Links to Other Great Web Pages

All the sites I mention here, are sites that are informative and well designed. The ones with banners are my favorites, so please be sure to check them out too. (Yes, Sailor Moon Universe, is one of my favorites, it gave me a little introduction to the whole story, which I kind of knew. Oh well . . .)

Sailor Scouts - Only A Memory Away
My Friend's Web Page. Very good backgrounds, nice design and good information.

The Dark Dome - Home of Setsuna Meioh
A great site for all you Sailor Pluto/Meioh Setsuna fans. (OK, so that would include me too). What else can I say?

Benny's Sailormoon Page
A good page, contains useful information. It even has a little introduction to japanese.

Sailor Moon Universe
A Proud Supporter Of Sailor Moon Universe!

Thunder Crash Ultimate Sailor Neptune Shrine
A great site that as the name implies is dedicated to Sailor Neptune. Very informative, and it has animated GIFs about the Outer Senshi.

Sailor Uranus Shrine
Good information, including a story describing the Outer Senshi, and especially the relation between Haruka & Michiru.

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