They're friends of mine, so you know they're special
John White
Age: 19
Lives In: The military now
Likes: His guitar
Doesn't Like: Showchoir
First Met: Summer 2000, in the U-Turn warehouse.
John's one of the best friends I ever had. We double-dated to prom, we were in skits, and improves, and made videos together, and ended up liking the same girls. He's a passionate man of God who always made me feel like my time in Fort Madison counted for something. He's going to Iraq soon, so pray for him!
Micah Morgan
Age: 19
Lives In: Iowa State College, now
Likes: Slapstick, comedy, music
Doesn't Like: Hypocrites
First Met: The beginning of my 2001 junior year in Mr. Harmon's drama class.
No one quit like him before or after. Micah's a man of many talents, not the least of which is acting and singing. Together he, John, and my sister and I made a great team. Micah's still a brother in Christ to me and I look forward to kicking his tail at OO7 again. (yeah, I wish) 
Jason Van Houtin
Age: 20
Lives In: His grandparents basment
Likes: Making Uturn videos
Doesn't Like: Mean people
First Met: Dec 2000, on the van ride to the Gathering of the Great Lakes 4-Square district
You gotta love this guy. Generous, big hearted, and just plain big, he's been a true friend over the years. Now he's a leader at U-Turn, come a long ways from wasting weekends away in his basement playing Final Fantasy and eating pizza. Well.. maybe not. We need to do it again sometime. 
Chris Walters
Age: 20
Lives In: Dallas City Illinios, across the river
Likes: Girls
Doesn't Like: Wal-Mart
First Met: Dec 2000, we sat next to each other on the van ride up to Michigan for the Gathering
There's so much to say about Chris. He's always been there for me, especially when it's time to sit around and complain about how weird girls are. We have an equal heart for video games, 80's cartoon shows, comic books, RPGs, LOTR, and any other geeky thing that cool nerds like us do. We msn all the time, and I miss him and his poffy hair. 
Nick Foss (the blonde guy)
Age: 19
Lives In: Christ for the Nations, currently
Likes: Talking in British
Doesn't Like: Being dirty
First Met: Summer of 2000, at U-Turn warehouse, around the pool table as I recall
"Oh brave sir Robin, rode off to camalot..." Nick is a trip, dude. He loves God, he loves music, he loves video games, and he loves Monty Python (all of which with a passion). We were in choir together and had a jolly good time, it's that right? Oh! OH! Oh, oh, oh... Eh! Oh, stop it, OH! ...
Larissa Pace
Age: 17
Lives In: Lincoln, Nebraska
Likes: Cartoons, punk music
Doesn't Like: Boys
First Met: The day she was born, Jan 27th, 1984, at the hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah.
I just relieazed I had to get Larissa in here somewhere, but she doesnt' fit into any of the catagories, really! I'm sorry Larissa! You'll have a home someday, I promise, I love you! She has a steady boyfriend now, Chad (he's a swell guy). Check out her site,  HERE! It's really cool, she ROCKS!
"Holy snyk-ies!"
"Girls are liars, and they're all bad..."
"Um, Grr."
"I'm not a robot! I'm BRITISH!"
"I wuv you tow much!"
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