Thunderbirds: The Vehicles

Everyone knows that "Thunderbirds" refers to the amazing fleet of ships manned by the Tracy brothers.
These exciting vehicles are showcased on the following pages!
(And for more detailed information, read "FAB Cross-sections" by Graham Bleathman)!

Style and elegance aren't everything, you know. A perfect secret agent must also have the perfect transportation---
and no car is better than FAB 1, the pink Rolls Royce owned by
Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, IR's London agent, and driven by her butler, Parker.

Whenever called upon by Jeff Tracy for assistance, Lady Penelope and Parker leave her magnificent mansion
in Foxleyheath, Kent and travel to wherever their services are required.
FAB 1 can travel anywhere, including short jaunts on water, skiing through snow and aboard Fireflash for air transport.

FAB 1 stats:
Length: 21 feet
Width: 8 feet Weight: 3 tons
Land Speed: minimum of 200 mph
Speed On Water (via hydrofoils): 50 knots
Seating Capacity: 4 (plus driver)
Equipment: hydrofoils; skis; four machine guns; two lasers; smokescreen

Follow the links below for more:

Thunderbird 1!

Thunderbird 2!

Thunderbird 3!

Thunderbird 4!

Thunderbird 5!

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