A Love Story Left Untold
Harriet casually glanced at the man sitting in the corner. He had entered the bar a few hours ago. He had ordered a bottle of Scotch in a hoarse voice and settled in the corner. He buried his head in hands and drowned his sorrows. Harriet felt sorry for him. She wondered what had happened to make him feel this way. He wasn't a regular guest. Harriet knew them by now. Occasionally he raised his head to look at the door. Tears were shining in his eyes. And his cheeks were already wet from spilled tears. He seemed vaguely familiar to Harriet. His blonde hair fell in his eyes but he didn't seem to notice. Harriet continued to polish the glasses. The bar was empty. She was waiting for her only guest to leave so that she could close up and go home. But he made no intentions of leaving so soon. Harriet placed the tea towel on the bar and walked towards him. 'Excuse me sir, do you need me to call a taxi?' He shook his head. 'Just leave me alone please.' 'It's 3 am sir. I would like to close the bar.' He glanced at his watch. 'I'll pay you if you keep it open for a bit longer.' He raised his head and looked at her. His eyes were filled with pain but seemed very empty. 'I'll stay.' Said Harriet softly. 'Have a seat.' Harriet walked around the bar and sat down beside him. 'You look like you lost your best friend.' Said Harriet. He snorted. 'Two best friends. No�no make that three.' He poured another glass. 'That's not going to help, you know.' 'Oh what do you know.' Harriet sighed. 'I'm sorry. I was out of line.' She stretched her hand. 'I'm Harriet.' 'Bryan.' He said and shook her hand. 'So Bryan, what brings you to this hotel bar?' 'I have a room.' Harriet slid of the chair. 'I think I'm going to close up. Can you get to your room or do you need a hand?' Bryan shook his head. 'I'm ok.' Harriet walked back to the bar and closed up. She gathered her stuff and closed off. 'Shall I walk you to the lifts?' Bryan got up and swayed around. Harriet hurried to his side. 'Come on, lean on me. What room are you in?' Bryan mumbled his room number. Harriet nearly dragged him to the lifts. Luckily for her the lift was ready and she took Bryan to his room. Harriet felt awkward to search him for the room key but she had to get him inside. Bryan had almost fallen asleep with his head on her shoulder. Harriet half dragged and half carried him to the bed and dropped Bryan on it. She took off his shoes and covered him with a blanket. 'Good night Bryan.' Harriet walked back the door but changed her mind. She dragged a comfortable looking chair to the window and sat down. She just wanted to know if he was going to be ok in the morning.

Harriet woke up all stiff and sore. She stretched her body and softly moaned as her muscles protested. She quickly glanced at the bed. Bryan was still asleep. Harriet rubbed her eyes. She had to go home soon or her flat mate would kill her for not calling her. She walked to the bed and touched Bryan's arm. He felt warm. 'Silly you. He won't die after a few drinks.' Muttered Harriet. She turned around to walk away when someone grabbed her arm. 'Who are you and what are you doing here?' Asked Bryan in an angry but hoarse voice. 'I'm�I'm�' Harriet was too shocked to say something. Bryan sat up straight and grabbed his head. 'You want an autograph?' Snapped Bryan. Harriet shook her head. 'What do you want than?' 'I just wanted to see if you were ok.' Whispered Harriet. 'Bollocks.' Bryan pulled her on the bed. 'I know what you want. You decided to sneak in my room. Maybe if you were lucky I would still be sleeping.' 'No.' Said Harriet. She wanted to say more but Bryan crushed her lips with his. Harriet tried to push him off but he was too strong. Bryan ripped her shirt open and Harriet turned numb. She closed her eyes and silently blamed her self for being too trusting and caring. Suddenly Bryan rolled off her. 'Get out.' He said. Harriet quickly got of the bed. She looked at her shirt. She couldn't go out like this. She looked at Bryan with tears in her eyes. 'What are you still doing here? I told you to get out?' Something inside Harriet snapped. 'I've sat in that chair all night.' She screamed. 'I took you to your room after you had way too much to drink. And I don't even get a thank you. No you assault me.' Harriet tried to cover her self with the remains of her shirt. Bryan buried his head in his hands. 'I'm sorry.' He mumbled. 'Sorry isn't good enough.' Harriet made her way to the door. 'Wait.' Said Bryan. He got of the bed. He grabbed a sweater that was on the floor. 'Wear this. I'm sorry.' He raised his head and looked at Harriet. His eyes were red but Harriet saw that he was sincere. She took the sweater and put it on. 'Thank you.' She quickly left the room and took a deep breath. She had no idea what just happened. She had no idea who he was. Harriet walked down stairs in a daze. It was still very early. The morning shift had just started. 'Morning Harriet.' Said the front office manager. 'Morning Jerry.' Harriet walked outside. A few girls were waiting outside the hotel. Harriet frowned. She pulled the big sweater closer around her body. She could smell his intoxicating smell. It gave her a strange feeling of comfort. One of the girls walked approached her. 'Excuse me? Do you know if Westlife is staying in the hotel?' Harriet gave her a clueless look. The girl shoved a poster in her face. Harriet gasped and closed her eyes. One of the guys on the poster looked exactly like Bryan.

