Angel of Mine
By Alec
Chapter 1
It was eleven in the evening. People were doing some late night shopping. Angel sat on the curb looking at the people rushing by. She was bored. She had wandered around all day and hadn�t really done anything. But then again Sligo wasn�t the most alive place on earth. She got up and decided to go back to her room. She walked trough the park. She stopped when she saw a few boys play basketball. She wanted to join them but knew she couldn�t. The light of the hospital showed up. She entered the hall and walked up the stairs. One of night sisters looked up and said �Hi Angel. Are you back again?� Angel nodded. She walked in her room. A boy was lying in her bed. Machines surrounded him. The nurse followed her. �What is wrong with him?� Angel looked at the boy. �He just had open-heart surgery. His name is Nicky. Be nice to him.� Angel smiled. �Anna, I always am nice.� Angel touched the boy�s face. �Is he asleep?� �No, he is in a coma. He had a heart attack during the op.� Angel looked at Anna. �Do you think he can see me?� Anna shook her head. �If he believes he might.� Angel sat down at the chair. �Is there any news?� �I�m sorry dear. No one knows anything.� Angel sighed. �If they don�t find them, I might have to hang around for a while.� She looked at Nicky. �I even might enjoy the time.�

Chapter 2
Nicky stirred and felt a cool hand touching his face. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around. There was nobody in the room. A nurse entered the room. �Nicky, my name is Anna. I�m the night nurse.� �Somebody touched my face.� Whispered Nicky. �Angel told me you were awake.� �Angel?� �Hi Nicky.� Heard he say someone. He moved his head. �I don�t see anybody.� �I�m here.� Nicky looked at the door. �Angel, stop fooling around.� Anna smiled. �Angel used to stay in this room. She likes to fool people around.� �Where is she?� All Nicky heard was a girl giggling. �Angel.� said Anna. A girl climbed on to his bed. �Hi, I�m Angel.� Nicky looked at her. Angel grinned at him. �I like playing tricks on people. It�s gets me through the tough times.� �What happened to you?� �I got stabbed.� �Jeez.� Nicky looked at her with pain in her eyes. �Are you okay now?� �Ooh yeah, I didn�t survive it but hey that�s life. Or should I say death.� Nicky looked confused at Anna. �Angel passed away several months before you came in.� �You are joking me, right.� Nicky looked at Angel but she was no longer there. �Believe in me, Nicky, only then can I come alive.� Whispered Angel. �She is gone.� Nicky looked at Anna. �She is a ghost?� Anna sat on his bed. �Angel has some unfinished business to take care off. When that is finished she will really leave us.� �How come you can see her and I couldn�t?� �I believe in Angel. When you believe you can see her.� �Weird hospital.� Nicky closed his eyes. Anna got up and left his room. Angel was sitting at the counter. �I�ll make him believe.�

Chapter 3
That night Nicky had a weird dream. He saw Angel dancing in a club. She was talking to several people. �Angel are you leaving?� �Yep, I have an early lecture tomorrow and I want to be awake to follow it.� One of her friends hugged her. �Do I need to walk you to your car?� Angel shook her head. �No, it�s parked a block away. I�ll be fine.� Angel waved at her friends and walked to her car. At the entrance of the parking lot were some boys standing talking to each other. When Angel past by, one of the guys turned around. �Have you got a light?� �No, sorry, I don�t smoke.� �Too bad.� Angel saw the streetlight reflect in the blade of the knife but it was already too late. Angel fell to the ground clutching her stomach. �Help.� She whispered.
�23-year old female. Stabbed in her stomach several times. �The nurses lifted her on to the bed. �She is having a heart attack. Start CPR.� The doctor looked at his watch. �Take her upstairs. Put her in a room and call her parents, so they can say goodbye to her daughter.� Nicky saw Anna hugging a girl in the room they had brought Angel to. When Anna turned around he saw that she was hugging Angel. Nicky looked at the bed. Angel was also lying in the bed. �Nicky, Nicky.� He opened his eyes. Sweat was running down his back. �I didn�t mean to scare you.� Angel sat next to him on a chair. �I need you help, Nicky.� �Why?� �You saw in your dream who killed me. I can�t tell the police any more. You can.� �But�� �That is my unfinished business.� Nicky looked at her. �You are beautiful.� Angel blushed. �Hey you blushed.� �We ghosts have feelings too.� Nicky started laughing but immediately grinded his teeth in pain. �You shouldn't be laughing.� Angel said with a smart look on her face. �Are you buried yet?� �I went to my own funeral. Now I know who my friends are and who I can go haunt.� Again Nicky started laughing. �Try smiling first it doesn�t hurt so much.� �I�ll try. You are not making it easier for me.� �Who are you talking too?� Nicky�s best friend stood in the door opening. �I was talking to�� �He can�t see me or hear me.� Said Angel. �I was talking to myself. It gets lonely in here.� Angel poked his side. �Oow.� �What? Are you in pain?� �No Bryan, just some phantom pain.� Angel started laughing her head off. �I hadn�t heard that one yet.� Nicky started smiling. �Nick? Are you all right?� Bryan looked worried. �Don�t worry about me. I�ll be just fine.�

