The Story

One thousand years ago, all the planets were at peace. This period of time, called the Silver Millenium, was a happy and prosperous time for human kind. The universe was ruled by Queen Serenity, who lived on the Moon with her daughter Princess Serena. The Moon Kingdom led all the planets during the Silver Millenium.

However, a threat to this long-lasting peace existed in the form of the Negaverse. The Negaverse was the direct opposite of the universe of the Moon Kingdom. It was a place of hatred, deceit, cruelty, torment, and evil. At the core of the Negaverse, an entity existed which was the main force in the Negaverse, called "The Negaforce". The Negaverse itself was ruled by an evil woman, Queen Beryl. With the help of the Negaforce, Beryl planned to conquer the universe, starting with the Moon.

During a lunar eclipse, Queen Beryl led her army to the moon, and quickly began their attack. In the middle of the battle Serena gave Darien (Prince of earth), who is her true love, her star locket so he would never forget her. It ended almost as quickly as it had started. The warriors of the Moon Kingdom were no match for the overwhelming, relentless forces of the Negaverse. Four young girls, the princesses of their respective planets (the Sailor Scouts), attempted to fight off the tremendous Negaforce, but their attempt proved to be futile. Queen Beryl succeeded in defeating the Moon Kingdom and killing everyone, including Queen Serenity's only daughter.

After the decisive battle, the Negaverse claimed victory. Queen Serenity knew that she could not let the Negaverse win. She resorted to one final act. Using the power of her Imperium Silver Crystal, Queen Serenity purged the universe of its invaders. Queen Beryl, the Negaforce, and the Negaverse's army were all sent back to the Negaverse. Also, she sent many of her people away, so that they could live in peace once again. Her daughter, along with her court of princesses and their two cat advisors, were sent one thousand years into the future, to present-day Earth. Queen Serenity gave her daughter life, so that her people, and her universe could live in peace once more. She knew her daughter had to live on, because she was destined to be the next Queen of the Universe.

If Queen Beryl tried to break into our universe once again, Luna and Artemis (the cat advisors) would find and alert the Sailor Scouts to fight off any new threats from the evil Queen. Queen Beryl had sworn that she would conquer the universe and one thousand years after the destruction of the Moon Kingdom, she had her chance once again. This is where the adventures of Sailor Moon and her friends really begins.

Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon is a story about a clumsy, crybaby, 14 year old girl named Serena. One day on her way to school, she met a black cat named Luna. To her surprise the cat could talk and told her that she was one of the cat advisors. Luna's mission, as she explained it, was to guide a group of warriors (the Sailor Scouts) and find the lost princess of the Moon. The cat gave her some transformation items and super powers. Serena transforms into the pretty soldier Sailor Moon to fight against evil. But even as the super hero, Sailor Moon is still a clumsy crybaby. As time goes by, Serena is joined by some other girls to form a team of sailor suited fighters. Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus appeared in the first season. Sailor Chibi Moon appears in the second half of the second season (Sailor Moon R), to complete the Inner Scouts. As for Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Pluto (the Outer Scouts), they appear in the third season (Sailor Moon S).

Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon is a story aimed at young girls and teens. However because of various reasons, Sailor Moon has gathered a lot of fans from people of all age groups, and has become one of the most popular anime in Japan today. Sailor Moon can be considered a magical girl story.

The manga is written by Takeuchi Naoko.

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