Thunderbirds: The Vehicles

Everyone knows that "Thunderbirds" refers to the amazing fleet of ships manned by the Tracy brothers.
These exciting vehicles are showcased on the following pages!
(And for more detailed information, read "FAB Cross-sections" by Graham Bleathman)!

Alan and John Tracy take turns as the astronauts in control of Thunderbird 3, the giant space ship
used as a shuttle between Tracy Island and the space station, Thundebird 5.

Though his primary duty is as pilot of Thunderbird 1, Scott Tracy also accompanies Alan for his trips aboard Thunderbird 3.
Also, Virgil Tracy has piloted T3 when called to do so.

Thunderbird 3 stats:
Height: 287 feet
Width: 23 feet (main body); 80 feet (rockets)
Hangar: Under the Round House
Launch: vertical
Weight: 562 tons (excluding payload)
Launch Thrust: 4.5 million pounds
Acceleration: 1-6 Gs
Onboard Equipment: tractor beam; space suits; onboard laboratory

Follow the links below for more:

Thunderbird 1!

Thunderbird 2!

Thunderbird 4!

Thunderbird 5!

FAB 1!

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