Chapter 4
Bryan stayed for two hours. All that time Angel was standing behind him and made funny faces at Nicky. All he could was smile the biggest smile he had ever smiled. Angel stopped making funny faces and started to dance to music only she could hear. Nicky followed her around the room with his eyes. �Nick, are you are you are fine? All you do is smile and you are rolling your eyes.� Nicky gazed at Bryan. �I was following a fly and I smile because I�m happy.� In the corner of his eyes he saw Angel disappear. �Wait.� Nicky reached out his hand. Bryan shook his head. �You are seeing things man. I�ll be back tomorrow.� He got up and walked away. �Great Angel, now my best friend think that I am crazy.� He got no reply. He lay back in his pillow and thought about the last two days. He came in for surgery and ended up with a ghost as friend. Life can be so strange.

Angel looked at a sleeping Nicky. Anna came in the room. �Hi Angel.� �Hi Anna, how are you?� �Fine, how is the young man?� Angel smiled at her. �He is fine. He had a tiring day.� �What did you do?� �I didn�t do nothing. Oh, okay, I made him laugh.� Anna shook her head. �He�s got stitches from his chest to his hip. He can�t laugh.� �That�s he figured out too.� Anna checked Nicky�s chart and said goodnight to Angel. She pulled a chair close and took Nicky�s warm hand in her cold hands. �Sorry, Nicky. I need warming up.� Nicky stirred but didn�t wake up. Angel looked at his face. �You have the face of an angel when you are asleep.� She touched his cheek. �Why didn�t I meet you before? It could have been nice.� Nicky opened his eyes. �Hey, don�t cry.� �Don�t worry, these tears will never fall.� Angel sighed. �Will you hold me Nicky?� Nicky pulled back his covers and Angel slid in beside him. �You are cold.� Said Nicky while he shivered. Angel took his hand and put on her heart. �Feel that Nicky?� �No.� �I have no heart beat anymore. I don�t get warm on my own. I need you to warm me.� Nicky wrapped his right arm around her waist. �Is that better.� Angel nodded. �If you only knew what this means to me.� Nicky closed his eyes again and fell asleep.

Chapter 5
Angel lay there with Nicky�s arm around here. She listened to the comforting beat of his heart. Suddenly she realised that she had fallen in love with him. She turned around and looked at him. Even in his sleep he was smiling. His hand moved slowly up and down her waist making her giggle. Angel layed her head on his shoulder and touched his scar. �I can heal it for you.� She softly caressed the sore skin of his chest. �I can make it feel better. If I could only make you love me.� She sighed and closed her eyes. There for she didn�t see that Nicky opened his when she had said those words. He looked at her. She didn�t look like a ghost to him. Her skin was perfect and now warm. Nicky touched her cheek. Angel�s eyes flew open. �Hi.� Whispered Nicky. �Hi.� �Are you feeling better now?� Angel nodded. She was fascinated by Nicky�s lips. She bend forward and kissed him with all the passion she had to give him. At first Nicky kissed her back, deepened the kiss. Then he turned his head. Angel looked at him with hurt in her eyes. �Nicky?� �I can�t. You are a ghost. I, we can never be.� Angel jumped out of bed. �I�m sorry you feel that way.� Nicky saw her vaporise in front of him. �Angel, no!� Anna ran into the room. �Nicky, what is wrong?� �Angel, she is gone.� Anna sat next to him. �You look stressed. What happened?� �We kissed.� Anna gasped. �And I told that we could never be.� Nicky�s eyes filled with tears. Anna hugged him. �You broke her heart. That�s all I can say.�

