<BGSOUND SRC="give_thanks.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
I hope that everyone had a very blessed Christmas. I know I did. The time spent with family and friends is priceless and alot of new memories were made. I am starting off the year by not having any new resolutions, Wasn't it enough that I didn't keep last year's. LOL. My hope for the year 2002 is that I grow more each day in the Lord. Getting to know Him better and getting to know what He wants for my life. I am learning that as I grow older...I still have a lot to learn. Some of the ways I am learning is by what I read in the Bible and I am visiting some really great Christian websites that have so many resources. Good books by Christian authors are a lot of help too. May God bless each one of you this year and I hope you, too, will
Christmas with Grandchildren..all 10 of them!!
My daughter, Kelli, decided this year not to have a tree, but to have a manger scene instead. I thought it was very nice.
My precious husband and I.
"Little Karen" wrote the sign
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