**** A few days later ****

I moved all my stuff out of Nicky's room and I stayed with Mark. Nicky wasn't speaking to me, nor I was speaking to him. I was so mad at him that he could think such a thing. Mark was really supportive of me throughout the days and I thanked God I had him with me.
"Oh, damn." I muttered to myself as I searched through my purse.
Mark looked up from his song writing. "What is it?"
"I forgot my passport in Nicky's room." I let out a frustrated sigh and threw down my purse.
"Should I go get it for you?"
I shook my head. "No, I'll go get it myself."
"You sure?" Mark put down his pen.
"Yes Mark. Go back to whatever you're doing. I'll be fine." I got up from my chair and picked up the room key that Nicky had given me before. I forgot I still had it in my jacket pocket. "I'll give this back to him as well." I thought to myself as I walked down the hall to Nicky's room.

The door was locked so I used my key to open it. I nearly choked as I stepped into the dark room. It was so hot in there! The humidity made me cough.
"God!" I walked over to the window and pulled up the blinds and opened the windows.
"Hey!" I heard Nicky's voice yell out.
It startled me and I dropped my key.
"Who's there?"
I opened the remaining windows. "Me."
Nicky looked horrible. His blonde hair was messy and the room was an absolute pigsty.
I looked at him and saw him lying in his bed with the covers over him.
"I've come to pick up my passport and drop off my key." I tossed the key on the bureau. I spied my passport on the night table and picked it up.
"Goodbye Nicky." I whispered to him.
"Wait!" he called out to me as I was about to leave. "Don't go!"
I stopped in my tracks. "He really loves me." My heart was pounding.
Nicky got up from his bed. He was wearing only his shorts. He still looked handsome as ever, muscular too.
"Can�. Can we talk?" he asked me softly. His blue eyes looked so empty and needy.
I exhaled. "You sure? You're willing to listen to me?"
Nicky nodded his head. "I still love you. I've never stopped."
My lips trembled a little bit. "Meet me in the caf� in the hotel lobby for lunch. I'll give you a chance to clean yourself up."
I saw Nicky give me a faint smile. I was so glad that we were talking now, at least.

**** Back in Mark's room ****

"Mark!" I exclaimed as I came running into the room.
He looked up immediately. "What? What is it?"
"He's talking to me now! Well, I'm talking to him now!" I gave Mark my good news.

Mark's heart dropped. "Oh no�." his mind was searching for something to say.
"Is that great?" she tossed her passport on her suitcase.
"Yeah� It's great. Congratulations." He muttered.
Michelle looked at him, wondering why he was acting like that. "I'd thought you would be happy."
Mark gave her a fake smile. "Of course I am."
"Well, I'm meeting him for lunch in a couple of minutes. I've got to get ready." Michelle ran into the bathroom.

As Michelle was in the bathroom, Mark punched his pillow.
"Shit!" he thought. He was so mad that this had happened. It was his chance to get Michelle back.
"Forget it Feehily. She was never yours. It's over." Mark whispered to himself.
"Bye!" Michelle ran out of the hotel room, leaving Mark all alone, as usual.

**** Down in the hotel caf� ****

I saw Nicky sitting at one of the tables, wearing his traditional style - track pants, a hoodie, and some running shoes. He pulled out a chair for me and I sat down in it.
"Should we get something to eat first?" he asked me politely. Things were awkward at the moment. The waiter stood by with his pad ready.
"Just some orange juice please. I'm not really hungry." I told the waiter.
"A cup of tea please." Nicky ordered.
When the waiter left us alone, I glanced at Nicky. "How are you doing?"
He let out a chuckle. "Fine. You?"
"I don't know about that. The question here is do you trust me completely?"
Nicky leaned forward and touched my hand. It was so cold. How could it be so cold when his room was practically melting.
"I do�. I just lost it when I saw you and Mark. I know you guys are old friends, but it seems to me that he always had feelings for you."
I bit my lips. "No he doesn't. He used to, that's true for sure. But not now."
Nicky let go of my hand and ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't want to lose you over Mark. I love you honey."
I smiled at Nicky. "I love you too. You know that. Mark just had some women problems and I was only being a friend to him." I explained.
Nicky touched my hand again. "Does that mean we're back together again?"
I froze. I wasn't too sure about that. "Can you give me some time? I do really love you, but right now, I've got to sort some things out." I prayed that he would accept my decision for now.
I heard Nicky exhale sharply. "Okay Michelle. I'll give you that. But promise me something huh?"
I eased my chest. I was relieved that he wasn't too mad. "Promise you what?"
"Promise me that Mark will never come between us."
"Nicky! Mark is one of my closest friends. He would never try to break us up!"
Nicky bit his thumbnail. "I trust you. Uh�. Do you think it could be possible for us to go out tonight? Like the old times?"
I laughed. "It's a date." I tossed my red hair behind my shoulder.
"Okay, I'll pick you up tonight. I gotta go. I have an interview this afternoon, so I'll see ya later." Nicky got up and waved me goodbye.