Chapter 6
Nicky sat in his wheelchair staring out of the window. He felt miserable. Angel had vanished a week ago and all he could think about was her. Did he love her? It was so confusing. The door of his room opened. He turned around. Anna walked in. �Hi Anna.� Said Nicky with a sad smile. �You are down too?� What do you mean?� Anna smiled. �I have this grumpy little ghost sitting at home refusing to go anywhere or do anything.� Nicky sighed. �I�m so stupid.� The door opened again and Bryan walked in. �He Nick my man. Time for a ride.� Bryan grabbed the wheelchair and swung Nicky around. �Wow,� said Anna, �Be very careful. His wound hasn�t healed yet.� Nicky nodded and ran out of the room. Anna could hear Nicky screaming for Bryan to calm down. �Anna?� She turned around. �Angel?� �Does he miss me?� �See for yourself.� Angel walked out of the room. She saw Nicky sitting in his wheelchair laughing his butt off. She sighed. �Well, I could have known.� Anna joined her. �That boy is head over heals in love with you.� Angel looked in his direction again. Bryan had gotten himself a wheelchair too and challenged Nicky to race him. They rode in her direction. Angel turned around. She didn�t want Nicky to see her. �Bryan, stop.� Shouted Nicky. �That girl.� Bryan rode straight through Angel. �Ouch.� Angel rubbed her tummy. �That kid has a hard head.� Not realising she said that out loud, she turned around. �Angel?� she heard Nicky say. Anna turned his wheelchair. �No more racing young man.� Nicky put on his puppy face and said: �No nurse Anna.� Nicky came back. �What were you yelling?� �Oh, nothing. You nearly ran over Anna that�s all.� Anna smacked him playfully over the head. Bryan rode him back into his room. Nicky looked down the corridor but he couldn�t see Angel anywhere.

Chapter 7
He fell asleep as soon as Bryan left. He was dead tired. Angel looked at him. She loved him so much. Nicky stirred in his sleep and a single tear went down his cheek. Angel wiped it away. Nicky�s eyes flew open. �Angel�.� She put a finger on his lips. �Don�t say a word. I�ll leave you after tonight.� Nicky shook his head. �I don�t want you to go.� He lifted his sheets and Angel slid under. Nicky pulled her close. �I don�t want you to go ever.� Angel looked at him. �Will you sing for me?� �How do you?� �Anna has magazines and I can read.� Nicky took a deep breath and started singing: �So, impossible as it may seem. You've got to fight for every dream. Cos who's to know which one you let go. Would have made you complete.' Angel started sobbing. �Hey, what is wrong?� Nicky lifted her chin and looked in Angel�s teary eyes. �I love you.� She whispered. �I love you too.� Answered Nicky. He kissed her. �Can we have children?� Angel started laughing. �No we can�t.� �It would be cool though. I mean our kids could be half-human half ghosts.� Nicky said with a very serious look on his face. Angel kissed his earlobe. �We can practise.� Nicky didn�t say a word but just pulled the blankets over his face. �What?� �I�m not suppose to be active.� �I saw you with Nicky. That was pretty active.� �Not in that way.� �What way?� Angel asked with an innocent look on her face. Nicky sniggered and kissed her. �Just shut up and kiss me.�

