask, breath, blood

What lies beneath such a lovely facade

[Mina finds herself alone. Jonathan approaches her].


Thank God I've found you, you've rescued me.


From What?


From Whom. Those society people. I never know what to say to them.


I find them terribly interesting.


Oh, I suppose, if you enjoy hearing about caviar from St. Petersburg ,

diamonds from the African mines or elephant hunting in India.

MINA (intercut with Jonathan)

Caviar? Diamonds? India?


Well, darling, I love you, but I am not leaving England again.


Dance, mask, breath, blood

What lies beneath such a lovely facade

Such a magic, wicked night

Ravaging, with just a slight

Madness in the palest light

Savages, silhouettes, silver piercing eyes on fire

Ravishing, a wicked plight

Such a writhing, rushing sight

Tantalize, treacherous

Tasting all the flavors of night.

[Lucy is working her way toward Mina and Jonathan]


Lucy! Thank you so much for this wonderful party

and this exquisite gown. How are you feeling?


Flawless! I'm so glad I could do it for you. And of course, we're

all so glad to have Jonathan back from abroad.


Yes, well, the youngest partner in a real estate office often draws the undesirable

assignments. But I can assure you I'd rather lose my job than service another

client so strange as the new owner of Carfax Abbey. That old man was truly

insane. God only knows why, at his age, he wanted to come and live in England.


The gentleman purchased Carfax, then? You must be a better solicitor than I thought.

[LUCY is almost face to face with Jonathan, teasing him, about to kiss him].




It seems everyone is here. And I declare this party a tremendous success!

[Lucy grabs a frightened Mina a wildly swings her around in a circle].


Dance, mask, breath, blood

Dance, mask, breath, blood

Dance, mask, breath, blood


Lucy, what is it? What's wrong?


You're so dramatic. Did it ever occur to you that I might simply be

weary from planning such an elaborate party? At any rate,

congratulations. I trust you and Jonathan will be quite ecstatic.


You shall soon be having an engagement party of your own, I'm sure.


(she laughs sarcastically)


Dance mask, breath blood

What lies beneath such a lovely facade

Such a magic, wicked night

Ravaging, with just a slight

Madness in the palest light

Savages, silhouettes, silver piercing eyes on fire

Ravishing, a wicked plight

Barest teeth and purest fright

Such a writhing, rushing sight Soprano's

Tantalize, treacherous Savages, silhouettes

Tasting all the flavors of night. Tantalize, treacherous

What lies beneath such a lovely facade Ravaging Wicked Night

Such a magic, wicked night

Such a magic, wicked night

Such a magic, wicked night

[This final chorus segues into Dracula's theme music. Lucy stumbles

- this all happens simultaneously. Mina clutches Lucy's arm]



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