She's Like The Wind
By Mattie Scott
***** In Ireland *****

"You say you don't know what caused you to break things off with her. Am I correct Mr.Feehily?" Mark's therapist asked him.
Mark looked out the window of the doctor's office. He couldn't stop thinking about Michelle and the look on her face when he told her it was a mistake for the whole thing.
"No�." Mark responded and kept staring out the window.
He heard the doctor scribble something down on a piece of paper.
"Well, Mr.Feehily�." The doctor closed his pad and moved his chair closer to Mark. "It seems to me that when you lost your grandmother, you were afraid of losing Michelle the same way because of the way your grandmother passed on."
Mark turned away from the window. The doctor made sense to him. It was just that Mark couldn't find the right explanation for everything. After hearing the therapist talk, Mark felt some courage inside him. He had to win Michelle back, at no cost.
"You're right," Mark got up when he realized he still loved Michelle deeply. "I've got to book a flight to Canada."

***** Meanwhile, back in Toronto *****

"I'm glad the movie is over so I can focus on you." Nicky moved closer to me.
"I think you did the whole time," I laughed and pushed him away playfully. "Did you not like the movie?"
"Nah. I like you better." He whispered to me in his husky Irish accent and moved his hand down my leg.
I pulled his collar closer to me. "How much?"
Nicky growled comically and I laughed again. He leaned in even more closer and started to kiss me tenderly on my lips. It made me want more so I was trying to take off his shirt.
"I thought you wanted to wait until you're married." Nicky pulled away for a second after he realized what I was doing.
"I just said that for some dumb reasons. I was too scared to get even more involved and besides we hardly see each other physically."
"And you want to do it with me?" Nicky looked confused.
I sighed in annoyance. "Well yeah. Who should I do it with? You or a freaky old man?" I pretended to be in deep thought.
"Me I hope." He chuckled at my little sarcastic joke.
"Well of course. Isn't that obvious?" I wrapped my arms around his neck

Nicky couldn't believe his ears. Even though he didn't mind her decision to wait, he just couldn't help himself to Michelle. It was now or never. He wrapped his arms around her on her bed and started to kiss her passionately as he climbed on top of her.
Nicky grinned down at Michelle and saw her green eyes sparkling. He took of his shirt and started to move his hands up and down her muscular arms.

"I love you." He murmured as kissed my neck. I ran my hands al across his back. His back felt so smooth and ripped. I felt Nicky move his hands down my ribcage and his fingers stopped short at my shorts.
"Wait." He mumbled and hung his head as if he was in despair.
I sighed. "What is it?" I asked him as I lifted up his face.
"I don't have any condoms with me. You said you didn't want to do it anytime in the near future, so I didn't bother to bring any."
I groaned and let my hands fall to my sides.
"Sorry honey," Nicky crawled off me. "I'll buy some tomorrow." He stroked my face and kissed my forehead.
"It's alright." I tilted my body to his side and ran my fingers through his spiky blonde hair.

***** The next day - Mark's hotel room - 8 P.M. *****

Mark searched his pockets for the piece of paper with Michelle's address written on it.
"Ah!" he exclaimed after finding the crumpled piece of paper in his back pocket. Mark picked up the bouquet of orange tulips - her favourite and a mix CD containing all their favourite songs.

***** Meanwhile in Michelle's dormitory room *****

"It was cool to see where you work. I understand why you want to become a veterinarian." Nicky took off his jacket after we came back from showing him where I worked my co-op job.
"That is, if I become a vet Nicky." I flopped onto my bed.
"You will become a great vet, for sure." He smiled at me.

Nicky didn't hear Michelle say anything for a minute so he turned around and saw her lying on her bed with her back propped up against the headboard.
She looked so sexy with her hair down in a mass of curls.
"Come here." She beckoned him with a seductive look on her face.
Nicky couldn't resist her. He did a little dance on the way to the bed.
"Do your little growl for me." Michelle said with a twinkle in her eye.
Nicky let out a low growl and unbuttoned his shirt as he crawled over Michelle.

I giggled as Nicky blew raspberries on my stomach when I let him take off my tank top. He started to kiss my neck and inched down all the way back to my stomach again. I couldn't help but feel a little hesitation and anxiety but ignored it anyway.

***** In the dormitory hall *****

With some help from a group of girls, Mark managed to find the right dorm. He had the bouquet of flowers in one hand and the CD in another. He let himself take a deep breath and hoped that Michelle was home.

***** Back in Michelle's room *****

As Nicky took his track pants off and started to kiss my bare stomach, we heard a knock on my door.
I groaned. "Go away!"
"Maybe if we ignore it, it'll go away." Nicky whispered to me and started to kiss me again, only this time, it was on my lips.
But there was another persistent knock, only this time it was louder. Nicky stopped kissing me. "I'll go answer it." He quickly got off the bed and went to answer the door in his boxer shorts.

