Jilly's Genealogy


The War Memorial

The War Memorial, erected in honoured memory of the men of Gravesend who fell in the Great War (1914-1918) stands in Windmill Hill Pleasure Gardens. It was unveiled on Wednesday, 11th January 1922, by the late General Lord Horne, GCB, KCMG, and dedicated by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Rochester. The Memorial consists of a bronze figure emblematic of Victory bringing Peace, surmounting a pedestal of granite, on which are inscribed the names of the 545 men* who gave their lives for their country. The Memorial was designated by Mr F W Doyle-Jones, RBS. Its height over all is about thirty feet.

* I shall endeavour to update this text to cover WWII and to include the names of the fallen men of both wars.

Windmill Hill

Windmill Hill was an ancient British camp site, and one of the chief beacon hills in the time of Elizabeth I. The last of the windmills, from which the hill takes its present name, was burned down on Mafeking night.

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