Chapter 8
Nicky was recuperating better than aspected. His doctor told him that he could go home in two days. Nicky didn�t want to go but he would be kicked out. Nicky told Angel all about the band he was in and the countries he had seen. His mates all came round just before they had to go on a small tour without Nicky. Bryan came in the room first. �Hey Nick, you have got visitors.� The rest of the band walked in. Shane sat down next to him on the bed. The rest sat on the chairs. Angel stood in a corner watching the whole group. Nicky kept glancing her way and when he did she made a funny face. Nicky smiled. �Are you happy that you can go home?� Asked Kian. �I don�t know. I like it here.� �I told you so. Nicky is happy in a hospital.� Bryan said with a smart look on his face. Kian slapped him over the head. Angel nearly fell on the floor. Shane looked her way. She swiftly moved to another corner but his eyes didn�t leave his face. The guys stayed only a little while. Everyone got up. �I�ll be right there.� Said Shane. He turned in Angel�s direction. �Do you mind telling me what you are doing in my friend's room?� Nicky grabbed his sleeve. �You can see her?� �I have always been able to see things that weren�t there.� Angel moved to the bed and cuddled up to Nicky. �This is Angel. I love her.� Shane�s expression changed to anger. �She is a ghost.� Said Shane through clinched teeth. �I know. Can�t I love her?� �You are sick, Nicky, sick.� Shane got and walked out of the room. Nicky wanted to say something to Angel but she was gone. �I hate it when you do that.

Angel ran after Shane. She grabbed his coat and swung him around. �Listen to me. He makes me happy.� Shane looked at her. �You�ll take away the reason where for he lives.� �Meaning?� �When he realises he can�t show you off, he would like to be dead. So that he can be with you forever.� �But if I make him promise.� Shane�s eyes turned teary. �Just don�t make me loose my friend okay.� �I promise.� She hugged Shane. He walked away. �I�ll try and keep him with you for as long as I can, Shane.� He couldn�t hear her anymore.

Chapter 9
Angel sat on the bed watching Nicky packing his bags. �Do you have to leave?� �Yep, the doc is kicking me out.� Angel touched his hand. �I want you to have this.� Nicky opened his hand and saw the necklace Angel had been wearing. �I got it from my parents last night.� Nicky put the necklace on. �How do I look?� �You look great.� Angel started crying. �He, this isn�t the end.� �It will take me a lot of energy to go to Florida with you Nicky. I can�t be with you for the first couple of weeks.� Nicky sighed. He knew about that. �Just promise me that you won�t give up hope. The other guys need you.� Nicky nodded. �I know. But I also want to be with you.� �When it is your time, Nicky.� Angel started to vaporise. �I have to go. I love you.� �I love you too.� Nicky said to air. Anna knocked on the door. �Are you ready? Did you say goodbye?� �Yes we did.� Nicky wiped away a tear. �I can�t wait to see her again.� Anna took his bag and pointed at the wheelchair. �Your limo has arrived sir.� Nicky smiled and sat in the chair. �To Florida.� Nicky took one last glance around the room and whispered: �Good bye Angel of mine.�

Chapter 10
Just like many nights before Nicky woke up with chest pains. But this time he had trouble breathing. The pain got worse and worse. Nicky realised he was having a heart attack. His body went in to spasms. He tried to sit up straight but he couldn�t. �Angel.� He screamed from the top of his lungs. He fell down on his bed again, the world turning black around him. A green mist started to form in his room and slowly Angel appeared. �Nicky?� She saw him lying on his bed. His body was wet with sweat and he had a look of pain on his face. She walked towards him and tried to find his pulse. She couldn�t. �No Nicky, you must not die.� Angel made a fist with her hands and hit his chest as hard as she could. �Come on Nicky, I promised.� She saw an oxygentank next to the bed. Angel put the mask over his face and reached for the phone. She dialled a number and waited for the phone to be picked up at the other end. Meanwhile she felt a pulse again. �Hello.� Said somebody sleepy when the phone was picked up after it rang twenty times. �Shane?� �Angel, what, how where.� �It�s Nicky, Shane.� �What do you mean?� �I think he had a heartattack.� Angel started crying. �Call 911.� �I can�t Shane. They can�t hear me.� Shane cursed and said: �I�ll be right there.� Angel put down the phone and sat on the bed. She moved Nicky so that his head was on her lap. Angel brushed away his hair and kissed his nose. �I love you.� Slowly Nicky opened his eyes. He looked confused. �Angel.� He whispered. �Did I�� �No, I was there in time. Shane is on his way.� Nicky closed his eyes again. Angel took his hand in hers and waited for Shane to come.

