Jonathan Mason Storm
Ley Line Walker & Adventurer

A true Atlantean mage from the Mitarian Clan. The oldest of four siblings, Jonathan was trained at a very young age in the magical arts by his mother an experienced ley line walker.  Ever since then Jonathan was amazed by the utility and versatility of magic which caused him to pursue a career in the magical arts.
After a childhood of rigorous training in magic Jonathan adventured out of the great magic city of Dweomer to use his skills to help the less fortunate and needy while at the same time increasing his knowledge and power in the mystical arts.  Jonathan has studied hand to hand combat, boxing, and sword fighting to aid him in addition to his magic ability and he uses these skills to produce the illusion that he is fighter and to conceal the fact that he is a practitioner of magic to any stranger.  His ultimate goal in life is to become a great and important magic user in which others can look up to for guidance and knowledge.

(Note: Before you jump to any conclusions I would like to inform you that I have been playing this character for about 5 years now so expect it to be powerful. To see his character sheet before the high magus training click here.)

Real name: Jonathan Mason Storm
Alignment: Unprincipled with leanings towards miscreant
Attributes: IQ: 12, ME: 30, MA: 19, PS: 32, PP: 14, PE: 21, PB: 15, Spd: 34 (23 mph running)
Race/ Species: Human True Atlantean
Height: 6 feet 4 inches
Weight: 270 pounds
Age: 81 years old
: 140
: 90
: Has no physical MDC but can withstand a total of 230 MDC to his body from the lifeward spell that is always active.
Horror/Awe Factor
: 12 if noticed that he's an Atlantean.
: 340 (571 if including the entity fragment)
.: none
Experience Level
: 10th level Ley Line Walker and 5th level high magus
Natural Abilities
: Sense Vampires in a 1000 ft. radius, recognize vampires by appearance 98%, regains 10 PPE per hour of sleep and 15 PPE per hour of meditation, cannot be physically transformed by any means, continue to grow as adults, operate dimensional pyramids, sense ley lines 75% within a 100 mile radius, sense ley line nexuses 85%, sense rifts in a 140 mile radius, sense magic in use in a 1000 ft. radius, see magic energy, read ley lines, ley line transmission, ley line phasing 14 times per day, line drifting, ley line rejuvenation, an ley line observation ball. Fatiques at half the normal rate, hold breath for three minutes, impervious to possession, and any effect that causes dizziness/confusion are half as effective.
Magic Powers
: Knows the following spells: All spells levels 1-8 and level 11-15 plus dessicate the supernatural, purge self, purge other, mystic portal, meteor, plane skip, create magic scroll, banishment, wall of defense, deathword, create steel, restore limb, super-healing, metamorphosis: insect,  metamorphosis:superior, summon shadow beast, control/enslave entity, speed weapon and decipher magic. Also has the powers of automaton creation and bonding ritual. (Spell Strength is a 15.  Opponents must roll a 15 or higher to save against his magic.)
Temporal Magic:
Will of the Earth and D-phase.
Tattoo Magic
: The Atlantean �Marks of Heritage� on both wrists. Flaming long sword with weapon dripping blood 2d8+4 MDC), and heart pierced with a wooden stake.  The tattoos can be activated by a thought.
Psionic Powers
: none
Combat abilities
: Hand to Hand: Basic at level 10 and hand to hand: aikido at level 5.
Attacks per melee round
: Eight with basic and 7 with aikido or 2 spell attacks per melee.
: Damage +15, strike +5 with sword (+5 from burst and +7 from aimed shot),  parry+8, dodge +5, initiative +3, critical strike on 19 and 20, +3 to save vs. poison and drugs, +8 to save vs. psionics and insanity, +10 to save vs. magic, and +11 to save vs. horror factor. 
Skills of note
: Climbing 95%*, Land Navigation 80%*, Wilderness Survival  85%*, Pilot: Hovercraft 98%*, Lore: Demons and monsters 98%, basic math  98%, advanced math 98%, electircal engineer 65%, mechanical engineer 65%, weapons engineer 65%, military forification 65%, computer operation 85%, computer repair 60%, computer programming 60%, compter hacking 45%, cryptography 65%, radio: scramblers 70%, locksmith 70%, robot mechanics 55%,  speaks American, Euro, Dragonese, Atlantean/Greek, Spanish, Russian at 98% and Japanese, Trade 1 and Trade 6 at 95%, Anthropology 80%*, Astronomy  85%*, Prowl 75%*, Literate in American, Dragonese and Atlantean/Greek  98% and Japanese, Trade 1 and Trade 6 at 75%, Lore: Magic 98%, Streetwise 60%*, General repair and maintenance 85%*, radio basic 98%, Pilot automobile 80%*, lore: religion 60%, lore psychic 60%, writing 50%,  acrobatics, gymnastics, boxing, body building, athletics, running, WP Sword, WP Energy Pistol, WP Energy Rifle, and WP paired weapons.
* means the skills are frozen at level 10.
: Branaghan overcoat(28 MDC) and magical ironwood armor(300 MDC) enchanted with the lifeward spell, TW invulnerability device installed in it and a naruni heavy forcefield installed in it. (438 MDC with just the armor and forcefield and 668 MDC with lifeward spell included) Additional MDC protection can be obtained by using magic which in total will amount to 1,113 MDC.
: Quiet and shy but has an extremely ill temper that will cause a fire to erupt in his mind that might be ten times worse than what was said or done to anger him.  In addition he is paranoid and will rarely trust any stranger or underestimate his opponents.  Never reveals the fact that he is a mage to anyone except for family and trusted friends.
: Tall, handsome, and muscular.  Well over 6 feet tall (6'4") and a rock-solid 270 pounds of muscle.  Jonathan takes advantage of the fact that his appearance is exactly the opposite (and intends to keep it that way) of the stereotypical image of magic users (thin and bookworm-like) to conceal the fact that he is a mageDressed in black armor underneath a long black leather trenchcoat that extends down to his ankle.  Over his shoulder is a 5 foot long claymore sword with rune markings on it that goes down all the way to his knees and to his side he has a beautifully ornated long sword with a large diamond at the bottom of the golden-colored hilt. Underneath his trenchcoat he has a variety of weapons and items that cannot be normally seen by any individuals.  Has long dark brown hair that is neatly combed back and tied in a ponytail behind his head.  His beard and mustache is neatly shaven and trimmed to the perfect look.  On his left ear is a gold earring which is actually a TW device.
: none
: Has savings of up to 6.1 million earth credits and 1.2 million phase world credits but only carries a small part of it with him in person.
: Pilots a custom-made AHB-2000 assault hoverbike which is environmental and has all the features of power armor. Main body has 190 MDC with a naruni heavy forcefield (110  MDC), TW impervious to energy, TW invisibility: simple and superior, TW shadow meld, and TW chromatic protection devices all installed in it. In addition to that it has a sidecar with 90MDC.
Vehicle weapons:
1.) Particle beam cannon: 1d6x10 MDC with 4000 ft range
2.) Laser cannon: 1d6x10 MD with 4000 ft range.
3.) Armor piercing missiles: 1d4x10 MD and can fire volleys up to 6 mini-missiles
: Other atlanteans, fellow mages and dweomerians, dragons, and gods of light.
: Coalition, sunaj, splugorth and their minions, necromancers, vampires and undead, juicers, borgs and other augmented humans.
: Finds technology to be fascinating and useful.  Jonathan uses technology in addition to magic but still prefers to use magic as his principle weapon.
Weapons and equipment of note:

