When She Loved Me
By Mattie Scott
"It's so good to see you!" I ran up to Mark and he scooped me up into a hug.
I had flown into Atlanta from Toronto for a short visit.
"Me too Carrots! Me too�." Mark kissed me on my forehead and picked up my bags and hoisted them onto a baggage trolley.
"I thought I was going to die of boredom during the tour." Mark sighed as we walked out of the airport.
I laughed. "Don't be silly! We talk every week don't we?" I pushed him playfully.
"Yeah well�. But I really wanted to kiss that lovely face of yours!" Mark tried to kiss me on the lips but I caught him by surprise by planting one of my one on him.

***** Hotel in downtown Atlanta *****

Mark opened the door to his room. "This is my room here. I've arranged for you to have your own room next door, but it's won't be ready till tonight."
I walked inside and the room was an absolute pigsty. Clothes were strewn everywhere and the beds were unmade. I noticed Nicky's hat sitting on the dresser. Mark saw me look at it and I heard a gulp from him.
"Uh� I forgot to tell you. I'm rooming with Nicky for this leg of the tour." He said in a quiet voice and shoved the hat in a drawer.
I had not spoken with Nicky for nearly three months.
"Don't worry Mark," I shook off the thoughts in my head. "I'm kind of tired right now. The plane ride was absolutely hectic. There was a two year old sitting next to me and he nearly yanked my hair off."
Mark laughed. "Then take a nap. I've got to run some errands. Nicky won't be back for a while or so he says. He's at some soccer game not far from here."
I yawned in response. "Alright."
Mark kissed me again and picked up his jacket. "See you in a little while." He blew me a kiss and left.

Before taking my nap, I noticed a small black bag sitting on a chair by the window. It looked really familiar to the bag that Nicky had with him months ago during our break-up. I was too curious to avoid it so I decided to take a peek in it.
It had the exact same black box in it with the gold ring contained in it. I took it out and stared at it. My heart broke. Wasn't Nicky over us at all?
"Hey!" a voice exclaimed from the other side of the room.
I was so startled that I dropped the ring. "Oh!" I quickly dropped to the floor and searched around for the ring in the half-dark room.
"Is that you Michelle?" I recognized Nicky's voice. I started to panic and I patted the carpet hoping to find the ring before finding it near the bed.
"Yes." I squeaked and struggled to put the ring back into the velvet box.
The lights were suddenly flipped on. I put the box back into the bag but Nicky had already caught me with the bag.
"What are you doing with that?" Nicky pointed to the bag.
I looked down at the floor. "Um�." I couldn't think of anything to say.
Then I looked back up at Nicky. I finally caught a good look at him. He looked a little bit different. His hairstyle had changed. It was longer but in spikes. He also looked paler than usual and his eyes were tired-looking.
Nicky sighed. "And you want to know why I still have that ring?"
I put the bag away quickly. "No, I don't need you to explain."
He nodded his head. "How are you doing? I hear you're really happy with Mark."
"Yes I am. I'm doing well now." I answered in a small voice.
"That's good to hear." He sat down on his own bed.
"You?" I asked him.
"Me? I'm fine. No need to worry about me." I could sense he was not fine at all. I could tell he wasn't happy. At least, a little bit unhappy.

Nicky glanced at Michelle. She was still beautiful with her red hair and green eyes. He couldn't believe that he gave up his own happiness so she would be happier with someone else - Mark. Even though they weren't together anymore, he still loved her deeply.
"How come you never tried to talk to me?" she finally asked him.
Nicky sighed again. "I don't know."
Michelle sat down next to him. He could smell the sweet scent of her perfume.
"Just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean we can't be friends. I still care about you."
"You do?" He was surprised to hear her say that.
Michelle chuckled. "Of course I do. Who wouldn't want to be friends with an incredibly stubborn guy like you?"
Nicky felt his heart ease. "I'd like that too."
"Good. Now we have that settled, I'm taking my much deserved nap," She got up and walked over to Mark's bed. "Is that alright with you?" she lied down and peeked over her shoulder.
"Go ahead. I'll be here going through some papers." Nicky smiled at her and turned around on his bed to sift through some fans' letters.

