**** Two months later ****

"Where are you going Michelle?" Nicky asked me as I picked up my jacket.
"To see Mark. He just called me from his room." I responded.
Nicky glared at me. "Fine!" he huffed and slumped on the couch to watch some television.
"Why are you so angry? He's our friend!"
I heard Nicky scoff. "Whatever."
I sighed and sat down next to him. "Hey." I touched his arm, hoping he would look at me.
"It just annoys me that everytime you come to visit me, you're always with Mark. I'd like to spend some quality time with my girlfriend who happens to be the most beautiful woman in the world." He reached for my hand.
I relaxed. "Oh Nicky, I didn't know you felt that way." I picked up the telephone. "I'll call Mark and tell him I'll meet him later."
Nicky grinned deviously. "You would do that for me?"
I laughed. "Of course. You're important to me too."

Mark heard his telephone ring. He picked it up. "Hello?"
"Mark. Hi. It's Michelle." He heard Michelle's voice on the other line. It made Mark smile. He loved her voice.
"Hey Carrots. I'm just waiting for you to come and get me." Mark was looking forward to hanging out with Michelle.
"Um�Yeah�Listen Mark, there has been a change of plans. Can I meet you later? Nicky's really anxious to spend time with me." Michelle's voice sounded hesitant.
Mark heard another voice. It was probably Nicky. He leaned into the phone closer and heard faint kissing sounds.
"Mark?" Michelle spoke, waiting for him to reply.
"Erm, yeah. I'll come by later this evening." He said.
Again, Michelle's voice sounded small. "It's not a good idea. Tomorrow's better."
This time, Mark could hear Nicky's voice loud and clear. "Come on honey. Hang up."
Mark grew irritated. "Fine Michelle! Have it your way!" Mark slammed down the phone.
"That asshole." He growled as he imagined Nicky being all over Michelle. "I'll show her." Mark picked up his jacket and planned to find a woman of his own.

"He hung up on me." I stared at the telephone, shocked that Mark had actually hung up on me.
"Good. He got the message." Nicky murmured and started to kiss my neck.
"I feel horrible now." I sighed and put the telephone back to its place.
"Ah honey. He'll have to get over it. Besides you're with me right now." Nicky's kisses were getting more passionate and his lips reached mine.

Mark stormed out of the hotel and walked down the streets of New York City hoping to find a pub. There was one not far from the hotel. He sat down on a stool at the bar and ordered a beer.
"How you're doing sexy?" he heard a woman's voice behind him.
Mark turned around to find a beautiful tall blonde woman grinning at him.
"The name's Nikki." She purred and held out her hand, waiting for Mark to kiss it.
Mark could only shake her hand. "Mark. Yeah, that's my name." He was stunned at her beauty.
"Ooh. We have an Irishman here, don't we? Let me buy you a drink then." Nikki pulled up a stool and sat next to him. "What brings you to this place?"
"Stress from friends." Mark mumbled and gulped down his beer.
"Well, I'll buy you another drink and we can chat about our daily problems." Nikki ordered another beer for Mark.
"Sure�." Mark nodded his head at her, as if he was under her powerful spell.

**** The next morning ****

I felt someone kiss me on the lips, which woke me up.
"Good morning honey." Nicky greeted me. He was already dressed. Nicky had volunteered to sleep on the couch during my short visit.
"Morning." I yawned.
He kissed me again. "Listen honey, I've got to go meet someone. I'll be back in an hour or so."
"Go ahead." I yawned again.
"Bye." He blew me a kiss and left.

After getting dressed and eating breakfast, I decided to go and visit Mark. I hoped he wasn't too mad at me for cancelling our plans the previous day. I grabbed my jacket and walked down the hall. His room was at the end of the hall. But I saw a tall blonde haired lady leaving his room angrily.
"Get the hell out of here!" I heard Mark scream at her.
I stood there in the hall with my mouth open, shocked at what I was just seeing. The blonde lady strutted off without a care. Then Mark turned around and saw me.
"Mark, what happened?" I asked him. He looked so angry. His eyebrows furrowed a bit.
I sat down on a chair in his room. "Tell me."
Mark grunted in response.
"Please!" I pleaded. "Are you still mad at me?"
"No�." he softened a bit. "I met her yesterday in a pub and it sort of happened last night, if you get the idea." Mark flopped onto his bed. "This morning, I heard her talking on the telephone saying that she was planning to go to the tabloids or whatever."
I sighed. "I'm sorry to hear that."
Mark laughed dryly. "What did you expect Carrots?" He stretched out his legs on his bed. "The funny thing is, I really liked her. Or at least I thought I did. Well, it's ironic. I always get my heart broken. I should learn to never trust love."
That sent a chill down my spine. He hadn't forgiven me for the kiss from four years ago.
"Don't talk like that. Anyone should be lucky to have you. You're you. Mark. That's what I love about you." I reassured him. "You'll find someone soon."