1. The Golden Destroyer: An extremely rare magical sword that is Johnathan's most valuable posession.  The blade and the hilt is made completely out of gold and magically enchanted to be unbreakable and extremely deadly.  A large diamond sits at the bottom of the golden hilt.  This rare and powerful weapon has the following abilities:
� Is indestructible
� Deals 6D6 MD per physical strike
� Super Mystic Blast: by pumping in 150 PPE the sword can unleash a devastating blast of mystic energy that    inflicts TEN times the damage that the sword deals with each physical strike at a range of 1500 ft. The blast     is so powerful that even targets that are impervious to energy will take half damage from it. Also mundane        targets will suffer half damage as well.
� Is a portable PPE battery which contains 300 PPE and regenerates 2D6 PPE per hour.

Deathbringer Sword: A 5 foot long claymore sword with rune markings.
� Has 250 MDC and regenerates 10 MDC per day
� Deals 1D6x10 MD per physical strike
� For 20 PPE the weapon can fire a sub-particle acceleration that deals 1D6x10+5 MD with a range of 500 ft.
� Gives the user a bonus of +1 to strike and parry with it
� Can cast the spells of invulnerability (special) and spinning blades at 5th level proficiency

Alien PPE orbs (x2): Artifacts about the size of a baseball that releases a special mist that will cover an area   of 15 ft in radius and any person breathing in the mist will have their PPE doubled for 3D6 minutes.  After        each use the orbs have to be recharged with 20 PPE. Is indestructible.

PPE fragment: A fragment of a godlike entity which is alive and has 231 PPE and regenerates 1D4 PPE         per minute.

TW spell device: Has the following spells at 10th level proficiency:  invincible armor (250 MDC), carpet of    adhesion, magic net, invisibility: superior, shadow meld, negate magic,  words of truth, mental blast, fireball,     and energy field.

6. Invincible Ironwood Armor: An incredibly powerful suit of magical armor enchanted with the ironwood and lifeward spells cast underneath a ley line nexus during a solar eclipse.  It is installed with a TW invincible armor and invisiblity:simple device, neatly polished, painted black and provides an incredible 1000 MDC!!! of protection by itself and 1,250 MDC with the TW device active. ( Note: Johnny is saving this suit of armor for a very special occasion and will never wear it unless in a real emergency.)

Other equipment of note
:  A ring which is a talisman of  teleport: superior with 3 charges, a  scroll of restore limb, a talismans that store 100 PPE, a TW time slip device, TW lightblade (1d4x10+6 MD), TW iceblade (4d6 MD), 2 wilks 237 backups (6d6 MD each at +9 to strike), a vibro-katana (3d6 MD), standard high magus body armor (50 MDC) and plastic man armor (35 MDC) enchanted with lifeward. And he also has a suit of old style SAMAS power armor as a souvenier from a battle with the CS.
Also has

1.)Bandit K-9 companion with life-like covering of fur, padding and musculature.
Main Body has 120 MDC
Legs have 50 MDC
Medium naruni forcefield 75 MDC
Installed with:
TW impervious to energy
TW shadow meld
TW chromatic protection
40 ppe battery used to power the TW devices
robotic PS of 20
bite 2d4 MD
claw 1d4 MD
head ion blasters(nostrils): 4d6 MD
Johnny (Ley Line Walker)
Bobby (Techno-Wizard)
Joesph (Bounty Hunter/Sniper)
Mike (Vagabond Thief)
Korran(PF Warlock)

Other Stuff:      

The Mitarian Atlantean Clan
Magic Strategies and combos
(Note: More strategies to come)
Adventure ideas
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Character Quotes

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