'Til We Meet Again
By Mattie Scott
***** The next morning *****

I groaned as I woke up in my bed. I had a splitting headache and I felt as if I was going to puke. I turned over in my bed and saw Nicky sprawled all over his. I remembered that Nicky took me to a bar and we both got drunk, but nothing after that.
"How did we get home?" I muttered to myself as I got out.
"I picked you guys up after the owner rung me." I heard Kian's voice coming from the door.
"Were we that bad?" I rubbed my temples.
Kian laughed. "Yeah�. The owner caught you guys singing out in front of the bar."
"Oh my god�." I groaned again. "No way."
"Way," He replied. "Listen, the funeral's this afternoon. You and Nicky better clean yourselves up." Kian closed the door.
I walked over to Nicky's bed slowly, hoping I wouldn't trip over my own feet.
"Nicky, wake up." I shook his body.
I heard a soft grumble coming from him. "Wake up!" My voice was louder.
He finally woke up and he looked really wasted, like me.
"God�." Nicky rubbed his eyes and scratched his hair. "Where am I?"
"Kian picked us up last night and took us hom. The funeral's this afternoon." I sighed and sat down next to him, resting my head on his shoulder.
"Is it?" He checked his watch. "What time does my watch say? I can't read." Nicky showed me his watch and I glanced at it.
"Eleven A.M." I squinted my eyes to read the time.
"Ah�" he mumbled and yawned.
"I'm taking a hot shower and getting ready for the funeral. We can't show up being like this." I got up and headed to the bathroom.

***** Two hours later *****

"How do I look?" Nicky asked me when he came out of the bathroom wearing a tux.
I was adjusting my black dress at that time. I turned over my shoulder, "Let me fix your tie for you." When I noticed that it was crooked.
Nicky walked up to me and let me fix his tie. "Um�. Michelle, do you remember if we did anything together last night, if you know what I mean?" He said in an uncomfortable tone.
I looked up at him as I fixed his tie. "I remember that we sort of kissed."
"Oh yeah� We must have been really wasted." He let out a small forced laugh and ran his fingers through his shining blonde locks.
I smiled at him and finished fixing his tie. "All set."
I was about to pick up my purse when Nicky held on my arm. "Wait�"
I stopped and looked back at him.
"What�. What should we do now that we kissed last night?" Nicky bit his lips.
"I don't know. I'm not with Mark now. Can you give me some time to think about it?' I asked him.
He nodded his head. "Okay. I'll do that." He let go of my arm and we both went to find Kian to go to the funeral.

***** Funeral - 2 P.M. *****

"There's Mark and his family over there." Kian pointed them out to Nicky and I as we walked in the cemetery.
I shifted my feet uncomfortably. I heard Nicky shush Kian.
"We should offer them our condolences to them." I told Nicky.
He agreed and we both walked over to Mark and his mother.

"Hello Michelle. We haven't seen you in a while." Mrs.Feehily greeted me with a hankerchief in hand.
Mark stared at Michelle and Nicky. "Since when did they hang out with each other?" he thought as Mrs.Feehily spoke to Michelle.
"We just wanted to send you our respects." Nicky spoke up and put his arm around Michelle's shoulder.
That made Mark enraged. He controlled his temper inside and bit his lips.
"Yes. Thank you so much for doing that. What do you have to say to them Mark?" Mrs.Feehily asked him.
Mark looked at them for a moment and then walked away. He couldn't stand to be in Nicky's presence. Even though he regretted breaking up with Michelle over nothing, he wouldn't admit he was too stubborn to win her back.

I stared at Mark's back as he walked away. I saw Mrs.Feehily's cheeks turn pink.
"I'm sorry that you had to see that. You see, my dear, Mark hasn't been speaking to anyone, not even his grandfather." Mrs.Feehily apologized for Mark's behaviour.
"It's alright." I reassured her and Nicky guided us to our seats near Shane and Kian.

Mark's grandfather spoke first of his deceased wife. Nicky put his arm around me as I tried to not to cry over the romantic stories he shared about his wife. Then this singer started to perform Mark's grandmother's favourite song.

There's a song in the land of the lily
Each sweetheart has heard with a sigh
Over high garden walls, this sweet echo falls
As a soldier whispers goodbye.

I saw Nicky smile at me as he had his arm around me. His blue eyes glistened as the singer sang that beautiful tune.

Mark turned around his shoulder to see where Michelle was sitting. He saw her sitting with Nicky, Shane and Kian a couple of rows back. Mark observed Nicky looking down at Michelle's face with a lovesick grin on his face. Mark couldn't stand the thought of Nicky getting back with Michelle so he stared at those two for as long as he could.

Though goodbye means the birth of a teardrop
Hello means the birth of a smile
And the smile will erase the tear's lightning trace
When we meet in the after awhile

I let Nicky brush a loose strand of my hair aside. He took my hand and kissed the back of my palm. I felt myself waver over him. Then he glanced at the singer to hear her finish the song.
I turned my attention to the front row and saw Mark glaring at me. My smile turned upside down and I looked away from him. I was far too upset with him to pay heed to him.

Smile while you kiss me sad adieu
When the clouds roll by, I'll come to you
Then the skies will seem more blue
Down lover's lane, my dearie
Wedding bells will sing so merrily
Every tear will be a memory
So wait and pray each night for me
'Til we meet again.

When the song ended, Nicky squeezed my hand as his way of showing his affection to me. I wanted to be with him now, not with Mark. Mark had his own problems and he needed to deal with them. Even though I tried to help him constantly, he would not appreciate me in any way.

"I wanna be with you now." I whispered to Nicky.
He beamed at me. "I want to be with you. I regret the mistake I made long ago when I gave you up."
"You didn't give me up Nicky." I touched his cheek. It was warm and had a welcoming feel to it.
He turned his face sideways and kissed it. "I love you, Honey. I never stopped."
My heart raced as he kissed my palm. "I know." I whispered back.

song performed by: Frank Sinatra
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