Hart's Writings

The World of Author JP Hart

About the Author

Jessica Penhorwood, also known as JP Hart, is a young poet and fantasy writer. She finds inspiration in most things, including nature, love, and mythology. When she is not writing, Hart is spending quality time with family and friends. She enjoys a range of activities- including camping, swimming, reading, and baking. Hart has also embraced her greener side by doing as much as she can to be as ecologically friendly as possible. Additionally, she is helping raise awareness of animal rights and ocean conservancy through social media and has the hopes of one day extending her aid physically and financially. Furthermore, Hart has embraced her fandom for many TV shows, movies, and books- such as Doctor Who, Beauty and the Beast, and the House of Night Series. Her fandom has inspired her to write in the genre she so enjoys reading and watching: fantasy romance.

Currently, Hart lives outside of a small town in central Ohio with her parents. She is also working towards her bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing through Southern New Hampshire University’s online program. With this degree, Hart hopes to bring inspiration to her readers as well as show them the wonders of the imagination. Moreover, Hart hopes to excel in this talent by bringing as many of her works to her readers with the possibility of becoming a New York Times bestselling author.

As of today, the only thing Hart has published are several articles through Odyssey at SNHU. Hart is currently working on a piece that she wishes to publish in the near future. This story centers on the romantic relationship between a newly independent women and her alpha werewolf lover and all the struggles they face together. Nevertheless, werewolves are not her only interest as Hart also enjoys writing about dragons, aliens, fairies, and mermaids. Hart’s incredibly active imagination has brought about many fun new worlds that she cannot wait to share with her readers.