Please Remember
By Mattie Scott
***** Reception *****

While sipping his punch, Mark looked around the living room in his house. He spotted Michelle talking with Nicky and Shane in the corner. Nicky had his arm around her waist and Michelle seemed to have a good time.
"That's it! I've had it!" Mark said to himself and set down his glass of punch to walk over to where they were. He couldn't control his jealousy anymore.

"Did you say that you were flying back to Toronto in a few days?" Shane asked me.
"Yeah� The new semester is starting in two weeks and I've got to get ready for the classes." I answered Shane's question.
"What are you studying to be?" Shane seemed interested.
"Right now, I'm in my last year of Zoology then I'm going to apply to the Ontario Veterinary College to become a vet."
All of sudden, I felt someone jerk my arm. Because of that, I spilled my punch all over Nicky's white blouse.
"Hey!" I exclaimed angrily.
It was Mark who had done that.
Nicky pulled Mark's hand off my arm. "What do you think you're doing?"
"Look who's talking!" Mark retorted to Nicky. He turned to me. His eyes were so angry. "I need to talk to you. Now!" Mark demanded.
"I don't think so Mark." I grabbed a napkin and started to blot the pink stain on Nicky's shirt.
"Look Mark. She doesn't want to talk to you." Nicky tried to calm Mark down.

Nicky's comment made Mark even more angrier.
"How could you stab me in the back?" he yelled at Nicky.
Nicky's eyes widened. Everyone in the room was staring at them. But Mark didn't care.
"Hey mate. Nobody stabbed you in the back. You're the one who broke up with her." Nicky's voice was low.
Mark let out a dry laugh. "Whatever." He didn't feel like arguing with Nicky, especially at his own grandmother's funeral, so he walked outside.

"I should talk to him." I said to Nicky as I cleaned up his shirt.
He took the napkin out of my hand. "You sure? He doesn't seem to be in the best mood."
I sighed. "It's his grandmother's funeral. He can't act like this. I'll be back soon okay?"
Nicky nodded his head.
"Thanks." I handed my empty glass to Shane so I could find Mark.

***** Outside near the Feehily residence *****

Mark stuffed his hands in his pockets. It was a little bit chilly outside for it was still February. He walked down the road and kicked some pebbles along the way. There was practically no snow around.
He let out a sigh. "God� I'm such an idiot." He muttered to himself.
Michelle was the only girl he had loved. There were too many things going on in his life that made him confused about what was important and what was not.
"Mark!" he heard Michelle's voice call out from behind him.
Mark spun around on the heels on his feet.
"Mark!" she panted as she caught up with him.
"You alright?" he asked her as she finally got some air.
"Yeah� Mark, what's going on with you? Why are you shutting people out of your life?" Michelle demanded him. She looked so worried and sincere.
Mark sucked in his cheeks. "I don't know. That's it. I just don't know."

I could tell Mark was troubled. He wasn't full of life as usual and his voice was weary.
"Have you tried talking to anyone?" I asked him as we walked down the road.
"I can't." His response was blunt.
"Then I can't help you at all. You keep pushing me further away from you. I don't know who you are anymore." I stopped in my tracks and grabbed his arm to make him stop walking.
"Sure you do." He replied nonchalantly.
I shook my head. "No I don't. You need help."
"You mean, you want me to see a pysch?"
"Yes Mark. A doctor. They do wonders you know."
Mark laughed. "Thanks, but no thanks." He jerked his arm away from me.
I stood there not knowing what to do. "Mark�" I begged him.
"Don't 'Mark' me! You go behind my back with Nicky!" he yelled at me.
"You broke up with me! In fact you said you were sick of me and that it was a mistake for you to bring me here!" I shouted back at him.
"I didn't mean it like that." Mark lowered his voice and fidgeted with his tie.
"Funny. I don't know what you mean at all. You have to find out where you stand Mark. I'm going home soon." I turned around to start walking back to the house.
"No! Don't go!" Mark ran after me.
He spun me around. "Please."
A tear formed in my eye. "I can't do this. This is not you. You're a completely different person now." I brushed away my tear.
Mark looked down at me. His deep blue eyes were watering up. "But I love you." He whispered to me.
I took his hands off me. "Maybe you do. But I don't love who you are now."

Time, sometimes time just slips away
And you're left with yesterday
Left with the memories
I, I'll always think of you and smile
And be happy for the time
I had you with me
Though we go our separate ways
I won't forget, so don't forget
The memories we made

Mark watched Michelle release herself from his grips. She was right. He didn't like who he was now.

Please remember
Please remember
I was there for you
And you were there for me
Please remember
Our time together
When time was yours and mine
And we were wild and free
Please remember, please remember me

I touched Mark's cheek one last time. It was so cold and lifeless. Mark put his hand on top on mine and I quickly took it away.
"Goodbye Mark." I whispered to him and walked backwards slowly before turning around to return to Nicky.

Goodbye, there's just no sadder word to say
And it's sad to walk away
With just the memories
Who's to know what might have been
We'll leave behind a life and time
We'll never know again

Please remember
Please remember
When I was there for you
And you were there for me
And remember, please remember me

Mark touched the warmth on his cheek where her hand had been. He watched her disappear from sight and all that was left was himself standing out on a cold lonely street.

Please remember
Please remember
When I was there for you
And you were there for me
Please remember
Our time together
When time was yours and mine
And we were wild and free
Then remember, please remember me

Tears fell from my eyes as I walked down the lonely road back to the house. I couldn't believe that I had done that - to my best friend.
"It's for his own good." My conscience reminded me as I wiped away my tears.

And how we laughed
And how we smiled
And how this world was yours and mine
And how no dream was out of reach
I stood by you, you stood by me
We took each day and made it shine
We wrote our names across the sky
We ran so fast, we ran so free
And I had you and you had me

"How did it go?" Nicky kissed my forehead when I came back inside the house. He saw that I had just been crying. "What happened?"
"Mark's depressed. He won't tell me anything. He needs help." I sobbed as Nicky hugged me tightly.
"Shh� Honey, it will be okay. Don't worry." Nicky comforted me as I tried to not to cry.

Please remember
Please remember��

song performed by: LeAnn Rimes in "Coyote Ugly"
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