I'll Cover You
By Mattie Scott
I dropped my room key on my dresser and immediately opened up one of my suitcases to see if I had brought a dress for tonight's date with Mark. It was so thoughtful and sweet of him to get the tickets for me.
"I need something that would make his jaw drop to the floor." I thought as I searched through my suitcase.
I pulled out a red dress that had straps and stopped at the knee. "Perfect." I whispered to myself and tossed it on my bed.

***** Meanwhile *****

"So, did you guys talk?" Mark asked Nicky as he pulled out a pair of black trousers from the closet.
Nicky looked up from his papers. "Yeah, we did. It's good between us now."
Mark pulled out a blue blouse. "That's good to hear. Michelle was worried about you ever since you know�."
"It's okay Mark. I'm fine with you guys." Nicky said, not looking at Mark.
"You sure?" Mark raised his eyebrows.
"Yes. I'm sure. Go have some fun tonight." Nicky sighed, annoyed with all the questions. He didn't want to talk about his relationship with Michelle, especially with Mark.
"Alright. I'm going to get changed." Mark grabbed his outfit and headed to the washroom to change into his outfit for the date.

***** An hour later *****

"You look stunning, as usual." Mark complimented me on my outfit.
I laughed. "Thank you. You too."
"Oh stop!" Mark pretended to fan himself.
He stuck out his arm and I latched onto it. "Our carriage is waiting downstairs Madame."
"You rented a carriage?" I was confused.
"No silly! A taxi!"
I blushed. "Of course. You just heard one of my famous stupid answers."
He kissed me on my cheek. His kisses were one of the things I loved about him. They were always spontaneous and can either be sweet or passionate. I smiled at him and he brushed a loose curl aside.
"I love you." He whispered to me.
I put my hand on his cheek. "Me too."

***** Winter Gardens Theatre *****

Mark handed the attendant our tickets and the attendant guided us to a box seat that was high above the crowd. We sat down with our programs in hand and waited for the show to begin.
During the course of the play, Mark kept holding my hand and I enjoyed the warmth and softness of it.
"Nicky told me you guys worked things out." Mark whispered to me.
I felt my back stiffen. "He did? Well, yeah, we agreed to be friends." I whispered back.
"I'm glad you guys worked things out. Nicky hadn't been doing too well lately."
I knew Mark was right. I could tell by remembering the pale look on Nicky's face earlier that day.
"I think he'll be okay now." I squeezed Mark's hand.
Mark kissed it and focused his attention to the play.

***** A few moments later *****

I heard a cell phone ring. "Did you forget to turn it off before we came in here?" I hissed at Mark. Already, people were staring at us.
Mark's face grew red. "Sorry," He whispered and flipped it open.
"Hello?" he said in a discreet voice, hoping the ushers would not catch him.
I watched Mark's face grow to a more worried look.
"Oh my God. How did that happen?" he anxiously spoke into his cell phone.
I, too was worried. I wondered what was going on.
"No, no�. I'm on my way." He flipped his cell phone shut and I saw a tear form in his eye.
The performers of "Rent" were just starting to sing one of my favourite songs from their play.

(Angel) "Live in my house
I'll be your shelter
Just pay me back with one thousand kisses
Be my lover - I'll cover you

(Collins) Open your door - I'll be your tenant
Don't got much baggage
To lay at your feet
But sweet kisses I've got to spare
I'll be there - I'll cover you

"Mark, what happened?" Mark felt Michelle touch his arm.
Mark rubbed his forehead. It wasn't good news. His mother had called, telling him that his grandmother had passed away.
"We should take this outside." He held out his hand and Michelle took it and Mark led them outside.
The singers were still singing as Mark paused for a moment outside the box seat.

(Both) I think they meant it
When they said you can't buy love
Now I know you can rent it
A new lease you are, my love
On life - Be my life

(Angel) You'll be my king
And I'll be your castle

(Collins) No, you'll be my queen
And I'll be your moat

Mark sighed as he put his mobile away.
"What? What is it?" Michelle was anxious to hear what happened.
"My Nan passed away in her sleep." Mark's lips trembled.
Michelle gasped. "Oh my God Mark. I'm so sorry. I know she was one of your favourite people in the world."

I hugged Mark and I let him cry on my shoulder.
"It's okay to cry. Just let it out." I told him as he softly cried.

(Both) I think they meant it
When they said you can't buy love
Now I know you can rent it
A new lease you are, my love
On life
All my life
I've longed to discover
Something as true as this is

(Collins) So with a thousand sweet kisses

(Angel) If you're cold

(Collins) And I'll cover you

(Angel) You're lonely

(Collins) With a thousand sweet kisses
I'll cover you

(Angel) You've got one nickel only
With a thousand sweet kisses
I'll cover you

(Collins) When you're worn out and tired

(Angel) With a thousand sweet kisses
I'll cover you

(Collins) When your heart has expired

I rubbed Mark's back as he cried even more.
"Do you want to go back to the hotel and we can find a flight for you back to Ireland?" I asked him.
Mark nodded. "I'd like that."
I kissed his cheek. "I'll go get our coats."

(Both) Oh lover, I'll cover you
Oh lover, I'll cover you

song performed by: Rent
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