Episode 1 ("The Plot") Aired 1/9/2000
The family finds out that Malcolm's a genius. 

Episode 2 ("Red Dress") Aired 1/16/2000
It's Hal and Lois's anniversary. Lois bought a red dress because she and Hal were going to go out. She finds out someone has burned it and stuffed it in the toilet. She spends the whole night making the boys confess up.

Episode 3 ("Home Alone 4") Aired 1/23/2000
Hal and Lois go out of town and they leave Francis in charge. Francis's friends come over and totally trash the house. the boys clean the house and figure it's too clean so they scatter the house with potato chips..

Episode 4 ("Shame") Aired 2/6/2000
Malcolm beats up a seven year old and feels bad about it. Meanwhile, Hal decides to cut down the tree in front of their house and the neighbors are mad.

Episode 5 ("Malcolm Baby-sits") Aired 2/13/2000
Malcolm decides to make money baby-sitting. The people are perfect and treat him like he's part of the family. But he later finds out they have been taping him and quits. Meanwhile the family has to live in a trailer while their house gets tented.

Episode 6 ("Sleepover") Aired 2/20/2000
Malcolm sleeps over at Stevie's house and he decides Stevie's parents are too overprotective so he talks Stevie into sneaking out. When they sneak out Stevie's wheelchair gets stolen. Meanwhile, Reese tries to talk Lois into letting him stay up to watch the Chucky movie.

Episode 7 ("Francis Escapes") Aired 2/27/2000
Francis runs away from Military school to meet up with his girlfriend BeBe. Malcolm is the only one who knows and he promises not to blab on him. He does and Lois is furious.

Episode 8 ("Krelboyne Picnic") Aired 3/12/2000
The krelboynes have an Academic fair and Malcolm's family has to go. Him and Francis plan on ditching it and sneaking away before Malcolm has to do his 'nerdy' skit. Francis meets up with and old girlfriend and bails on Malcolm. The fair is going really bad so Malcolm decides to do his skit to cheer up Carolyn.

Episode 9 ("Lois vs. Evil") Aired 3/19/2000
Lois looses her job after Dewey steals a $150 bottle of cognac from her work. The family is poor and having to eat macaroni and rice for 10 days strait. While Malcolm is telling Stevie about it Julie over hears and plans to run a Food Drive. Malcolm comes home and Hal mistakes rotten peaches for olives and is rushed to the hospital. Lois gets her job back to pay for the medical bill.

Episode 10 ("Stockcar Races") Aired 4/2/2000
Malcolm is ditching school because the Krelboyne class is doing square dancing. But one day Hal brings the boys to see a Stockcar race. The boys get bored so they go explore in a Staff only room and get caught. Hal punches the police in the groin and they run away. But when they return home Lois finds
out Malcolm has been ditching school and is grounded.

Episode 11 ("Funeral") Aired 4/9/2000
Malcolm's family has to go to Aunt Helen's funeral. Malcolm is mad
because he has to cancel his plans with Julie to a concert. Later Lois decides she doesn't want to go and so the family is free. Malcolm tells Julie that Aunt Helen isn't really dead and that he can go to the concert. When Julie picks him up she sees him in his underwear and trips over the electrical cord, down the wet floor and into the garbage.

Episode 12 ("Cheerleader") Aired 4/16/2000
Reese likes a girl named Wendy on the Cheerleading squad. So instead of joining the Football team he joins the cheerleading squad. After hurting half the squad Reese talks to Wendy and she tells him she likes him too.

Episode 13 ("Roller-skates") Aired 4/30/2000
Malcolm wants to learn to skate. Hal was a figure skater in the 70's and plans to teach Malcolm. He does some corny disco dance and Malcolm thinks he's crazy. Hal bought Malcolm some very cool Rollarblades but tells Malcolm he can't use them till he's learned the basics. Malcolm gets annoyed and try's to steal the skates but Hal catches him. Malcolm calls him a bad word
and Hal makes him recite every bad word to his face.

Episode 14 ("The Bots and the Bees") Aired 5/7/2000
Malcolm and some of his Krelboyne classmates decide to build a killer robot while Lois is away taking care of Francis at Military school who just had an operation. Hal takes over the robot and goes crazy. Malcolm threatens to shoot the machine at him if he doesn't start acting normal. Somehow the machine button goes off and sprays killer bees on Hal.

Episode 15 ("Smunday") Aired 5/14/2000
The boys have been grounded for 2 months because they gave their bike to Circus after watching him eat a dog meat sandwich. Somehow Lois finds out and grounds them. Now she has the flu. When Lois is sick the boys start asking her questions and she tells them the truth. Reese asks her how she knew that they were lying about the bike. She tells them that Francis tells her. the boys decide they have to get him back.

Episode 16 ("Season Finale") Aired 5/21/2000
The family goes to a water park on vacation. Everyone except heewey who has an ear infection and has to be left with the baby sitter. Malcolm and Reese are fighting the whole time and Malcolm is not having fun. Meanwhile at the house Dewey's baby-sitter has a Heart attack. Dewey is left alone. he
chases a balloon down the street and gets lost.
Season 2
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