I still can't believe that it was fifteen years ago that we met. In some ways it feels like only yesterday that Becky asked me if I would like to meet someone from her church. After he called me we agreed to meet at a local pancake house in the town I lived in. Over pancakes and coffee, I believe I met the most wonderful man there is.

We began seeing each other about once a week. Just roller skating with his son, my daughter and going out to eat together. Sometimes we would go to his church together. Mostly I kept going to my church and he would go to his. We never kissed and finally one day he held my hand as we were watching T.V. WOW!

He was so sweet and we became good friends. About eight months later we felt like we were in love with each other and decided to get married. Two months after that we did get married in the church that I went to.
That was the beginning of my life as Art's wife. We had to blend the family that I had which consisted of a ten year old daughter that still lived with me, my other three children that lived with their spouses or dad, his son who lived with his mom. I can't say we haven't had certain problems that come along with the divorces we had been through, but I had been divorced for three years and he had for a couple so it has worked out pretty good for us. Mostly because of our commitment to God and to each other. Also a big thing that has helped us called, FORGIVENESS. God says in His word that if we do not forgive others; He will not forgive us. It's pretty simple really and I am so glad that God, through His Holy Spirit was able to work this miracle for my husband and for myself so that we could go on with our lives together. The past is the past, let it stay there. God has been good to us.

playing is "SOMEWHERE IN TIME" a
special song to my husband and I
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