I Believe In You And Me
By Mattie Scott
***** Three months later - May *****

I heard a knock on my dorm door as I read my files from the zoo.
"Who is it?" I called out.
I heard a low husky growl and immediately dashed off to the door like I was in the middle of the 100 M dash in the Olympic Games.
"Nicky!" I exclaimed as he hugged me when I opened the door.
Nicky dropped his bag on the floor and kissed me.
"I thought you'd recognize my little sexy growl." Nicky winked at me as he slipped his arms around my waist.
"How could I not resist that?" I laughed. "Seriously, what are you doing here? I thought you were still in the middle of recording your new album."
"Yeah�. But we got a few days off and I wanted to surprise you by flying to Toronto." He grinned at me.
I couldn't help but lose myself in his eyes. They were so beautiful. "You certainly did surprise me."
Nicky looked over my shoulder. "Did I come at a bad time?" He asked me when he saw the huge stack of file folders.
I shook my head. "Nah� I just have to type up some stuff."
"That won't take long won't it?" Nicky pouted.
"If you want, you can help me." I offered and sat down at my computer.
"Well�." He hesitated and raised his eyebrows.
"Please?" I begged. "I've been slaving all afternoon over this." I pulled Nicky's arm closer to me. "I will do anything you want me to do."
"Is that a bribe?" he teased me.
"Alright." He sighed. "What do I have to do?"
I handed Nicky the stack of folders. "Just read out loud the highlighted parts which are the diagnosis of each animal's condition."
I heard Nicky groan.
"Remember, I said I would do anything you wanted me to." I reminded him. "Now read."

***** An hour later *****

"Michelle, this is too disgusting for me to read." Nicky complained as he opened up the last file.
I turned away from my computer. "What's so disgusting? Read it anyway." I asked Nicky.
Nicky sighed. "It talks about how a snake ate this little bird and the doctor pumped the bird out of the snake's body by hand." Nicky's face was starting to turn green.
I chucked. "I heard about that case. It's amazing how the bird survived."
"It did?" Nicky relaxed a bit.
"Yeah. Well, I'm all done." I clicked 'Save' on my computer and turned it off.

"Thank God." Nicky breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought I was going to puke up my airplane meal after reading those files for you."
I laughed at his comment.
"On second thought, I would probably have puked anyways." Nicky pretended to vomit.
"So, master� what is your wish that you would like me to grant?" I teased him as I picked up all the files from my bed and tossed them on my desk.

Nicky thought for a moment, just to make Michelle impatient.
"Come on! I haven't got all day!" she poked him in the chest.
Nicky cocked his eyebrow to make her even more anxious and he couldn't help but laugh.
"Why don't we watch a movie? I see your roommate has a collection over there." He pointed over to the other side of the room to a bookshelf full of videos.
"Really? I guess so." Michelle hopped off the bed and selected a movie.
Nicky plucked the video out of her hand. "What's this? The Preacher's Wife?" He groaned. "I thought I was going to get all my wishes granted." He pretended to throw the video in the trash.
Michelle laughed. "You will soon. I like this movie anyway."
Nicky watched Michelle bend down to put the video in the VCR. "She sure has a nice arse." He thought as she popped the movie in.
"What are you looking at?" He heard Michelle's playful voice ask him.
Nicky looked up and his face felt like a tomato.
"It's okay to look at my ass you know? As long I'm the only ass you look at regularly." Michelle giggled and flopped herself onto her bed.

***** During 'Preacher's Wife' viewing *****

"I missed you so much." Nicky whispered in my ear as we watched the movie.
I turned my head and he planted an unsuspecting kiss on me. I let him cup my chin and kiss me even more. "I missed you too. I'm glad that I went to that interview with the tiger cubs otherwise I would never have met you." I touched his face.
He stroked my hair and I smiled. I felt so happy with him. Ever since I returned to Toronto, I felt more in control of myself after that fiasco with Mark. Nicky even managed to stay in touch with me at least three times a week, either by the phone or e-mail. That was more than Mark ever did, as much as I hated to admit it.
Nicky wrapped his arms around me as we laid in my bed.
"I loved you honey." He kissed me on my cheek.
I looked up at him. "I love you too."

I believe in you and me
I believe that we will be in love eternally
Well as far as I can see
You will always be the one for me
(Oh yes I will)

"Want me to sing along with Whitney for you? A private performance?" Nicky nuzzled my neck.
I giggled. "Okay."
"As long as you don't tell the other lads." He squeezed me.

And I believe in dreams again
I believe that love will never end
Like the river finds the sea
I was lost, now I'm free
'Cause I believe in you and me

He kissed me on the forehead and continued to sing in his husky voice. I closed my eyes and heard him sing softly in my ear. My heart raced as every word he sang entered my thoughts.

I will never leave your side
I will never hurt your pride
When all the chips are down baby
Then I will always be around
Just to be right where you are
My, love, you know I love you boy.

I will never leave you out
I will always let you in
To places no one has ever been
Deep inside can't you see?
That I believe in you and me

Nicky watched Michelle close her eyes and listen to every word he sang. She was so beautiful and the way he held her in his arms was everything he wanted in the world. He placed his hands on her stomach and stroked it lightly as he sang to her.

Maybe I'm a fool
To feel the way I do
I will play the fool forever
Just be to with you forever

I believe in miracles
And love is the miracle
And yes, baby you're my dream come true
I was lost, now I'm free
Oh baby, 'cause I believe, I do believe, in you and me
See I was lost, now I'm free
'Cause I believe in you and me��

song performed by: Whitney Houston in "The Preacher's Wife"
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