Chapter 11
The next morning Nicky woke up. He was surprised to see that Shane and Angel were both sitting in a chair next to his bed. �What happened?� Angel looked at him. �You are awake.� Nicky nodded and took off the oxygenmask. �You had a heart attack last night, Nicky.� Nicky�s eyes grew big. �A heart attack?� Shane woke up. �Hey, you scared us last night.� Nicky got up. �Where are you going?� �I feel fine. I want a shower. I feel sticky.� Angel pushed him back on the bed. �Didn�t you hear what I said?� �I did and I still want a shower.� Nicky pushed away Angel�s hands and walked to the bathroom. He locked the door and looked in the mirror. �I had a heart attack.� He said to his reflection. He turned on the water and took off his boxer and shirt. He opened the showercurtain and wasn�t surprised when he saw Angel. �Are you going to keep an eye on me forever?� �No.� Angel pulled him into the shower. �I just want to spend some time with you.� Nicky kissed her. �I�ll be fine. You are here now. I�ve missed you.� Angel wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tight. �Just don�t die on me and Shane, okay?� Nicky looked her deep in her eyes and said: �I promise.� Angel grabbed the bottle of shampoo and told Nicky to close his eyes. She put some shampoo in her hands and started washing his hair. Nicky stood motionless enjoying every second. When Angel was finished, she kissed him. Nicky opened his eyes. �I love you.� Angel smiled and left the shower.

Chapter 12
When Nicky got down the rest of the guys had arrived. Shane hadn�t told them anything because he didn�t want them to worry. Angel stood in the kitchen-entrance making fun of Kian. She copied every move he made. Shane started to snigger. Kian turned around to see what was so funny. But he didn�t see anything. Angel walked into the kitchen. Nicky followed her. �Breakfast?� �Yep.� �Cereal?� �Yep.� Nicky wrapped his arms around her. �Can I have you for breakfast?� �No.� Nicky gave her his puppy face look. �No.� Said Angel again and tickled him. �No tickling.� Nicky was laughing so loud that Bryan and Shane entered the kitchen. Shane started laughing when he saw Nicky lying on the floor with Angel untop of him. Bryan looked very confused. All he saw was a squirming Nicky on the floor. �Are you all right, Nick?� He asked with a worried tone in his voice. Angel finally got of him. �I�m fine.� Nicky said completely out of breath. �And what were you laughing about?� Asked Bryan Shane. �It�s an Irish thing.� Shane walked out of the kitchen. �You are going to get me in so much trouble.� Said Nicky under his breath to Angel. She smiled and followed Shane out of the kitchen. Bryan looked very worried. �I think you�ve been released way to soon.� He shook his head and went back to the living room.

Chapter 13
Angel and Nicky sat cuddled up together on the couch. They were watching a movie but Nicky didn�t pay much attention. He was playing with Angel�s hair. �When did you realise you were a ghost?� Angel looked at him. �I was in the hospital and my parents came in. Instead of walking to me, I was standing in the corner; they walked to the bed. My mum threw her self at the bed.� Angel looked away. She took a deep breath and said: �when they were gone, Anna came in and comforted me. She told me that I couldn�t go to heaven because of unfinished business.� Nicky hugged her tight. �Sorry I asked.� �Don�t be. It�s weird. You can enter people�s room and they don�t even know that you are there.� Nicky kissed Angel. �You are the sweetest ghost I have ever met.� �Oh yeah, and how many ghosts have you met in your life.� Nicky blushed and mumbled: �one.� Angel started laughing. �I love you anyway.� �Thanks.