Mark glanced at Michelle. "And she's right in front of me," He thought sadly.
"Yeah well� Give me a massage?" he turned himself over, face down on his bed.
Michelle laughed. "You can't resist my massages can't you?"
That made Mark smile to himself. He did like her massages.

"Shirt please." I told him as I climbed on his back. "If you want the usual massage." I added.
Mark took off his shirt and laid face down again. I rubbed his tense neck and back muscles. He moaned in reply.
"You should learn to relax more often. I know you're really busy with your promotion and everything." I told him as I squeezed his back muscles.
"Don't start Carrots." He groaned.
Suddenly the door flew open. "What the�." Mark mumbled and turned his face to see who it was.
"What the hell?" It was Nicky standing in the hall.
Mark and I didn't say anything. I realized how we looked and immediately got off Mark.
"Is there something going on between you two?" Nicky bellowed at us. His eyes were full of fury. They weren't blue anymore, but a stone greyish blue colour.
"Nicky, it's not what you think!" I tried to calm Nicky down.
Nicky looked at me for a second. I thought he was about to calm down, but he didn't. "What does it matter anyway? It's over!" he screamed at me.

There you are in a darkened room
All you're all alone
Looking out the window
Your heart is cold
And lost the will to love
Like a broken arrow

Nicky slammed the door so hard that the picture frames rattled. I gasped to myself, not believing what had happened. All of sudden, my knees gave out and I fell to the floor.

Here I stand in the shadows
Come to me
Come to me
Can't you see that

Nobody wants to be lonely
Nobody wants to cry
My body's longing to hold you
So bad it hurts inside
Time is precious and it's slipping away
And I've been waiting for you all of my life
Nobody wants to be lonely
So why
Why don't you let me love you

I felt Mark pick me up. "Oh Michelle." He whispered to me and carried me to his bed. "It's okay. Don't worry."
I let myself cry. "No Mark. It's not gonna be okay."

Can you hear my voice
Do you hear my song
It's a serenade
So your heart can find me
And suddenly you're flying down the stairs
Into my arms baby

Before I start going crazy
Run to me
Run to me
'Cause I'm dyin'

I let Mark hold me in his arms. "How could this happen to me? I love Nicky!" my mind was going crazy.
"Carrots� Trust me. It's gonna be alright. You're here with me." Mark whispered so closely in my ear that I could feel his breathing.

Nobody wants to be lonely
Nobody wants to cry
My body's longing to hold you
So bad it hurts inside
Time is precious and it's slipping away
And I've been waiting for you all of my life
Nobody wants to be lonely
So why
Why don't you let me love you

I wanna feel you need me
Just like the air you're breathing
I need you here in my life

Mark was actually glad that this had happened. But in all reality, he didn't like how Michelle was right now. He had longed to hold her so much that it was happening right now. "I want to be the man for you." Was the only thing he wanted to say to her. But it was not the right time or place. Michelle cried softly in his arms and Mark rocked her.

Don't walk away
Don't walk away
Don't walk away
Don't walk away, no

Nobody wants to be lonely
Nobody wants to cry
My body's longing to hold you
So bad it hurts inside
Time is precious and it's slipping away
And I've been waiting for you all of my life
Nobody wants to be lonely
So why
Why don't you let me love you

Mark let me cry in his arms, but it didn't bring Nicky back to me.
"Mark�" I whispered as I looked up at him. His blue eyes were shining down at me.
"Yes Carrots?"
"Thank you," I could hardly say a word. "For being there."
Mark sighed and hugged me. "No need Carrots. We'll get through this together."

Nobody wants to be lonely��
Nobody wants to cry��

song performed by: Ricky Martin and Christina Aguilera
Nobody Wants to be Lonely
By Mattie Scott
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