Harriet stayed in bed all day. She had wrapped the sweater around and tried to get some sleep. She felt stupid now. The whole hotel must know by now. The reception saw her leave and one of those girls outside had screamed that Harriet was wearing Bryan's sweater. Harriet mentally kicked herself over and over again. She should have listen to her alarm bells. He had seemed vaguely familiar. She now knew why. His face was in every pop magazine in the country. Occasionally Harriet would flick through one of her flat mates magazines. Harriet didn�t like pop music. She lived for her job and her friends. She finally rolled off her bed an hour before she was due back at work. She reluctantly took off the sweater and folded it neatly. She put it under blankets. Maybe they would smell like him when she came home. Harriet closed her eyes for a second. She was being silly. He nearly raped her and now she held on to his sweater as if it was the only thing in her life. She should give it back.

No one commented on her nightly adventure when Harriet arrived at work. She greeted Tony. 'Ready to go home Tony?' Tony nodded with a big smile. 'It hasn't been busy at all. There's a couple sitting in one of the booths. They are having some problems. They were both crying when I bought them their drinks. I didn't dare to bring the check. Other wise nothing special.' Harriet nodded and Tony left. Harriet quickly checked the stock and started to clean the bar. It was indeed very quiet. Suddenly she heard a woman cry. 'Bryan, please. It's over.' A beautiful blonde woman ran past the bar. She was in tears. Harriet heard the man sob. Slowly she walked to the booth at the end of the bar. Her heart almost pounded out of her chest. Bryan sat with his back towards her. His head was buried in his hands and he cried. He cried like Harriet never heard a man cry before. Harriet's first urge was to leave him alone. But her heart seemed to be in control. She stepped closer. Harriet placed her hand on Bryan's shoulder. He jerked up. Their eyes locked. Harriet slid in beside him. He opened his mouth to speak but Harriet placed a finger on his lips. She pulled him closer. Bryan rested his head in her lap. Harriet gently stroked his hair as Bryan continued to cry over something Harriet had no idea of.

Edinburgh. Bryan lost a few things that were important to him there. And now after six months they were back. He had to deal with those memories, whether he liked it or not. They had left in the middle of the night last time. He didn�t even get to thank that girl who comforted him. Bryan knew he was very lucky that she didn�t file any charges against him. He entered the bar. It was empty part from Shane and a cup of tea waiting for it's owner to return. Bryan sat down a few seats away from Shane. He didn't want to talk to him today. 'Evening sir. What can I get you to drink?' 'I'll have a beer please mate.' The barman nodded and poured him a beer. Bryan was just about to take a sip when he heard a familiar voice say: 'You are aware of the fact that you are underage and drinking?' Bryan looked up. The owner of the tea had returned. She hadn't changed a bit. 'He's drinking too.' Said Bryan and pointed at Shane. Shane snorted. 'You'd dub in a mate.' Bryan ignored him. 'Come on. It's just one beer.' The girl shook her head. 'Sorry.' Bryan flashed her his famous smile. 'Let's start all over. I'm Bryan.' 'I know who you are. I'm Harriet and no, you can't have a drink.' Bryan started laughing. Harriet frowned. 'I don't have to remind you of the last time you were here?' Bryan's face fell. He stared at his beer. 'Are you married?' Asked Shane suddenly. Bryan's head jerked up. 'No, I'm not.' Said Harriet. Shane finished his drink and rose to his feet. 'Good thing. Bryan here has a thing for married women.' The sarcasm was very clear. Shane gave Bryan an anger look and left the bar. 'What was he on about?' 'Nothing.' Bryan looked over his shoulder. Shane was now talking to Nicky. 'Nothing.' Said Bryan again. Harriet came to sit down next to him. 'Are you ok?' She asked him. Bryan shrugged. 'I've been better. But than again I've been worse.' 'I still have your sweater.' Harriet regretted those words. She bought the same after shave as Bryan used so that the sweater wouldn't loose his scent. 'That's ok. I never got to thank you. You can keep it.' Harriet almost sighed with relief. 'So what are you here for now?' 'Concerts. Can I have another beer?' 'Just one more.' Harriet waved Tony and ordered two beers. 'Why is that mate of yours giving you the evil eye?' Harriet could see Shane in the mirror behind the bar. He didn't even bother to hide his anger. 'Well, that�s the best kept secret in the Westlife camp. Shane and I haven't spoken a proper word in about 9 months.' 'It can't be that bad, can it?' Bryan laughed a bitter laugh. 'Buy me a bottle of your finest vodka and I'll tell you all.'
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