**** Later that day, 7 o' clock ****

"How do I look Mark?" I twirled around in my black dress.
Mark turned around from the television. "Great."
"Can you zip up my back?" I walked in front of him.

Mark's hands shook as he reached up to zip up her dress. He touched her waist first and moved it to the zipper. It was almost too tempting for him. He got up from the couch and zipped up her dress. First from her lower back all the way to her shoulders.

Don't you know that you're my inspiration
Don't you know we're the perfect combination
Don't you know I'd give you my last breath
Don't you know you're different from the rest
All in all, it's getting stronger
Don't know if I can last much longer

I can't hide it (I can't hide it)
Don't deny it (Don't deny it)
Just give it all up to me

I felt Mark put his warm soft hands on my shoulders. He had such a gentle touch to him.

Girl, until the sky comes crashing down
Until the stars have all burnt out
Until the heavens break in two
I'll still be lovin' you

Mark touched Michelle's wavy red hair and brushed it aside to reveal her neck.
"You look beautiful tonight. Like always." He whispered so closely in her ear.

Don't you know there is no mountain high
Don't you know no ocean is too wide
I can feel you coming to your senses
Then you feel all of my intentions
I would go to the ends of the earth
Don't you see what you're worth

Mark's warm breath breathed down on my neck. I realized what he was doing.
"Don't Mark." I whispered back to him and walked away.
There was a knock on the door. Nicky opened it himself. "Can I come in?"
I grabbed my jacket, ignoring Mark. "I'm all set."
Nicky looked up and down at me. He looked great, wearing some dark pants and a dark grey blouse. "You look stunning."
"Thank you," I glanced back at Mark, who was staring at us.
"Bye Mark." I said to him, feeling bad about what had happened.
Nicky put his arm around my waist. "Ready for a night out on the town, beautiful?" he chuckled and kissed me on the cheek.

I can't hide it (I can't hide it)
Don't deny it (Don't deny it)
Just give it all up to me

Girl, until the sky comes crashing down
Until the stars have all burnt out
Until the heavens break in two
I'll still be lovin' you

Mark sighed as Nicky and Michelle left. He was so close that he could just taste it. When it seemed that all hope was lost, a door opened up, but another door slammed into his face. That door was Nicky.

I'll still be lovin' you
I'll still be lovin' you
I'll still be lovin' you
I'll still be lovin' you

I can't hide it (I can't hide it)
Don't deny it (Don't deny it)
Just give it all up to me

Mark remembered the kiss between him and Michelle that happened about four years ago. It would make him take in the fact that he would always love Michelle, regardless of who she was with at the moment. He would never stop loving her ever, nor even try to not to. Maybe someday, it'll happen.
"Who knows?" he sulked back onto the couch and continued to watch some television.

I'll still be, I'll still be, I'll still be lovin' you
I'll still be, I'll still be, I'll still be lovin' you
I'll still be, I'll still be, I'll still be lovin' you

Girl, until the sky comes crashing down
Until the stars have all burnt out
Until the heavens break in two
I'll still be lovin' you

I smiled at Nicky as he held my hand while we walked down the busy street. He looked down at me with his sweet grin and squeezed my hand.
"Hey." I said to him as we walked.
"Hmm?" he wrapped his arm around my waist.
"I wanna be with you." I whispered to him.
Nicky didn't say anything to me, but stopped walking. He pulled me close to him, his hands on my waist.
"I love you." He leaned down to kiss me softly on my lips and I felt the tenderness of his lips.

Girl, until the sky comes crashing down
Until the stars have all burnt out
Until the heavens break in two
I'll still be lovin' you

song performed by: Phoenix Stone
I'll Still Be Loving You
By Mattie Scott
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