Mark was about to knock again when the door suddenly flew open. He was shocked to find Nicky on the other side of the door wearing only his blue boxer shorts.
"What the hell?" Nicky was even more shocked to see Mark as well.
"Who is it Nicky?" Mark heard Michelle's voice calling out.
Mark glared at Nicky. "I thought you said you were going to visit your mum and dad." He knew that instant that Nicky had lied to him about his travel plans.
Nicky shifted uncomfortably. "I did�. But I changed my mind. Got a problem with that?"

"Is that you Mark?" I called out again after hearing Mark's voice in the hallway.
Mark squeezed through Nicky and the door. "Yep."
He saw me half-naked and I immediately pulled the bed sheets over me for I was wearing only my bra and shorts. I saw his mouth gape open as soon as he saw me lying there.
"Excuse me�" he stuttered and dropped the flowers he was holding and something else that appeared to be a CD.

Mark couldn't stay there any longer. It was too much for him to handle - Michelle and Nicky.
"God�" he thought as he backed out the door.

I stared out as Mark left. I couldn't believe that he had flown all the way here from Ireland to find Nicky and I together.
"Oh shit." I muttered to myself as I put my shirt back on.
I felt so horrible about what happened.
"Honey�. I'm sorry you had to see that." Nicky put his track pants back on and sat down next to me on my bed.
I picked up the CD that Mark had dropped on the floor and put it in my CD player.

She's like the wind through my tree
She rides the night next to me
She leads me through moonlight
Only to burn me with the sun
She's taken my heart
But she doesn't know what she's done

"Oh my God." I whispered to myself after hearing the first song. "Oh Mark." I thought.

***** Flashback - Five months ago *****

"Hey Mark! Come here!" I called out to Mark as we browsed through a novelty store in Montreal.
"What is it?" He turned around and came over to see what I had found.
I held up a snowglobe that had Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey dancing in it and on the base it had the words 'Dirty Dancing' on it.
"What is that?" he pointed at it and laughed.
"This is one of the best movies I've ever seen." I stood my ground as Mark collapsed into fits of laughter.
"Yeah, I heard every single woman on this planet loves that movie. Why can't they have a passion for action movies like 'Terminator'?" Mark took the snow globe and shook it.
"Because those movies are crap. Sorry to tell you that, but it's true." I took the snowglobe back and walked to the cashier to pay for it.
After buying the snowglobe, I handed it to Mark. "This is for you. I guess you can say that it's a symbol of my love for you." I shook the snowglobe for him. "You see, whenever you watch the flakes stop falling, you can always shake it back again. That's how we are. Whatever obstacle comes into our path, I know we can always bounce back."
Mark smiled and stared into the glass ball. "This is the best gift I've ever received." He kissed me on my lips and hugged me.

***** Present day *****

"He still has that snowglobe," I said under my breath after remembering the time in Montreal. "It's the song."

Feel her breath on my face
Her body close to me
Can't look into her eyes
She's out of my league
Just a fool to believe
I have anything she needs
She's like the wind

Nicky watched Michelle listen to the song. The song hit him hard. It was particularly true. He could never measure himself up to the way Michelle had with Mark.

I look in the mirror and all I see
Is a young old man with only a dream
Am I just fooling myself
That she'll stop the pain
Living without her
I'd go insane

Feel her breath on my face
Her body close to me
Can't look in her eyes
She's out of my league
Just a fool to believe
I have anything she needs
She's like the wind

I gasped as the song continued to play. My heart kept telling me to go to Mark. It occurred to me that I still loved Mark more than I ever did and I always have. I was only with Nicky because I felt that I had lost Mark forever.
"I have to find him." I whispered as I grabbed my sweater and got up.

Feel your breath on my face
Your body close to me
Can't look into your eyes
You're out of my league
Just a fool to believe (Just a fool to believe)
She's like the wind (Just a fool to believe)
Just a fool to believe (Just a fool to believe)
Just a fool to believe (Just a fool to believe)
She's like the wind (Just a fool to believe)

From that moment, Nicky knew he had lost Michelle. What good would it be to get her heart back. He knew that she would never be completely and solely happy with him.
He tried to not let himself stop her from chasing Mark.
"Let her go. She deserves better happiness." Nicky told himself as Michelle disappeared in the hall.

Just a fool to believe
She's like the wind (Just a fool��)
(Just a fool��)
She's like the wind
She's like the wind
(Just a fool��)
She's like the wind
(Just a fool��)

song performed by: Patrick Swayze in "Dirty Dancing"
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