Fan Of The Fortnight
New Poll

New Album Lyrics
How Does It Feel lyrics
Miss You Nights lyrics
Love Takes Two lyrics
Tonight lyrics

The Navigation works perfect now
Put up some banners for the Divine Awards, voting starts soon, so don't forget to
vote for me!
I'm just putting up the
Bryan interview from this weeks Heat.
Written In the Stars Lyrics. Yay!

New navigation system on Homepage.
doesn't work for me, but hopefully it will for everyone else, my computor is not worthy of anything

08/10/02 - I've decided that I'm not going to chat anymore because I also decided that it was boring. I've done a lot since I have come back. (Links seem cool too!)

New Pages:
Fan Pics
Inside each page will tell you what they are and what to do etc etc.

Back At One
You Don't Know

New 2003 Tour Dates

Interactive Stories
Three new stories have been put up for you to add to. If you have any suggestions for titles or the beginnings of new stories, please e-mail me.

Site Map:
Updated and has all the old invalid links deleted and all the new pages put on

Free Texts:
I've taken that off the homepage because it was absolutley pointless. It didn't work.

22/08/02 - I've just put up a new game thing in the fun stuff section. I'm not sure if it's that fun, but there you go. It's a wordsearch with crossword clues! yay! I thought that up all by myself! I tlooks a bit wonky and everything, but I can't get it any straighter. Before i save it and display it and everything, it's all dead straight. bloody thing. I'm just about to put up more wallpapers that I have been sent as well.

22/08/02 - Hi There! I've just been slaving away. I've put up all the new ringtones and ALL yes all of the guitar tabs. I'm very pleased with myself for that! I actually got a job finished. There is a wallpaper in the wallpaper section as well. It's what I have on my desktop. I thought that I may as well donate it. It's from those square cd rom thingys, so thankyou to the people who make the square cd rom thingys. I need a few more. Not everyone likes just Mark do they? hmm. well. I still have loads to do. I have lots more fanfics that I have to put up. But the thing is I have to be in the mood to do that sort of thing. The thing is I havent been for quite a while. I promise that I will get round to it!
It's the website anniversary in about a weeks time, and I still haven't put up all the pictures! I am such a, well I don't know maybe a lazy slacker. Thats me! None of my bloody forms are working. They seem to work for everyone else but me. I test them to see if I get the e-mail and I never do. If you need to use one of my stupid forms, then the safer bet would be to send me a proper email to my address. I don't know why I bother.
Ooh! If anyone knows a good westlife news site that I could link my news link (!) to, that would be great. I stopped doing the news bit a long time ago. I think I wrote it somewhere down there |

21/08/02 - Well, lots to add. You may have noticed when you came in that the homepage has totally changed around. I apologise for there being a space where you are supposed to enter your mobile number, it doesn't seem to want to come up at all. I'll try and get that working. I've also added a wallpaper section which i havent done anything on yet. I will do though. I have also added links to where you can download the american version of world of our own, the video. thats thanks to Rca records. ta! I think that I'm going to give up trying to learn about frames. It's just too hard for me. I don't think you can do it very well on geocities anyway. I'll have a new message board at the end of the month as Bessen (the people I am with already) are closing down. what a load of pants. I may transfer everything that is on there already to the new one. (when I get it!) I thinks thats about it. Tara!

19/08/02 - I've added a few new ring tones, but I haven't put them up. ('What's the point to that?' You say, well, I have no idea.) I have a guitar tabs section now as well. and all the names of them that I am going to have up, are there, but they are not up either. (you see, I'm on of these people who start doing something, get bored, and then moves on) I also have another new section, which is called 'Portraits' I am just about to make the page explaining it all. Bye!

14/08/02 - Well I had an idea for something to put in the funstuff section, and I'm just trying to put it into action. Still trying to learn about frames!

