
Jelena Jangfeldt-Jakubovitch was born in Moscow, where she worked as an actress and a singer. Nowadays she lives in Stockholm, married to a Swedish writer Bengt Jangfeldt. In Sweden she has given innumerable concerts and had several shows on radio and TV.
In the 1980’s, Jelena Jangfeldt lived and worked in Paris, Switzerland, and Germany. In 1986 she gave a concert before a jammed Théâtre de la Ville in Paris. The Paris press called her “a Russian Piaf”. While in Paris, she participated in several TV shows. In 1990, during the Perestroika, she could return to give concerts in Moscow, where she has since appeared on radio and TV.  She has also been invited by the Swedish government to appear on official occasions, like visits by the Russian minister of Culture.

Her first record came in 1981 (Russian songs and Gypsy romances), and the second one in 1981 (Poésie et chansons russes). In 2000 she released her new cd, In the company of Russian poets (V krugu russkikh poetov).
 Jelena’s repertoire features classical Russian romances and, above all, Russian poetry put to music. In later years she has focused more and more on the latter genre, in which she is unique both in- and outside Russia. She composes most of the music herself.
 The repertoire consists of poems by the great Russian 20th century poets Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak, Osip Mandelstam, and Marina Tsvetayeva, and by modern poets like Bulat Okudzhava and Nobel Prize laureate Joseph Brodsky.

Jelena with Joseph Brodsky at Varmdolandet in 1992
Foto Bjorn Edergren/SVT©

 Parallel to her career as a singer, Jelena works as an actress, notably in the award-winning Swedish film There is no one like you (1994), where she plays the leading female role.

In October, 2000, Jelena’s new record was released in Moscow  where she participated in TV and Radio shows and gave a series of concerts (Pushkin Museum, The Russian Culrural Foundation etc.). She was also interviewed by Mikhail Shvydkoi, the Russian Minister of Culture, on TV.

Ecoutez la voix de Jelena!

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