The group had gone on tour again and this time Nicky and Angel had gone with them. �Can�t you like humanise for one night? I want to take you out for dinner.� �I could but it takes a lot of energy and I have to leave afterwards.� �Where do you go?� Angel looked at the girls in the parkinglot. �What you call fog are no clouds. They are ghosts getting back energy.� �Can you be human for me tonight?� �Anything to make you happy.� �Oh yuck guys. Not so slimy.� Shane stood in the doorway. �Who are you talking to?� Bryan showed up. �Nicky, I was talking to Nicky.� The bathroom door opened and Angel entered the room dressed in a beautiful gown. Bryan�s jaw nearly fell on the ground. �Who is that?� Nicky turned to see Angel. Her silver dress matched her blond hair. When she was alive her hair colour had been different but all ghosts had blond hair. Her dress fitted her like a second skin. Nicky kissed her cheek. �Bryan, I want you to meet my girlfriend Angel.� Bryan regained his voice and said: �where have you been hiding her?� Shane softly punched him in the stomach. �Leave the lovebirds alone.� He dragged Bryan out of the room and closed the door. �I love the dress.� �I wore it to my prom.� �Lucky boyfriend.� Nicky grabbed his wallet and opened the door. Together they walked to the lift. Eight pair of eyes followed them. �I told you she was beautiful.� Whispered Bryan to Mark and Kian All they did was nod.

Chapter 14
Nicky and Angel had the night of their lives. They went to dinner together and Nicky took her dancing. Tired but very happy they arrived at the hotel. �I don�t want this night to end.� Angel hugged him. �I was so happy.� Nicky took her to a big room. �What is this?� �We are rehearsing here tomorrow.� Nicky turned on the stereo and a ballad filled the room. �Would Madam like to dance?� He took a deep bow. �I�d love too.� Nicky took her in his arms and together they danced. They were so lost in their own world that they didn�t see Nicky enter the room. He looked at his best friend dancing with Angel. �At least he is happy.� Nicky turned around and left. Angel stopped dancing. �I have to go.� Nicky looked at her. �No, stay, Angel.� Angel turned very pale. �I have no energy left anymore.� Nicky hugged her but he was hugging air. �I�ll miss you.� A faint whisper in an empty room.

Angel had a big smile on her face. She had missed Nicky very much in the two weeks she was gone. She slid through the door and entered the room. �Nicky?� She asked softly. �I�m over here.� She walked to the couch. Nicky was sitting in the corner. �Did you miss me?� Angel climbed on his lap. �I�m so sorry Angel.� Nicky looked at her with tears in his eyes. �Sorry about what?� Before Nicky could answer Bryan entered the room and went straight to the bed. �Nicky why is Bryan?� He put a finger on her lips. Bryan jumped on the bed. �Nick rise and shine. Another beautiful day in paradise.� When he got no responds he shook the figure lying in bed. �Nicky, wake up. This isn�t funny.� Angel looked at Nicky in shook. �How, why.� She got up. �Where are you going?� �I�m going to tell Shane that I didn�t keep my promise.� �Angel, I couldn�t help it.� Bryan sat down on the bed and screamed: �wake up Nick wake up!� Nicky turned his head. He couldn�t watch his best friends being hurt that much.

Chapter 15
Angel entered Shane�s room. He looked up from the TV. �Hey you�re back.� Angel sat down next to him. �Shane, I couldn�t keep my promise.� �What do you mean?� �In the hospital I promised to keep Nicky with you as long as I could. I tried I really tried.� Shane didn�t listen. He got up and ran to Nicky�s room. Bryan was crying hysterically. �Wake up, Nicky, wake up.� Shane took Bryan�s arm. �He won�t wake up, Shane. He just won�t wake up.� �I know Bryan. I know.� Shane sat down and hugged Bryan. Bryan broke down and started screaming: �Why Shane, why? He was happy with Angel, wasn�t he? The doctor said he was better.� The noise that Bryan made woke up Mark and Kian. They came running in the room. �What the hell is going on?� Kian looked very angry but that changed when he saw Bryan. �Bryan man, what is wrong?� Shane looked at the two guys. �He is gone.� His voice broke. �Nicky is gone.� Mark sank in a chair. Kian walked over to the bed. �Are you sure he isn�t sleeping?� �Angel told me.� �She is back?� �No, I dreamt that she told me.� Shane looked at Angel who was sitting next to him. She touched his cheek. �I know, Shane, I�ll be there for you later.� Shane nodded. Mark and Kian lifted Bryan from the bed and carried him to his room. Shane turned to face Angel but saw Nicky standing behind her. �Why did Bryan have to find you?� �I don�t know.� �Why did you die Nicky?� �It happened in my sleep. Don�t blame me.� Angel stood up. �I�m the one to blame. I should have never come to Nicky.� �Nonsense you made him happy.� Angel hugged Shane. �Let it out Shane. Say goodbye.� Shane buried his face in her shoulder and slowly started to sob. Angel looked at Nicky and than at the door. Nicky got the message and left. Angel held Shane for nearly an hour as he continued to cry. �He was happy Shane.� �I know.� Suddenly he looked up. �Why hasn�t he gone to heaven? He died.� �I don�t know Shane, I honestly don�t know.�

