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Sara Gibson
Age: 18
Lives In: Argil, Iowa (or somethin)
Likes: Avril Laviegn, softball
Doesn't Like: Mean boys
First Met: March of 2002, at the showchoir invatational at FMHS
Sara has the best arms and  the cutest faces in softball around. The thing I'll always remember her for was being my date to my senior prom and always being my friend no matter what. She's planning on marrying a local band drummer Jason soon.
"Yeah, I'm so hot, right."
We first met when her and Heather invited me, the new kid, to sit by them at church. But we never hung out at all until we found ourselves in everything for about two months, from showchoir, to worship team, to cell groups, to kids shows. Life just took us seperate ways, and while we don't talk much anymore, I find her online sometimes.
Dara Stewart
Age: 19
Lives In: ORU, currently
Likes: Singing and Hoobestank
Doesn't Like: Weird people
First Met: Jan of 2000, my first time at the U-Turn warehouse.
"To hell with the Devaaaaaal!"
Heather Chesnut
Age: 19
Lives In: Ames Iowa, currently
Likes: Chick Flicks
Doesn't Like: Guy movies
First Met: Jan of 2000, my first time at the U-Turn warehouse.
Heather was the president of her class, and we mostly first became friends after being in a peer mediation together. We were in choir and showchoir together, and had alots of fun times. We still talk online, from way afar.
"Guys suck."
Crissy Mallenger
Age: 18
Lives In: Fort Madison
Likes: Bunny rabbits for pets
Doesn't Like: Stacie Orrico
First Met: The start of my junior year in 2000, in the Little Theater for a Bible study
Crissy stands out from any other girl on this page for two big reasons. First, she's the only girl I ever offically went out with for any length of time. Second, despite it didnt' work out, we actually stayed good friends (kids, it can be done). She's quiet by day, laugh riot by night, smart as a whip, gentle as a bunny, and loves God with all her heart. No wonder I liked her. We talked on the phone late last year.
Brita Anderson
Age: 17
Lives In: Fort Madison
Likes: Rock music
Doesn't Like: Bugs
First Met: Jan 2001, in my typewriting class with Mr. Pickard.
It's always great to have a friend who's been there for you through a hard time. Brita was that, even though she was a freshman and I was a junior we spent many an hour talking in study hall together, all about the relationships that come and go and break our hearts. Brita's a very sweet girl, she just makes you wanna hug her. We still chat on MSN.
"You stupid Junior!"
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