14/08/02 - Hi! I've changed around the layout of the links page. I can't actually get it to how I want it. Everything I do just seems rubbish. Hopefully this will stay around for a little while longer. I've also started to put a menu thing at the bottom of each page, but I didn't get very far with it coz i got bored. I just found out that frames is what i want to do with the site (I think) and I'm just trying to learn how to use it. I'm not doing too well. I think I'm going to get bored of that too soon.(Heeeeeeeeeeelp!)  I'm also trying to change the colour of the scrollbar on the homepage, but I don't know if you need frames for that too though. Hmm, ok, I'll leave you with my boring thoughts. Night!

11/08/02 - Right, well, I've put up a thingy about telling a friend, i don't know exactly how it works, so I hope you do! I've put up an interactive story thing. Please have a go at it. I've written the first paragraph, it's not very good, but I'm sure you can work from it! I also thought of an absolutley ingenious idea, where you send me your mobile number (If you want!) and I will send you breaking news and television appearances of the boys. I'll also send you the updates of this site. ooh, but...I tested it out, and i actually havent recieved any of the things i sent, so i guess that it's not working. I'll try and sort it out! Use them well!! xJx

10(well 11th)/08/02 - Hey, It's 4.45 in the morning, and I have spent aaaaaaaaallll night putting fanfics and songfics up. I have put up most of the shortish ones and tomorrow, I will (maybe) attempt to put up some of the longer ones. sooooooo tired! Well, I hope you all are fine, tucked away in your beds. night night! zzzzzzz

10/08/02 - Hiya!!! well, I have put one of the fanfics that I have up. Sorry for the delay, but it takes sooooooo long to get all the stories up. I've also put the Songfics on the same page as the fanfics, the unfinished fanfics are also on that page. They are all really well marked though, so you wont get confused!! umm, I can't really think of  anything else I've done, ooh, there is a new 'Westlife' Logo thingy on the home page, you may have noticed it when you came in, but its well cool!!! umm, think thats it. C ya!!

06/08/02 - There are a few new fanfics that I am putting up, when they are up, they will be worth checking out. Ooh, I did two new links as well

04/08/02 - I've just put up a couple of new links.

03/08/02 - All the concert Reviews I have are up! In case you were wondering, as their is no links to Karen on 28 May, she hasn't written it yet, but she promised it to me, so if you have any complaints, please send them and I will forward them to her, and she may get the message! Ooh, and I've started putting the date on the things that I put in here. I never thought of that before, but I think that it makes more sense and might be useful, if not for you, then for me.

Right, I haven�t written in here for a while, to tell you the truth I forgot about it, but anyway, I�m doing it now, but it�s just going to be a little vague

I�ve got a page for the concert reviews, but I actually haven�t had the chance to put them all up yet.

I have loads more fanfics, but I�d still like more!

Lyrics, right, I have put up all the lyrics possible, I think that I have got everyone that they have done, but, If you know otherwise, let me know!

I have an �About me� Section. I know it�s like really boring and that, but if you get really bored...!

I have more links, and I also have a sister site, so make sure you go check her out.

I took the news section down, I just couldn�t keep it updated enough. (Naughty Bry!)

Ooo, I had to get a new message board a while back. because my homepage deleted itself, and the old address for it was on there, I lost it. So I need you all to do me a favour and fill it up, It�s a bit lonely. Sorry about the bright non-matching colours on it!!

And, there is a new poll!

I have finally got the News and In The Beginning sections up and running (yay!)

Fanfics (erm...I can't remember what ones, but there are some new ones)

oooh, I have a new 'Fan Of The Fortnight' competition running. If you would like to qualify, read the instructions inside.

Site Map, place which tells you where stuff is and what it is. It's not technically up at this moment but i am just about to do it (honest!)

New Poll! This time, vote for who you think will be the last member to marry.

Queen of my Heart - lyrics. yay at last!!

New Album Lyrics - They are not all there yet but will be ASAP

The Westlife Group and Mark Picture Pages have Been Put on.
That's about it, it's not much but I will keep you updated. (Haha, lol, funeeee)
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