Soon enough, he could tell she was already fast asleep by the soft breathing sounds coming from her side of the room. Nicky wanted so much to go over there and touch her face. Something he had longed to do. But now that was all over. He knew that she and Mark were somehow meant to be together. Nicky's relationship with Michelle was just a like a distant memory in each other's history.
He picked up the little black bag that Michelle had found and took out the velvet box containing Michelle's birthday present from months ago - a gold ring with a garnet stone in the center. He kept that ring, hoping that someday Michelle would come back to him. But that seemed impossible.
"You can't make someone love you the way you love her." He reminded himself and put the ring back in the rightful place. He placed the velvet box in the drawer of the night table instead of the bag.
He looked at Michelle again. She was still peacefully asleep. Her chest was softly rising up and down. He envied Mark for knowing her so long.
"At least, you have some good memories with her." His conscience told him.
***** Flashback *****

** 3 � months ago in New York City **

"Come on!" Michelle laughed as she dragged him to a small playground. The night was a warm August night and the city was illuminated by the neon signs and the street lights.
Michelle sat down on a swing. "Push me, will you?" She begged him with a playful look on her face.
Nicky looked at her sweet face and knew he couldn't say no. He walked up behind her and pushed her softly at first. Michelle started laughing.
"I haven't been on a swing for so long. It feels like as if you're going to be alright and nothing can hurt you because you're up so high." She told him as he continued pushing her.
Nicky smiled at her. She looked happy to be with him. Then when she finally came to a stop, he saw Michelle glance over her shoulder and look up at Nicky. Nicky couldn't help looking into Michelle's solid green eyes and every part of him wanted to melt. He took advantage of that moment and leaned down to kiss her softly on the lips. He felt Michelle pull his collar towards her and he felt her tongue starting to make its way inside his mouth. His feelings for her were so raw and full of passion.

***** Back to present day *****

Nicky gasped as he relived that moment with Michelle during that hot August summer night. All of sudden, his forehead was lined with sweat. Nicky realized that he had fallen asleep while reading the fans' letters.
"Shit�" he mumbled to himself and rubbed his eyes.
He glanced over at Michelle. She was just waking up.

I yawned and stretched my legs after having a good short nap. I opened my eyes to find Nicky looking at me. When he saw that I caught him, he quickly looked away.

When someone loved me
Everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together
Lives within my heart

And when she was sad
I was there to dry her tears
And when she was happy
So was I
When she loved me

Nicky caught his breath and felt his cheeks turn red after being caught in the act by Michelle. The door opened and Mark entered with a grin on his face.
"Good news Carrots!" he exclaimed as Michelle got up to find out what happened.
"What is it?" Michelle asked him.
Mark pulled out a pair of tickets. "I've got some tickets to the Broadway show 'Rent', the one you wanted to see."
Nicky heard Michelle squeal and saw her grab the tickets out of Mark's hand.
"Oh my god! I love you so much!" she kissed Mark passionately before realizing that Nicky was there all along.
Nicky's heart ached as he watched Michelle with Mark.

Through the summer
And the fall
We had each other
That was all
Just she and I together
Like it was meant to be

And when she was lonely
I was there to comfort her
And I knew
That she loved me

Nicky sucked the pain up. "You guys can kiss in front of me you know?" he said in sarcastic voice.
Michelle looked at him and back at Mark who shrugged his shoulders.
"Is this for tonight?" Michelle changed the subject.
"Yep. By the way, your room is all set." Mark handed her a room key.
"Great! I'm gonna go and get ready," Michelle grabbed her bags and kissed Mark on the lips. "See you soon!"
Nicky looked up at her and she waved good-bye at him.

So the years went by
I stayed the same
But she began to drift away
I was left alone

Still I waited for that day
When she'd say 'I will always love you'

Nicky sighed as Michelle disappeared. There was nothing he could do to win her back. He gave her up. But why? So he could come out as the better man? Or was it jealousy over Mark?
Soon enough, he would have to find a way to get over her, no matter what, before his life fell apart.

Lonely and forgotten
Never thought she'd look my way
And she smiled at me
Just like she used to do
Like she loved me
When she loved me

When somebody loved me
Everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together
Lives within my heart
When she loved ��

song performed by: Randy Newman in "Toy Story 2"
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