
What to Do?

All the people are sinners. Yes, you are and I am too. Although in your view you might think you are almost sinless one, but in God’s sight you are just a sinner as everyone else. You should repent your sins, not only therefore, because a sin is harmful for you or it has caused displeasure to you and the others, but for that a sin is disobedience against God.

Please, believe in Jesus Christ, the only son of God, and believe that He has died for you because of your sins. Jesus did not die for crowds; He died for you. He gave His life, because He knew that no one can ever atone for his evil deeds before God. Jesus paid the full price for your freedom; He atoned for your sins and is now willing to wipe them away.Jesus has already done everything, what you need to be saved. Today He is offering you amity between you and God only because He truly loves you.

Believe in Jesus as your personal saviour, and He will give you a new better life with him. He forgives all your sins. Jesus offers you the salvation plusa eternal life in Heaven. Your faith is like a hand, which is stretched out to receive the gift. Reach out your hand and Jesus will give you the greatest gift, which is the eternal life with him.

Jesus notices if you are willing to come to him. You can speak to God or Jesus by praying him. Praying is just like an ordinary talking, but in this you can talk to time the all-knowing God, who is listening you. God loves to hear you, exactly as a good father wants to hear the voice of his child. Jesus loves you much more than you can even imagine!

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Five Steps to the Salvation

The salvation is five steps away from you; take courage to take the first steps, which are the most inportant steps in your life so far.. In the list below you can see these steps. Every step includes a verse from the Bible. These verses are a speak of the God to you. Read them from the Bible with thought. Please, just take your time and take this five-step-journey by yourself and listen, what is your heart saying to you…

       1. You are a sinner. Rm. 3:23
  2. God has already done something. Jn. 3:16
    3. Receive Jesus Christ. Jn. 1:12
             4. Confess your sin and repent.1. Jn. 1:9
        5. Believe in the Lord Jesus and confess your guilty. Rm. 10:9,10
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Rejoice in Your New Life!

Rejoice in the salvation, which you have received today. You can be sure that the grace and love of Jesus Christ is enough to you, if you just remain in Him and let Him guide you on the way of your life. He will never reject you. The salvation does not depend on feelings or thoughts. The salvation is the most impressive proof of God’s love for you; it is purely the work of God in its all entirety. You may enjoy the fruit of the God’s work in your life. God has justified you and no one will ever separate you from God's perfect love.

'For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.'

Rm. 8:38,39

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Simon shashi
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