Against All Odds
How can I just let u walk away
Just let u leave without a trace
When I stand here taking every breath with u
You're the only one
Who really knew me at all

He stood in the empty flat, staring out of the window where a few hours earlier he had watched her leave him, forever... He slowly walked over to the sofa and sat down, reliving the moment they both knew had been coming, when things had gotten too much, with his fame, he was never there for her, and they both knew this day would come.

'Ki?' 'Yeah?' He said, looking up from his book. 'We need to talk...' He put down the book and looked at her, he could see her tears, but this had to happen, one day... 'I know' he whispered, and walked over to the window where she was standing. 'This isn't working out, is it?' He shook his head, no. In a way, he was glad she was the first one to break, but in his heart, he knew it was his fault. This killed him, but he knew it was a no win situation, he would've given up the band in a second if it meant she would stay, but he knew that she knew this was what he had dreamed of and would never let him give up.

'I'm sorry,' she whispered as he hugged her. 'No, I'm sorry, this is my fault' 'I knew what u had to do with the group, I walked into this with my eyes wide open OK? Don't blame yourself, we tried...' Tears stopped her continuing. They stood in silence for a moment, making the most of what they knew were their last moments as a couple. 'What now?' He asked. 'I've packed some stuff, I can stay with friends,' 'U don't have to, Robs, please don't go...'

'Don't make this any harder Ki, please' she said, and walked upstairs and grabbed her bags. She came down a few minutes later, and walked over to him, touching his arm, she whispered, 'I love you, don't forget that.' 'I know, me 2'. He leaned in to kiss her, but she backed away, 'Don't make it harder Ki, this is for the best.' And she walked out of the door.

How can u just walk away from me
When all I can do is watch u leave
Coz we've shared the laughter and the pain
And even shared the tears
You're the only one
Who really knew me at all

He thought back to the past 18 months of their relationship. The best 18 months of his life, not without its ups and downs, but mostly happy for him. His band was successful, record breaking in fact, and to top it all, he had someone he loved and who loved him back, life couldn't get much better. But the time apart took its toll on things, when they were together, they were the two happiest people alive, always laughing, she knew how to make him laugh.

Then of course, when they were apart, they hit an all time low. Kian would try to hide his pain when they would talk on the phone, mostly saying how much they missed each other, she would try to hide it too, but, all too often, the pain was too much, and they would cry together. It killed him to hear her cry, especially because he was the cause.

So take a look at me now
Cause there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me
Just the memory of your face
Take a look at me now
Cause theres just an empty space
And u coming back to me
Is against all odds
And that's what I've got to face

He flicked half heartedly through the photo album she had kept, but left behind, as it was too painful for her to look at. In it were photos of them together, but also some magazine clippings of kian and the rest of westlife. This was all he had left of her now, he had his memories, but he worried that they would fade with time, but he hoped that time would fade his hurt too. He touched the photos and sobbed quietly, praying silently that she would come back, though he knew deep down, that was against the odds.

I wish I could just make you turn around
Turn around and see me cry
There's so much I need to say to u
So many reasons why
Ur the only one
Who really knew me at all

He kept going over the scene, what would he have said different to make her stay? Would anything have made her stay? He couldn't blame her for walking out, he was never there for her, but she didn't realise how much he needed her. He hoped that she needed him as much too, but he knew that she was independent enough to make it alone. He didn't know that each night, she would watch him on TV, and cry herself to sleep, wishing he had tried harder to make her stay. She had thought maybe it could've worked if they both tried harder.

Just take a look at me now
Coz theres just an empty space
And theres nothing here to remind me
Just a memory of your face
Take a look at me now
Cause theres just an empty space
But to wait for you
Is all I can do
And thats what i've got to face

He waited, not looking at another girl, no one could match her in his eyes, he didn't know that she did the same thing, constantly comparing every guy she met to Kian. 'No one cares as much as Ki did' 'No one made me laugh like Ki did. She would think to herself. Finally she decided, there was only one way to solve the heartache they both still felt, months after a break up. She phone his office and found out where he was, as it happened he was in London, with the group, doing promo for a new single, due out soon. She booked the first flight over there, and found out where the band was staying. she stood outside the hotel, in the pouring rain, waiting for them to return. She never even noticed how wet she was getting or how cold it was, all that was running through her mind was Kian, and what to say to him. Could he take her back after she had left him? she was still thinking, when she heard some one saying her name.

'Robs? Omg, is it you?!' Kian stood in front of her, she could feel tears welling in her eyes. 'Omg, you're soaked!' He immediately took off his jacket and placed it round her to warm her up. 'KI!' She cried, and hugged him... and things were as if they had never said goodbye at all.

Take a look at me now
Cause i'll still be standing here
And you coming back to me
Is against all odds
Thats the chance I gotta take

Well, it seemed as though Ki had been wrong about Robyns return being against all odds. And he'd never been happier to be wrong about anything before.

Take a look at me now

He was so happy, and he didn't care who saw it, he wanted to tell the world. Kian Egan - happiest man in the world!
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