Chapter 16
Nicky�s funeral was several days later. Angel turned on the TV in Shane�s house. �Do you need help, Shane?� �No, I�m fine.� A newsreporter showed up at the screen. �Today is the day that Westlifer Nicky Byrne is being buried. His death, a shock to many people came very�� Angel switched the channel. Nicky touched her hand. �I�m not talking to you.� �Angel, I couldn�t help it. I was sleeping.� Angel turned to face Nicky. �You�ve been crying.� �I�ve hurt my best friend in the worse way I could.� �Nicky will survive. What about you? Why are you still here?� �Bryan is my unfinished business.� Shane entered the room. �Hi Nicky.� Nicky walked up to him. �I�m so sorry.� Shane hugged him. �Just stick around for a while.� �I�m not going to my own funeral. I don�t want to see Bryan fall to pieces.� �You don�t have to.� Shane sighed and said: �how do I look?� �Perfect.� Angel straightened his tie and brushed his hair from his face. �Good luck. Give Nicky a hug for me?� Angel grabbed her purse and walked to the front door. �See you later Nicky.�
Shane and Angel were standing on each side of Bryan when the coffin was lowered in the grave. Bryan sobbed like he had done throughout the whole service. Angel took his hand in her and gave him a gentle squeeze. �I�m sure that where ever he is Bryan, he will keeping an eye on you.� Nicky tried to smile. �I�m glad he knew you before he died.� Angel hugged him. �Shane, I have to go.� Angel kissed him and the other guys and walked away from the grave. Bryan who watched her go could have sworn that she disappeared in thin air whilst walking away.

Chapter 17
Several years later.
Bryan was looking in the mirror. His bow tie was knotted wrong and he was a mess. He looked to the ceiling and said: �I could do with a little help here.� �Let me help.� Bryan froze when he heard that voice. Slowly he turned around thinking that he was dreaming. But he wasn�t. His best friend who died three years earlier stood in his room with a big smile on his face. Behind him stood his girlfriend Angel, who had disappeared after the funeral. �Nicky,� �I had some unfinished business. I had to make you happy.� �And dying was your idea of making me happy?� Angel walked to him. �Nicky stayed around to make you happy.� She fixed his tie. �There, you look great.� �Are you ready to get married my man.� �Part from the nerves I feel fine.� Kian entered the room. �Who are you�.� He stopped and his eyes grew big. �Ooh man I had too much to drink last night.� �It�s really me, Kian.� Kian walked to Nicky and hugged him. �So you stuck around after all. And all those fans saying they heard you sing at concerts weren�t crazy.� Nicky shook his head. �I would never let you guys down.� Mark walked in the room. �Hey Nicky, hey Angel.� He walked to the window, stopped and turned around. �My god, Shane wasn�t losing his mind. I thought�when he..� Nicky hugged him. �All those years that you thought Shane was talking to himself he was talking to us.� Mark hugged Angel. �You still look beautiful. How come you are with him?� Angel gave him a big smile. �I died six months before he did.� Kian, Bryan and Mark looked at her with big eyes. �Yes, I dated a ghost.� Nicky sat smacking the guys over their heads. �And stop looking she is mine.
Shane came in to tell Bryan that the bride had arrived. Bryan nodded. �Are you staying until�.� Nicky nodded.

At the same time that Nicky said his I do�s to his wife a judge in Sligo sentenced Angel�s murderer to life. Bryan and Angel looked at eachother and together they clapped their wings at their friends.
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